
Friday 15 June 2012

200 Follower Giveaway!

First I want to thank all my readers for reading my blog! I hope you have enjoyed it and will continue to enjoy it :) To celebrate 200 followers (well, it's 231 as I'm writing this) I've got you guys some goodies from Germany and made a necklace and earring set with gothic cameos.

To participate: Follow my blog and comment on this post telling me what you like the most in my blog and what you would like to see more.

You can participate until the 1st of July! Please feel free to spread word of the giveaway :)

The prizes!
The winner will get:

-A set of Claire's mini glitter nail polishes (gold, silver, hot pink, blue, red and purple)
-Red Cherry Spiderweb lashes
-Two pairs of Claire's earrings (gunmetal filigree hearts and gunmetal ornamental jewellery with black stones)
-Skeleton hand earrings and a ribcage necklace made by me (bone on black with silver settings)

The jewellery is NOT nickel free (might be, but I cannot guarantee it).

Better view of the items


  1. Hui miten paljon kaikkia ihania juttuja, pakko siis osallistua! :P

    Ja vaikea sanoa mistä tykkäisin eniten, kun tykkään oikeastaan aina sun päivityksistä! Meikkivinkkejä olen saanut ainakin sun kautta jo monta. :) Myös asupostaukset on tosi kivoja, niitä saisi olla ehkä jopa enemmänkin! Ja en tiedä oletko tehnyt mitään suurempaa postausta asunnostasi, mutta sellainen ainakin kiinnostaisi minua, mikäli olet valmis jakamaan sitä muiden kanssa. :)

  2. The thing's I like about your blog are your outfit posts and travel posts. But most of all, I love your cats! :3

  3. I've enjoyed your handicrafts posts the most, the results have been so creative and fancy. And it doesn't matter much whether you're posting your drawings or revamped pieces of furniture, they're all interesting. Your photoshoots have also been nice! Always looking forward to more of those themes.

  4. Uu, osallistun! Tykkäsin hirmusti sun WGT-postauksista ja muutenkin tästä kuvarikkaasta blogista. Lisäksi kissat ovat lähellä sydäntä :3 Tietenkin värikkäät hiukset ja ihana vaatetus saa myös kiinnostumaan. Enemmän - mitähän? En keksi kehitettävää, kun postauksia tulee usein ja ne ovat monipuolisia :)

  5. Onpas kaikenlaista kivaa tarjolla, kuola melkein jo valuu :)
    Tykkään erityisesti kuvistasi, ja tietenkin meikkipostauksista. Olen todella kateellinen meikkaustaidoistasi :)

  6. Nice Giveaway :) I love your make-up and style, which is so different to "ordinary" beautybloggers. Inspires me a lot so please keep on doing it.

  7. wow such pretty prizes, I've been looking for those eyelashes ever since you posted on here with them on :) I'd like to see more crafty posts when you do them or inspiration posts I'd love to see where you get your ideas from oh oh and obviously some more outfit shots :D

  8. Oooooo I absolutely adore every single prize you picked out! I, being a makeup junkie, always enjoy your makeup posts, especially the darker and more dramatic ones! Also your outfit posts make me envious of your wardrobe and your figure! ♥

  9. Näyttääpä kivalta! Tykkään väreistäsi ja tyylistäsi. Vastaan kuten viimeksi, että minua kiinnostaa aina sisustus, kissat ja kukat :D

  10. Miäkin osallistun :) itse pidän eniten meikki ja diy postauksista, vinkkejä olen poiminut täältä vaikka millä mitalla! :) nuita diy ja tuunausjuttuja ja juttua niiden tekemisestä voisi olla enemmän :D mutta siun blogisi on jo huippu!

  11. Musta on ihana seurata sun tyyliä ja kuvia susta ja meikeistä, mitä oot laittanut, samoin vaatteet. Tuntuu, että melkein kaikki tän päivän kauneusbloggaajat on samaa luokkaa - tavallisia meikkejä tavallisine ihmisineen.

