
Sunday 19 August 2012

Home Again!

I returned home on Friday, but spent the whole Saturday with friends. A friend is leaving for a student exchange soon, so he needed to paint the walls of his apartment for the tenant who will be there when he's gone. So lots of painting and cleaning had to be done! In exchange he gave us pizza, absinthe and beer, a great trade ;P I really liked painting walls, it's been years since I last got to do it.

I didn't have that much free time in Cologne, but here are a few of the pictures I took. I worked ten hour days with presenting our new game project and it went really well! I'm super excited, since it's designed by me, I so hope the game will do well! In case someone is interested, here's the publisher's announcement of the game, Cities in Motion 2: The Modern Days.

We had a bug on Monday ;P

Me and the Cologne cathedral.

The Hohenzollernbrücke had tons of love locks, it looked so pretty! It's the big
bridge you can see in the picture above, just right of the cathedral.

The Hohenzollernbrücke, you can see how the whole fence is covered with locks!
Me and the cathedral again. I really liked it ;P It's huge! I went inside last year,
it was really pretty. And climbed the bell tower also!

They had really pretty lights up at night time.

The view from the hotel we stayed in. We showed the game in a lovely suite
by the river, but spent nights in another hotel further away. I just love the German
allotment garden's so nice and cosy! We have those in Finland too.

It's so nice to be home again, but it was fun to travel even with such a tight schedule. This was my sixth time in Germany! I'm hoping to go to Berlin again soon, since it's such a lovely city. I'm also planning to visit a friend in Oslo, Norway, when I have the time and money (Norway is super expensive!). I got some fabulous makeup stuff for a giveaway, so stay tuned! I'll post it in a few days :)


  1. I had no idea that you design games.. how awesome is that! I do love simulation games but I've never heard of Cities in Motion - I had a look at it and it seems like something my older brother would love!

    That cathedral is stunning, I love the gothic spires and how magnificent it looks when lit up at night! Any job that involves travelling to beautiful places must be a good one! xxx

    1. I've been doing design for two years, I really enjoy it and I'm so excited about this project!

      The cathedral was really wonderful, and it's so huge it's really hard to convey in picture! I think it took a few hundred years just to finish it ;)

  2. I'm also impressed. That is really interesting. I will check this game up :)

    1. Thank you! I like old tycoon games, and Cities in Motion is kinda similar to them. This new one will be even more so :)

  3. Ooooh, it looks so lovely there! The bridge is so sweet!

    1. It was lovely! The only bad thing about the bridge was that if it started raining when you were in the middle of it, you would get totally wet ;P

  4. Cologne is such a nice city <3. Lovely pictures.

    We went there last summer for the Amphi Festival. I have also climbed the bell tower and lived to tell the story xD. It was so exhausting (and I'm not a smoker).

    Hope you get to go there again soon :)

    And uber cool that you are a game designer! Good luck with the project.

    1. Thank you for the lovely comment! The bell tower sure was quite the climb!
