
Tuesday 17 April 2012

Updating My Vanity

When we moved in to this apartment about a year ago, I insisted on getting a vanity, because I couldn't fit one in my previous one room apartment. So we got a mirror, a wall shelf and some Ikea drawer units. I wanted a big and ornate mirror and fancy drawers, but since we were on a budget, I chose the cheapest drawer units, a discount wall shelf and a smaller mirror with no frames. And for the chair I used a stool found in the garbage ;P

Everything is still in use (the stool is the kitties favourite place in the hallway and the mirror is getting frames) but I've slowly updated parts of the vanity and now I finally got new drawer units! I'm super happy with them, my main problem was storing my brushes on the table so that they always had some cat hair on them (it just floats around!) and that the cheap drawers looked ugly because everything showed through their wire sides.

But now I have two brand new Helmer units and could even get rid of the ugly little plastic drawer thingie which used to hold all my eyeshadows. Everything fits better, is easy to reach and looks so neat!

The old drawer units and tons of stuff on the table.
Sorry about the laundry and beer cans in the background ;P

The new neat drawer units and less stuff on the table!

I arrange my eyeshadows by colour, here are the whites, blacks, red/orange/yellow,
greens, light pinks, teals, blues and dark pinks.

Browns/taupes and purples, with some brushes and eyeshadow primers.

Blushes, small brushes and large brushes.

How do you store your make-up? Any handy tips?


  1. I definitely need some kind of vanity set up but I am moving soon so I will have to wait until we get settled in our new place before I can start making plans for one! :-(

    1. Think of the bright side, now you have plenty of time to plan your vanity :) The table-with-a-mirror sets almost never have a decent amount of storage space, so it's better to just compile your own version.

  2. Oi ihana järjestely! Toi uusi kokonaisuus on siisti! Haaveilen itsekin tuommoisesta meikkauspöydästä :3

    1. Kiitos! Meikkauspöytä on kyllä mahtava olla, ei enää näpertämistä vessan keltaisessa valossa ;P

  3. Looks great. I need to do something like this too. I've been trying to figure out if I want to organize my shadows by color or by brand. Right now I keep them by brand but I've been considering doing it the other way. Hmm...... I like your little trays that you keep them in, that's a good idea.

    1. I think organizing by colour is the easiest way, that way I don't have to remember what the colours look exactly and it's easy to find for example another turquoise if the one I first thought of is too green/dark/light. I also put all samples in pots to have them with the other colours.

      The little trays are actually Ikea Vammen cardboard boxes, they come in a selection of different sizes and I just used both the lid and the box separately. They seem pretty sturdy and I'm sure other gift boxes would do just as well :)

  4. Looks great i like the drawer units

  5. Mmmm your chair is divine! Your set up looks great and a hell of a lot tidier and much more organised which is exactly what you need when doing your makeup! I love the lighting above the mirror!

    I should do a 'vanity' post soon. I've been meaning to do one for a while but just never got around to it. I need a kick up the bum! x

  6. I love it! Unfortunately right now my desk is doubling as a vanity with a small but growing biz in an over crowded tiny house there's just no room.

    1. Having enough room is always a problem! Haven't ever met anyone complaining they have too much room, except when cleaning the house ;)

  7. Wow, that is a *lot* of eyeshadow - fantastic!! I confess, I just have one make-up case ... and even then, my partner thinks I have too much make-up ;)

    1. The fourth drawer on the left is my boyfriends, we have agreed that if I don't complain about his model planes, he won't complain about my make-up ;) And since I love the tiny planes, the agreement is easy!

  8. Nice upgrade! :) I use a similar setup - shallow drawers with little containers to separate and organize all the items. I think it's perfect because you can easily see everything, but when you're done, you can just close the drawer and it's instant tidiness!

    1. Thanks! I'd add that even when stuff piles up on the table, you can just shove it in a drawer and everything looks tidy ;)

  9. That looks really great, a lot neater and I really like the chair, lol. Don't you think floating cat hairs should be banned? I love our kitties but those hairs just go everywhere...

    1. Yes, ban the floaty hair! I didn't have any problem when I lived with only orientals, their hair is a bit stiffer and they don't have the fluffy undercoat, but the regular cat brothers shed this fine, thin fluff everywhere. Furminator is the best thing, but they still sneak some cat hair everywhere ;P

  10. Ihastuin heti tuohon sinun lila/mustaan tuoliin <3 Se on aivan upea!

    1. Kiitos! Se on itse tuunattu, tekemisestä löytyy postaus blogistakin :) Joku kissa oli jo ehtinyt vähän ottaa vauhtia niin että pehmusteen kankaassa on pieni vekki, mutta eiköhän siitä saa ompelemalla siistin.
