
Saturday 19 May 2012

Got My Hair Done!

I went to the hairdressers to get my locks into order for the upcoming trip to WGT and also because it's been something like a year since my last visit. I went to Salon Scissor Sister, and Elina mixed a wonderful purple for me! And cut my bangs so nice, I was already a bit fed up with the old bangs but these are just awesome!

All of the black didn't come of from the bangs, resulting in a lovely dip-dye effect.

The colour in the pic is too blue (on my screen), it's really a purple with black streaks.

Elina also cut cool patterns into my undercut!

I really love the bangs, now I have plenty of room to draw eyebrows and I think the shape looks good with with my face shape. Elina didn't have the right pink shade extension hair on hand, so I'll be stopping by again next week to get some lighter streaks put in.

I've been in Elina's good care before, but haven't had my hair dyed by her, but I'm definitely going there again! Extra points for the salon having lots of tattoo magazines to browse and my favourite tea ;P


  1. Oho, törkeen hieno vaikken itse ole koskaan ollut oikein piilokaljuihmisiä.

    Huoh, miksi pitää olla töissä virastossa ja näyttää mahdollisimman tavalliselta... Onneksi meillä sentään ollaan sen verran vapaamielisiä, että niskaosan saa värjätä vaikka vihreeks kunhan ei ihan silmille hypi shokkivärit. Jotenkin vaan tää mun pinkki osio niskassa kasvaa ja kasvaa, nousee joka blondauksella vähän ylemmäs. :D

    1. Kiitos! Mä olen kyllä tosi iloinen että mun hommissa saa näyttää miltä vaan, kunhan ei alasti tuu toimistolle niin kaikki on okei ;P Niska-alue onkin varmaan aika näppärä, mulla ainakin värit haalistuu ekana päällimmäisistä hiuksista ja otsatukasta!

  2. Oioi ihan mahdottoman hieno sivukuvio ♥

    1. Kiitos paljon! Olin itekin ihan yllättynyt, kun ehdotin vaan että jos siihen jotain laittais, ja tuli noin upea!

  3. Wow, your hair is amazing, the colour is so vibrant! :) Your bangs are perfect!

    1. Thanks! I really like the bangs, they fit well with my make-up style!

  4. Beautiful! I love going to get my hair done professionally. Love the lines she shaved too. :)

    1. Thanks! It was lovely to get my hair done, with delicious tea and cookies and tattoo magazines, I could have sat at the salon for ages ;P

  5. Woah! Your hair is so great looking! I plan to dye my hair a purple color too this summer =^-^=

    1. Thanks! Go for the purple, it's surprisingly easy to combine with many colours :)

  6. Aivan mielettömän upeat hiukset! ♥ Sävy näyttää omallakin näytöllä tosi siniseltä, mutta on varmasti luonnossa vieläkin upeampi. :)

    1. Kiitos! Auringossa ne näyttävät tosi violeteilta, sävy tuntuu muuttuvan paljon valon mukaan :)

  7. That's great! Do you know what dye the salon uses? And do you do touch ups at home? what dye? I dye parts of my hair purple and plan to go full purple soon, I just have a hard time with the dye staining my skin and bleeding.

    Right now I think Ion color brilliance brights purple, is the one I'm going to use. I've used special effects and RAW but they both stain and bleed like crazy.. For example there's no way I could purple bangs because my dye always rubs onto my skin.. I'm really curious what dye you use! Thanks!

    1. The colour was a mix of Crazy Color -dyes, mostly Hot Purple I think. I usually dye my hair at home, so I'll just put some more colour on it when it starts to fade, I usually use Directions. I always rinse my hair with cold water after washing or dyeing, I think it helps with bleeding by sealing the colour in. Some colour always comes off when I wash it, but things like rain don't make it bleed. Hope this helps!

  8. Eee. Your hair is so pretty. =D

  9. Amazing I love that purple and that undercut OMG!

  10. Oih, todella upeat hiukset <3 Väri on kerrassan ihana! Sopii sulle todella hyvin :)

    1. Kiitos paljon! Tää väri on tähän mennessä tummin mikä mulla on ollut, mutta oon ite tosi tyytyväinen :)

  11. Beautiful color!! And I like the pattern she draw :)

  12. Wow, you rock those colors so hard!
