
Wednesday 22 August 2012

300 Readers Giveaway!

I'm so happy to have you all follow my blog! So I got some nice prizes for the giveaway from my trip to Cologne. I would have wanted to make another trip to a DM to have time to go through the selection, but I think I did pretty well even with a short visit.

To participate, you have to follow my blog and comment on this post telling me one question you would like to ask me! I'll collect all the questions in one post and answer them :) The giveaway is open internationally. It will be closed on 31st of August.

The giveaway is now closed, a huge thanks to everyone for participating!

Look at all the cool stuff and the pretty paper I got to serve as the background!
All this goes to the winner!

On to the prizes!

Color Club Fame & Fortune, P2 Pearl Crackling Top Coat Violet Fusion
and Essence Nail Art Topper Night in Vegas.
 First, the three nailpolishes. Color Club Fame & Fortune is a red jelly base with holographic flecks. P2 Pearl Crackling Top Coat in Violet Fusion is an awesome purple with gold shimmer and sheen, and has a crackle effect. Then there's  Essence Nail Art Special Effect! Topper in Night in Vegas. It's a colour shift flakie top coat, much like Essie Shine of the Times or Zoya Chloe. Looks gorgeous!

To finish your gorgeous nails, there are French manicure tip guides by Essence.

I also got beautiful earrings from Six. I got the same pair for my self, they are really comfy and look so pretty! They are NOT nickel free. (Might be, but I can't guarantee it, sorry!)

Last but not the least, there's a necklace made by me. It's made of hand-painted shrink plastic and has a silver coloured chain that's NOT nickel free. The chain is recycled, it's from a necklace I bought from a sale so I could re-use the nice beads it had attached. It's never been used, I only removed the beads and attached the new pendant. The design is unique, I painted it free-hand, it's a purple haired lady with tiny deer horns :)

Good luck to every one who participates and please share the link! If I get 20 new followers during the giveaway, I'll throw in two extra prizes so we can have three winners!

Edit: The starting amount of readers is 317, so if we reach 337, there will be more fabulous prizes for everyone! :)


  1. Hello from Germany :)

    These prices look really nice, especially your selfmade necklace <3

    So, my question is:
    How did you become a game designer?

    nice regards

  2. Once again I love your hand-made jewellery :o)

    Question of the day is : How is made the plastic patern of the necklace? It really intrigates me!

    Good luck to answer all the futur questions you're gonna get :P

  3. Hi there!

    Glad to see you got so many readers, and very nice from you to celebrate it with a Giveaway.

    Ok, so there goes my question:

    What is your personal big makeup no-no? I mean, what colour, product, make up technique do you hate or reject to use?

  4. I love the necklace!

    Question: What type of games do you create?

  5. A question: I live someplace very warm, how do you keep looking awesome in the middle of winter?

  6. Eeee, I love the necklace! Congrats on all your followers! I'd ask you... Do you have a Model Mayhem or somewhere else I can creep on your lovely modelling photos?

  7. Oi, aivan ihana palkinto! Osallistun mielelläni arvontaan :)

    Kysymys sinulle: Mikä on suosikki meikkimerkkisi ja miksi :)?

  8. Tuo kaulakoru on ihana!<3 Pakko siis osallistua. ;)

    Minkälaiset kengät teettäisit, jos materiaaleilla, mallilla eikä hinnalla olisi minkäänlaisia rajoja? Eli toisin sanoen, mitkä olisivat siun mielestä maailman upeimmat, ihanimmat, ja siumaisimmat kengät? :)

  9. I love the jewelry, and it's even better that you made the necklace! My question is what are your current favorite makeup products?

  10. Hello from France !

    Congrats on your followers ! 300 is a very nice number !

    What finnish make-up brand/must have would you recommand to a foreigner ?

  11. Miusta ois hirveen kiva tietää millä tavalla siulle tuli kissat, kävitkö kasvattajalta jne. :)

  12. I would soooo like win that I must say, and questionpost is fun too :D

    So now I'm curios about, what celebrity crush/chrushes did you have when you were younger? :D

  13. Ooh, I'm keeping my fingers crossed to win! I love the necklace especially. ;-)

    My question is: what would you most like to achieve in your life and how would you want to be remembered?

