
Tuesday 27 March 2012

Iron Sky Premiere

I managed to get a hold of tickets to the Iron Sky movie's red carpet premiere for me and my other half. So, last night we dressed up nicely, watched moon nazis, ate some delicious food and drank tasty beverages, and saw a Laibach show. Also queued in the cold rain and dodged drunken businessmen trying to start a moshpit (at a Laibach concert?!), but it was still an excellent night.

We originally had bought tickets for Tuesday's event in Tampere, but I was super happy to get tickets to the Monday's show, because Laibach was playing there. Also, it's nice to see a good movie with friends, and the whole office was invited. I've been to all the Laibach concerts in Tampere so far and love the band. First we saw the movie, then moved on to the concert venue and there's was a superb buffet. I don't even know what all the food was, aside from being delicious ;)

The movie was really great, I didn't really know what to expect, but in the end I liked it a lot. Here's the official trailer if anyone's interested.

Laibach was also great, they started the show with slower, old songs and worked their way up to Dance With Laibach and other hits. A great experience, aside from a few idiots in the audience. I don't think I've ever before been at a concert where someone throws stuff on the stage (beer can and a glass bottle, so not even pretty undies), and during a slow Laibach song it really seems out of place. And the two drunken gentlemen later on, who decided to try and start a moshpit next to the tiniest lady they could find in the audience. I guess when there are people who haven't paid to get in, they have no respect for the performers. And there was free booze, that might play a part ;) Still, those were minor disturbances, and the gig was excellent!

I didn't remember to take a picture of my makeup, I did an interesting fake crease look, but I think I'll re-do it later and then take pictures. It worked well and was easy to wear :)

Here's me and my boyfriend all dressed up! The dress code was black tie, but I didn't want to take a full length evening gown out into the wet slush, so I opted for a shorter dress (Wikipedia claimed it was okay). There were still people in jeans and t-shirts, since the dress code was printed in tiny font on the tickets, so I don't think everyone noticed.

My outfit:
Hat - Seppälä
Earrings - By me
Necklace - Glitter
Bolero - Vero Moda
Dress - Spin Doctor
Shoes - New Rock 

I did have lighter, pretty black heels to be worn inside, but I have no picture of them. They were a gift from my sister. It was an awesome feeling to put the New Rock's back on after spending the whole night in high heels, felt like heaven to have comfier shoes on ;P

My other half looks so smart in his suit, and he's wearing a steam-punk style tie clip I gave him. And he wore his New Rocks through the night, I thought they gave his outfit a nice twist :)


  1. You should join/post this in Ladies in Black

    1. I didn't even know of the group, a good idea! I asked to be accepted :)

  2. You guys look marvelous! That's a bummer about idiots at shows making a scene and acting a fool, ugh! I've never seen Laibach, so I am envious of your viewing them several times.

    PS-You have the New Rocks on my "I'm saving up for" list..they look great on you and with the dress!!!

    1. Thanks! I think Laibach rarely come to these states, but don't know why. They have great stage presence and every performance is different (I'm still fondly remembering the amazon-like ladies they had playing military style drums in 2006), I hope they come to a venue near you! I think there are always a few idiots in any audience, if you pile a couple of hundred people in one place someone is likely to act like a douche ;P

      I can definitely recommend the New Rocks! They are very comfy. I picked them up from Leipzig last year and spent a good fifteen minutes pondering if I should buy them, before noticing the discount and realizing they only cost 80 euros and the last pair was my size. So lucky!

      They couldn't fit in my suitcase, so I wore them to the plane on the way back, and the guys at security check had lots of fun scanning both shoes separately ;)

    2. You couldn't have said it any better about people in a crowd acting like douches ;) And tickle me envious of getting the New Rocks for a such an amazing price! =D

  3. Uggghhh so many levels of jealous. I can't wait to see that film.

    1. I hope you get to see it soon, it was really good!
