
Monday 30 April 2012

Flea Market Finds

I visited a flea market yesterday and spent a total of 8,50 euros on some great finds.

Skirt, 2,50 euros. It's black and high-waisted and has loops for a belt.
None of mine fit, they were all too wide, but maybe next time I'll find a suitable one!

A blurry pic of all the other stuff I bought: red glitter, WoW trading card game
cards, red flocked picture frame and Roller Coaster Tycoon game. I usually
pick up old games I find if they still have the manual and/or some extras
the game came with. Roller Coaster Tycoon is from 1999. The box had a tear, but
manual was intact and it also had an expansion pack tucked in the box with its
own manual. And it cost only one euro.

The glitter is for a nailpolish project, I'm having trouble finding
different sizes of glitter but this one looked nice. It was 2,50 euros.
The cards are from the World of Warcraft trading card game, I just quickly
checked that the pile had at least a few rare cards and one foil, so 0,50 euros
wouldn't be too steep for it. They turned out to be from a special all-foil edition,
really fancy! And also a few very useful cards for my hunter deck.
I picked up the frame because I thought it would go well with our sofa and armchairs,
and it did! The picture is of me when I was 16 or 17, I loaned a cool goat skull from school and
took pictures with it. The frame was 2 euros.

I also stopped by the marketplace and couldn't resist the red roses one stall was selling.
I had gotten the white lilies earlier and just added the roses in the same vase.
(The only vase the cats can't topple)


  1. Wow this looks really beautfil. I like your style.
    Would be happy if you visit also my blog :) (I am writing some posts also in english)

    1. Thanks for the comment! I follow your blog now, I've been meaning to brush up my German so the timing is perfect!

  2. I smiled when i read about the WoW trading card game ^_^
    I don't play it myself, but i know a few people who do! I dont think i'd have the patience hehe =]

    1. It's a fun game, I like the co-operative play in raids the most. Haven't played in a while, but I still have all my cards.

  3. The goat skull picture is beautiful, and the red frames suit it so well!^^ The trading cards made me slightly miss pokémon cards that I had when I was very young, though I didn't play with them, I just collected them and used them as models for drawings.. :D

    1. Thanks! The WoW cards have nice illustrations as well :)

  4. Mahtavia löytöjä! Tykkään tuosta hameesta, ja eritoten kehyksistä. Minulla on juuri nyt kamala tummanpunaisen kaipuu, ihan himoitsen sitä väriä :D Turhaa varmaan kirjoittaakaan, että tuo sohva on kuolaamisen arvoinen.

    1. Kiitos! Mä en ole oikein pitänyt punaisesta vuosiin, mutta sohvakaluston myötä sitä on tullut asuntoon ja se vaikuttaakin oikein kivalta väriltä pitkästä aikaa.

  5. Those are some great finds! I love the goat skull photo - the frame is perfect for it!

    1. Thanks! I was really happy the photo fit the frame, it's been printed almost ten years ago and many of the other pictures from the same set were cropped to be too small.

  6. Oh wow; the outfit that you were wearing is über cute =^-^=

    1. Thanks! I've grown to love the polkadot shirt, I've worn it for days and now that it's in the laundry, I finally have to come up with another top ;P