  14. Kysymys: voisitko esitellä meikkikokoelmasi? :) Tai vaikka 10 tärkeintä tuotettasi (jos edellisestä on liikaa vaivaa)?

  15. 300 followers is just the beginning, I believe :3

    Now, I would like to know how do you care about your lovely hair?

  16. Vähän yleismaailmallinen kysymys, mutta mistä saat inspiraatiosi? Esim. vaikka juuri näihin omiin taiteiluprojekteihisi, kuten tuohon kauniiseen riipukseenkin? :) Tuleeko se tutkailemalla ihastuttavia asioita netin syövereistä, lukemalla kirjoja, pulpahtavatko ideat pinnalle unissa tms.? :)

  17. Congratulation for your 300 (and more!) followers! :D
    The necklace is so beautiful :D
    Here is my question: You wear beautiful makeup, what is (are) your inspiration(s)?

  18. I love heaps of old 80s bands, so my question is:
    If you could choose any band in the world to see (current or old), who would it be? All of my favourite bands are now broken up and old :(

  19. Osallistun myöskin :)
    Kysymystä mietin tässä jonkin aikaa, mutta aidosti kiinostaisi tietää onko siulla jokin suosikki videopeli ja jos niin mikä/mitkä? Ja ehkä muutenkin olisi kiva kuulla että vietätkö paljon aikaa pelien parissa näin työsi lisäksi?

  20. Eee! I love essence!

    I don't know what to ask :o so I'll just say...

    Where do you buy your clothes from? :D

  21. Hello!

    Not your usual question...but what was your original inspiration for starting a blog?

  22. hello beautiful! :)
    ok my question is, if you could meet anyone alive or dead that has ever existed, who would it be and why? (examples: Edgar Allan Poe, Kurt Cobain, Marilyn Manson, etc...)

  23. Hello <3
    I never get tired of reading your blog!
    Hmmm...I'd like to ask how much goth subculture influences your life, of course meaning in a good way?

  24. Hey there beautiful! My question is this:

    How do you maintain long,vibrant, color treated hair? & Do you generally go in for a fringe trim or do you trim it yourself at home? ( I keep very short fringe myself and Im looking for any tips you may have on cutting them, as its a very tedious/ messy endeavor. )

    Congrats on all your followers and good luck to everyone! :D

  25. Sun tyyli on ihana. Haluaisin kysyä, että mikä on yllättävin musiikki/bändi/artisti, josta pidät ja jota kuuntelet? Siis sellainen, jota ei ehkä arvaisi sun kuuntelevan ulkonäön/tyylin perusteella.

  26. Osallistun!

    Kysymykseni on, että mitä kirjallisuutta luet ja kuka on lempparisi kirjailijoista?

  27. What is one beauty product, though maybe not your "favorite", is so vital you could not complete your look without it? Specifically!

  28. What is one piece of advice that someone has given you, that you wish to pass on to others?

  29. aaahh! Still in time to enter this giveaway yay!! :D

    My question is: If you had the chance, in which of the following places would you like to live and why: a castle, an 18th/19th century villa or a house by the lake?



  30. gfc follower va

    I want to ask if you like tea which type is your fave ? And if not what is your favorite beverage to drink which is non alcoholic .

    I wanted to ask since it also gives me ideas .
    tumblemumbo at gmail dot com

  31. Oooh! Look at all the pretties!! My question for you is: What was you dream job when you were a child? Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  32. Congratulations on all the followers!

    My question is: what brand of goth clothing (and I mean the ones sold in goth shops like QoD, Phaze, Hell Bunny etc) is your favourite?


  33. Sooo pretty, I hope I can still participate, if not that's ok too but I didn't know about this giveaway because I haven't really been keeping up on blog reading. Oops!
    I already was a follower (like, duh) and my question for you:
    What's your biggest pet peave? Makeup or otherwise...
    lisanneblogt [at] gmail. [dot] com

  34. Congrats on reaching and surpassing 300 readers!
    My question would be, what is your favorite scents to wear?

  35. What is your favorite type of makeup?

    mcmaestas at gmail dot com
