
Thursday 9 August 2012

Outfit of the Day

Here's today's outfit! I recently fixed the skirt, the hem had come off, I think it was glued before, but I sewed it securely with a sewing machine. I think the colour goes well with the purple I currently have on hair. The hair is just a bit too plum coloured at the moment, but I'll see how the dye lasts and fix it with some dark blue if I like the staying power.

I've been apartment hunting like crazy and found two that I liked, but my other half wasn't as enchanted so we'll keep looking. There's one nice looking that we haven't seen yet, maybe that's the one! I'm itching to get to paint walls and choose wallpapers and colours. I guess it's the coming autumn that gets me in a nest-building mood ;P

Top - Gina Tricot
Belt - Only
Skirt - H&M
Shoes - New Rock
Bag - ReStyle
Bracelet - Second hand, cost 0,50 euros at the flea market!

This one was just hilarious, Möttönen really knows how to pose ;D


  1. Hahha, ihana kissa :D Näytät aina niin upealta, harmittaa kun itse näytän arkisin niin tylsältä yksivärisen hiusten takia :(

    1. Kiitos, ja kiitokset Möttöseltäkin ;D Harmi että et koe olevasi parhaimmillasi hiusvärissäsi, ehkä jotkut nätit pannat ja hiuskorut auttaisivat?

  2. I love the hair colour, but yeah, maybe you could add some blue undertones for an extra touch. Anyway, it perfectly fits your wonderful skirt. I do like the outfit, it looks so comfy but sofisticate.

    1. Thanks! I probably should get the blue hair dye just to touch it up a bit, mainly because I don't want to re-dye all my clip-in extensions that are a bluer shade of purple now ;)

  3. A vision in a purple haze!
    It's simple, and stylish and I love how everything flows with your beautiful purple locks.
    Love it =D

    The last photo is a definite keeper ;)

  4. You have a perfect body so whatever you wear looks so great!!!! But your cat omg haha i laugh so hard when i saw the picture ^^

    1. Thanks, what a lovely thing to say! Möttönen is pleased to have provided entertainment ;D

  5. Hihii sun kisu<3 Ja ihana asu<3 Rakastan sun hiuksias <3

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks! I've had the purse for months, just haven't gotten round to using it yet :)

  7. Replies
    1. Haha, that's my Möttönen! She's always doing something wacky ;D

  8. great colour matches :) I like your blog :)

  9. Hahahaha what a lovely little kitty, joining mummy in posing for the camera.

    I love the purple skirt, purple and black is the best colour combination when it comes to dressing up! I really like this darker purple coloured hair on you, I say keep it for a while longer!

    Whenever I go on to the ReStyle website to specifically purchase the ribcage handbag it is out of stock! It has happened twice now! I will grab it some day! ~♥~

    1. Thank you so much! The handbag seems a bit flimsy, but I'm sure it will last a long time if you won't use it every day. It's the kind of quality you would expect for the price, but very pretty, I hope you'll find it!

  10. Awe, what a sweet cat. Love your outfit. Good luck with the apartment hunt. I feels good to paint the walls any color you want.

    1. Thanks! I'm so yearning for an apartment of our own, we are just quite picky and would like to get one near our current apartment, since the area is so nice. My mom said there would be more apartments on sale in the autumn, I'm waiting eagerly! And browsing wallpapers to keep myself occupied ;)

  11. Oih, toi alimmainen kuva on kyl niin ihana :D Kissasi on mahtava! Ja sinun asukokonaisuutesi on jälleen upea :)

    1. Kiitos paljon! Möttönen tuntui olevan perse pystyssä puolessa kuvista, mutta tää oli vaan paras ;P Se oli myös huolella ensin pessyt hännänpäänsä että on varmasti kuvauksellinen.

  12. Apua, ihana tuo alimmainen kuva! :D <3 Aamun piristys, miten suloinen kisu ^^

  13. Ihanat hiukset siulla, käy tosiaan väri mainiosti yhteen hameen kanssa. Ja kitteh <3 <3

    1. Möttönen tarvis selvästi oman blogin kun se riehuu niin holtittoman hauskasti päivät ;D Kiitos kommentista!

  14. Oon kade, sulla on tosta Restylen laukusta toi tyylikkäämpi versio (mulla on se uudempi sulkusysteemi joka on vähän turhan ernu). Hajoan Möttöselle! :D

    1. En mä ollut edes huomannut että laukusta on kahta versiota, mutta totta!

  15. Hi :) Just found your blog today and I just had to leave a comment saying that this is an amazing outfit! I'm always looking for styling insipiration and I like your style a lot! And the cat :D.

  16. I love how you dress. You always look so classy.

  17. definitely h&m don't have the same collections depending on coutries, here in France, at this date, there is only ugly fashionable things.. and in small sizes !!
    ten years ago, I found my best dresses in those shops.. :/

    I love the cat poses ! and adore the color of the skirt ! (and the bag ! and the shoes !! arg arg)

    1. Thank you so much! I visit H&M often, since they change the collections so fast, but my favourite time of year is fall! They have darker colours and the ghastly summer tricot strips are gone. A few weeks back I got a new handbag made from black PVC with a cute pink lining!

  18. :DDD Gotta love dem cats. Aina pyllyä vilauttelemassa varsinkin kameralle <3

  19. Cute outfit! I love how your cat likes to be in the picture!

    1. Thanks! Möttönen sure likes to pose for the camera :)