  12. I love reading your blog...your make up posts are always great and I love your outfit posts too but I also enjoy the little glimpses into your life. It's always interesting to read about the clubs and festivals you're going to, the creative things you make and also see pictures of you and your boyfriend (who you make a lovely couple with)and of course, I love your fabulous cats :-)

  13. Osallistun :)
    Mut sai sun blogista kiinnostumaan sun meikkikuvat, sun ihanat hiukset jajah. Mukavaa että joku goottikin on innostunut meikkaamisesta. :3 Go girl!

  14. Well, I already follow your blog and have been for a while. What I like about you -- besides the fact that you are drop dead gorgeous -- is that you are creative with your photography. I really love the natural lighting that you get from your windows. And the kitty! Your outfits are truly beautiful and that makeup! Perfect.

  15. Fist of all, its great that give away so beautiful stuff. Second i like it when you post make up advises but most of all, your decoration advises like things you do by yourself (like the perfect chair you made some posts back) and i adore seeing your clothes your wardrobe in general and your asseccories and bags and shoes!

  16. Ooolalaa, osallistun!

    Tykkään blogissasi eniten varsinkin selkeistä kuvista joissa tulee hyvin esiin kädentaitosi meikkaamisessa. Minäkin olen saanut joitain meikkivinkkejä täältä ja hyviä sellaisia. Pidin myös paljon noista WGT-postauksista. :)

  17. Fantastic giveaway items! I especially love the skeletal hand earrings and ribcage necklace - anything skeletal gets my heart racing! The thing I like most about your blog is your makeup posts, I love your style of makeup, it's dark and sexy, just the way I like it! The thing I would like to see more of on your blog is your at home DIY projects - you have such good taste in decor! xxx

  18. I'm a big fan of your outfit posts :)

  19. Hi! I love everything about your blog xD the outfits, the cats, your "how to" posts and your truly awesome hair! <3 Keep the good work up! I dont feel I'm missing anything here, but I absolutely would like to see more pictures of your home :D

  20. Pidän erityisesti siitä millä tavalla kannat koko tyylisi, olet niin huoliteltu ja naisellinen omalla tavallasi ja käy ihan kateeksi. Meikkivinkkejäsikin on tullut kokeiltua ja toimineet ovat aina :)

  21. Osallistun ehdottomasti :) Itse pidän kovasti sinun asu postauksista ja tietenkin meikkipostauksista, koska niistä saa ihania vinkkejä itsellekkin :)Hmmm... vaikea sanoa, mitä kaipaisin blogistasi enemmän kun se on nyt jo ääreistä hyvä :D Mutta päivä kuvina postaus voisi olla hauska :)

  22. Hey! What I like most is the posts with the outfits cause they are always creative and they give me ideas everytime when I search what to wear. I'd like to see more posts with accessories, and "dark" make up tips and advices. Oh right and please something about the purple hair colour, I'm trying it for years and I haven't found something like yours. ;)

  23. Hi! i'm a shy reader but i will love to participate in this giveaway! The thin that i love more on your blog, is your flawless makeup skills, i really love to see the looks that you create, the pictures always were very beatiful and inspiring <3 so i will love to see some tutorials of your eye make up! Take care! :)

  24. Oh Gorgeous :) I love your blog so much... My favourites are your outfit and make up posts - and your cats are so cute! :) You are a great inspiration! Keep on blogging - and congrats to 200+ followers <3

  25. Oi, ihania lahjoja! Pakko osallistua, vaikken ole uskaltanut kommentoida blogikirjoituksiasi aiemmin. :> Olen nauttinut blogisi seuraamisesta todella paljon ja saanut monia kivoja meikkivinkkejä. Olisi kiva nähdä vielä enemmän asukuvia, koska tyylisi on niin kaunis.

  26. Olen lukenu blogiisi ehkä pari kuukautta vasta, mutta sitä on ollu mielenkiintosta seurata :) Tykkään eniten noista asukuvista, kun siulla on niin kaunis tyyli ja ihania vaatteita. En tiiä ootko jo aiemmin kirjottanu siitä mitään postausta, mutta olis mielenkiintosta nähä vähän kuvia teiän kodista ja sisustuksesta, luulen nimittäin että sekin on aika upee!

