
Monday 9 April 2012

Last Rays of the Sun

I've been celebrating Easter by eating heaps and playing Dragon Age II. I say it's an excellent way to spend almost any holiday ;P Today my other half and me did a quick photoshoot in the living room just before the sun went down (well, so low the opposite building covers it, but still). I wore Concrete Minerals Jezebel smoky eyes and Gosh lipstain in Berry, with some Evil Shades China Doll blush.

By the way, the lace body and hotpants cost 2,5 euro from the fleamarket, both excellent finds! I haven't been kind to the body and it has a small tear on the side, but it's easily fixed. The necklace is from Seppälä and cost 3 euro, if I remember correctly. Earrings are from eBay and the shoes by Iron Fist.

On to the pictures!

This one is my favourite, also featuring Nana's ass.

Möttönen liked the sunny sofa also.

Here you can also see my Iron Fist shoes!

The batteries in the flash were running out, resulting in dramatic pictures.

Bonus picture of Möttönen lounging on the sofa armrest!


  1. Absolutely and the kitty! P.S. if I didn't have a bad knee I would have to get those shoes!

    1. Thank you! I'll be sure to pet Möttönen for you ;P The shoes are really lovely, but they don't fit me properly, so I don't really wear them when I go out. At least they can shine indoors!

  2. Oo, minäkin vietin pääsiäistä pelaten Dragon Agea, tosin Originsia. :P Olen muuten nakannut sinua haasteella blogissani!

    1. Kiitos haasteesta, käyn tsekkaamassa! Mä tykkäsin Originsista melkeinpä enemmän (ainakin tähän mennessä), jatko-osassa kaupunki tuntuu tosi tyhjältä kuin melkein kenellekään ei voi puhua ja ei ole vaivauduttu tekemään "tarpeettomia" tiloja, eli rakennuksiin ei aina pääse sisään. Mä tykkään kovasti tutkimisesta, mutta ehkä sitä vielä tulee kun oon nyt pelannut vasta max puoliväliin asti.

    2. Itse olen pelannut tuon kakkososan läpi ja kyllästytti paljon se, että sisätilat olivat liian samanlaisia kuten luolastotkin. Koko peliin meni max. 30h ilman DLC-packeja kun taas Originsiin noin 80h ilman niitä. :( Tykkään myös tutkimisesta noissa roolipeleissä, mutta tässä kakkososassa sitä oli rajoitettu vähän liikaakin. Pöh, ehkä pelaan sen vielä toiseen kertaan joskus niin saan mahdollisesti enemmän irti.

    3. Originsissa oli ehkä aavistuksen liikaa grindaamista, mutta tykkäsin tosi paljon erilaisista aluista ja lopuista!

  3. you are so gorgeous - and i love your iron fist heels <3

  4. LOVE the hair!! It looks amazing on you :). Oh and your heels are awesome!

  5. Lovely photos. You look very pretty and those Iron Fist shoes are fabulous!
    Your cat is so cute too :-) x

    1. I'll tell Möttönen you liked her ;P Thanks for the lovely comment!

  6. You look lovely! Fabulous couch and I adore your kitty! :)

    1. Thank you! The couch was my dream for quite a while, I'm so happy I found the right one in the end :)

  7. I love your shoes! so cute !

  8. You are so gorgeous. I love that first photo especially.

    1. Thank you! The fist one is my favourite too :) The light was just right, then it kind of started to fade.

  9. How lovely pictures! I like the first couple of them, the lighting is really nice on those. Your cats are fab! I can't imagine myself having that breed, but I've always thought they looked fabulous...:)

    1. Thanks! Orientals can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but I just love how they seem to enjoy being near people and are always curious :)
