
Thursday 21 June 2012

New Shoes, and Make it Double!

I got my new shoes today and wanted to to show them to you! I also took pictures of another pair that my boyfriend gave me for my name day last month.

These are the name day shoes, such lovely heels! They are very high but
still kinda comfy. I'm wearing Essie Mint Candy Apple on my toe nails :)

And my gorgeous New Rock boots. I got these from the Finnish goth flea market
group on Facebook. I polished them and they look just like new, although the
seller told me they have been worn quite a lot. I have the same shoes with a different
sole and they've been my go to shoes, so I'm sure these ones will see much
use as well!

I got my last wisdom tooth taken out yesterday so I've just been at home eating mashed foods and ice lollies. I'm healing fast, which is nice, since the midsummer celebrations start tomorrow! I'm hoping to get to see a bonfire and cook something nice on the barbecue, and then just sleep lots and see some friends.


  1. They are lovely! I love the heels! :) xx

    1. Thanks! I'm just waiting for a club or gig to wear them at, I'm sure they will perform well ;P

  2. Ah those springs in the soles are so cool! Happy Litha to you!

    1. Thank you, happy Litha to you too! The springs are such a nice touch, they would be boring without them!

  3. Awesome heels - they do look quite deadly, I'm afraid I'd break my ankle in anything higher than 3 inches haha!

    'name day' reminds me of Game of Thrones, I think I might start using that term instead of birthday! xxx

    1. Thanks! I've worn mostly heels for years and only once or twice taken a tumble, and I'm not sure if that has been due the shoes or some other factors, like snow, ice or the amount of beer drunk ;P

      In Finland we have this tradition of associating names with days of the year, it's apparently mainly an East-European and Latin American thing. Just another excellent excuse to give presents and eat cake! Especially for me, since I've been born in mid December and everyone goes away to celebrate Christmas, so no one is around for my b-day.

  4. Those shoes are beautiful *want want want* :D

  5. Looove your shoes! Nice nail polish too :)

    1. Thanks! I really like the polish, my hair stains it so fast it's hard wear on my fingernails, but works fine on toes!

  6. I'm also getting a wisdom tooth removed in a couple of weeks. It's half under my gums and close to some nerve thing so it's pretty scary and a hope it won't hurt like hell. :s I see a summer full of ice cream and pain meds in my future..

    1. Don't worry, it's not always so bad :) This one was my fourth and final wisdom tooth, and while it's naturally quite unpleasant to have them removed (only one of mine was visible, the others were all under the gums) it's not so horrible as most horror stories have you believe. It differs for every individual, but just have a freezer full of ice cream and it'll go fine :)

  7. awww both are so wonderful,want new rock boots too *___*

    1. Thanks! Keep an eye out for pre-owned ones, they can be pretty cheap and because New Rocks are so sturdy, they are usually in great condition :)

  8. So jealous of your new rocks!! I have huge feet so I can never find anything secondhand (er, secondfoot?).

  9. OOOOOOH, I love your name day shoes, they are super high!