  27. oij miten ihana palkinto luvassa voittajalle !:3 eniten tyksin tässä blogissa asu- ja meikkipostauksista ja ihanista kisuista :33 oon niin eläinrakas ihminen että ne kyllä sulattaa sydämmen aina :3 pidän myös sisustustutoriaaleista (esim. tuolien muokkaaminen kankaan vaihdolla yms.) ja minusta on ihanaa että käytät blogissasi niin paljon kuvia, piristää ulkoasua niin mainiosti =)

    Haluaisin jatkossa nähdä lisäää kisuja ja postauksia sisustamiseen liityen kun itse olen ihan hurahtanut kaikkiin sisustushommeleihin ! =)

    ja pakko kyl mainita että möttönen on söpöin kissan nimi ikinä :DD pistää aina hymyilyttämään kun sen mainitset postauksessasi, mistä olet moisen nimen kissalle keksinyt?

  28. I love your whole style and the uniqueness of your blog, it's refreshing to see a beauty blog unlike the hoards of others out there.(and your cats are adorable)
    I'd like to see more smiles or silly photos =P

  29. Replies
    1. Yes! The giveaway is open internationally :)

    2. aw thankyou so much :D
      i love your post about outfit of the day, you looks gorgeous!! love your style and i want to see more about it, or about makeup tutorial :)

  30. the prizes look very interesting :) I just find you blog so I can't judge yet but on the first look I must tell that I like simple desing where I can easy read the text...I hate black bakground with white text on, it hurts my eyes when I'm reading it :D I like make-up reviews and tutorials.

  31. I love all of your makeup looks! and seeing the different hair styles you've had over time.

  32. I have been reading your blog for quite awhile but have only just become a follower - your giveaway just looks too good to miss out on :D What I love about your blog is your style and your make-up looks. I would love to see more make-up tutorials (as someone who struggles with make-up, I find tips and tutorials very helpful).

  33. Meikki- ja asukuvat on mahtavia, mutta taidan olla täysin nuiden kissojesi lumoissa! :D Varsinkin tuo Möttönen vaikuttaa ihan huipputapaukselta, näin kauheassa kissavajeessa on aina kiva nähdä karvapalluroita vilahtelevan kuvissa. :)
    Hiusvinkkejä voisin kenties toivoa, ihan yleisesti ottaenkin kiinnostaa sun hiuslaatu ja just tämmöiset 'miten usein peset' yms. jutut, itsellä kun on melkeinpä ikuinen hiuskriisi helposti rasvoittuvien ja ohuenluirujen karvojeni kanssa. :(

  34. It's your cats I like the most. :D so I'd like more cat post and makeup, you have such beautiful eyes.

    Congrats to your followers :))


  35. Mie tykkään ihan hirmuisesti siun meikki- ja asupostauksista, siulla on ihana tyyli meikata!:) Kissat toki kiinnostaa miutakin, suloisia tapauksia^^

  36. Hello!

    I love following your blog daily, because I love reading the thoughts and aventure of a beautiful with whom I actually have a lot in common.

    I love seeing that you are fearless to wear clothes and make-up you like. Sometimes, because I'm living in a city that hates "uncommon styles" and people who are different, I like to quickly check your blog and tell to myself that fuck, if I want to wear these amazing high-heel shoes, I simply will today!

    Moreover I like the grown-up goth activities you have. The related topics under each article is really nice and makes it easy to jump from one article to another..

    And thanks to one of your pic I purchased my first Fyrrinae products.. Well maybe that's not a good point ;)

    Last thing : I love your "bones" stuff! As an anthropologist, I love them too :p

    Take care!

  37. Congratulations on the milestone! I love your makeup posts, and would love to see more, as well as outfit posts.

  38. I've been a regular reader of your blog but not a follower until now:). Beautiful giveaway! I love your makeup posts, they are always colourful and feels new.

  39. You're such a lovely lady and an inspiration fashion-wise! Sometimes I have no idea what my wardrobe is doing so I look to women like you for a little bit of a creative kickstart :3

    I feel our blogs have quite a bit in common and yours makes me feel a little less silly about outfit and makeup spams XD

  40. Im following you via Bloglovin:)
    What I like the most about your blog are: outfit and makeup posts that I find very inspiring, travel posts. I could stare for hours at your hair:) And also I really like it that from time to time you show yourself without any makeup and still look pretty- many girls should learn that attitude from you.
    I would like to see more photoshoots and step by step makeup posts.
    Magda :)

  41. Siun kuvarikkaat postaukset sulokkaista päivän asuista ja taidokkaista meikeistä, sekä eri tapahtumista ovat olleet kieltämättä melko silmänruokaa ja antaneet oman elämyksensä, me likes :)

    Lisää DIY-postauksia, mikäli tykkäät enemmän väkerrellä kaikkea!

  42. Hello there,
    Congratulations for so many followers.You definitely deserve it and you deserve even more followers and I am sure will gain more in no time.
    When I first noticed your blog I followed instantly after scrolling down the first page. I ended up checking through all your posts.
    I really love the make up pictures.The outfits are fantastic.The decor tips.
    I really don't know what I'd like to see more.I cannot choose something specific.
    I just one to keep seeing new posts by you on anything.Keep it up.


  43. *"want to keep" not "one to keep"...stupid typos haha

  44. I really enjoy reading about your travels and adventures! I would definitely like to read more about your hair. ♥

  45. Ohhoh, mitkä palkinnot! No ensinnäkin, liityin lukijaksesi vasta äsken, koska tämä on ensimmäinen kerta, kun eksyn blogiisi. Vaikuttaa oikein lupaavalta. En osaa sanoa, mikä on parasta ja mitä kaipaan eniten, kun en ole vielä ehtinyt lukea blogiasi vielä.

    Mutta hyvältä vaikuttaa :)

  46. Osallistunnn!

    No, pidän blogissa monipuolisista meikkityyleistä, inspiroivat todella paljon. Myös hiukset. Haluaisin ehkä nähdä erilaisia hiustyylejä tai siis eri tapoja kuinka laitat hiuksesi. Tai sitten olisi hauska nähdä tutorialeja kynsistä tai kuinka teet meikkisi :)

  47. Congratulations! I'm a new follower, and I love your blog! I particularly like your OOTD and makeup posts, but I have been enjoying every single one of them :)

  48. Well you know what I like are the posts about reconstructing thrifted and antique store items. It's like reading Good Housekeeping, with less pinks and pastel greens, and a lot more black and purple.

  49. I always love to see more haul posts!

  50. I really like your makeup posts- looks and that- Even when you're not writing about what you have on yer face I still can't wait to see what your makeup looks like!

  51. Firstly - I'm following you via Bloglovin.
    Secondly - Just like you I'm a big lover of make up. This particular love affair have been going on for as long as I can remember, that's why I love reading your blog. You always put such amazing work in your eye make. I love the blending, the matching of glitter and dark it's refreshing and the fact that as a Goth girl you're not afraid of using some bright colours. Also your personal style is charming - I would call it goth-chic :D. The fact that you can make a simple outfit look very, well You is a talent that not many people possess. Reading about your life and all the other enchanting things you put in here always makes me smile and brightens my day. It may sound weird coming from someone you have never met but I consider you a kinder spirit. A person with whom I have much in common. Gods that sounded corny... anyway as to what more I would like to see? More outfits and maybe some hairstyling since you have such lovely hair :) I think any hairstyle would look interesting on you.
    That's all from me, I hope you will have a very nice day and keep up the good work ;)
    Lots of <3 from Poland.

  52. Predictably, I love your makeup posts. :) that said, I have been known to read the other stuff in between. ;)

    Excellent giveaway!

  53. Mun piti osallistua jo aikaa sitten, mutta en muistanut! Joten osallistun nyt!

    Koska itsekin tykkään kivoista ja värikkäistä meikeistä niin niistä on ollut ilo lukea. Kaikenlaisia uusia merkkejä on tullut vastaan, mistä en ollut ennen kuullutkaan!

    Kissajutut on tietysti kivoja. :)) Niitä saisi siis lisääkin olla!
