
Monday 17 September 2012

Punk Rock Queen

I almost forgot about these pics! They were taken at the KuroiNeko photoshoot. I asked the photographer, Sari, if I could bring a Lip Service dress with me to take a few pics with. She was so nice to agree! I had bought the dress earlier at a roleplaying convention, where they had a flea market table where people could bring used stuff to be sold. Someone had decided to sell this lovely old dress for only 35 euros, so it found a new home with me ;P

I had to do tons of googling to find out the name of the dress, but it seems to be a Punk Rock Queen ball gown from a 2003 collection. I had to take it in a bit at the side seams, but now it fits nicely. It has a long train that can be taken up with little clips that attach to D-rings. If you lift the train, it makes a cool little bustle at the back! You can also lift the front of the dress to make it shorter at the front and longer at the back. I have yet to figure out where I could actually wear this, since it's so formal, but maybe a suitable occasion will come up!


  1. Replies
    1. Kiitos! Oli kyllä hieno löytö, olen tyytyväinen!

  2. Tosi kauniita kuvia! :) Ihana helma tuossa hameessa.^^

    1. Kiitos! Se on kyllä kiva, kun on niin monta vaihtoehtoa miten kiinnittää remmit mihinkin, aina löytyy uutta ;P

  3. Gorgeous Gorgeous Gorgeous!

  4. I love it! Now I want a dress like that. :)

    1. Thanks! Lip Service has had the same hem in many later dresses too, I think it always looks cool :)

  5. Siun tukka on kyllä aina niin upea noin laitettuna! Ihan tupeeraamallako sen saat noin paksun ja 'ison' näköiseksi? :)

    1. Kiitos! Mä huijaan, näissä mulla on tupeerattu kuitulisäke ;) Ehkä maailman kätevin keksintö kun mallailee t-paitoja, ei mee tukka sekasin kun sen voi vaan ottaa pois päästä aina ennen kuin vaihtaa vaatteita!

  6. I love your hair colour! So much that I think of changing myself, but, .. having red henna makes it rather difficult :p

    That purple shade is perfect. :)

    // Rakel

    1. Thank you so much! Henna is really hard to get off, but so many shades of red look gorgeous, maybe you can find one that you really like :) I'm really happy with the current dye I'm using, it doesn't fade much and the colour is almost perfect straight from the bottle!

  7. Oh I love this dress! I think I remember it being sold, if I'm not mistaken they used to sell a similar one with a tartan print that I would drool on. But being 14 at the time I didn't have the budget for it :) Nice pictures, especially the second one!

    1. Yes, I found pictures of the same dress in red tartan and even in pink tartan, looked gorgeous!

  8. Cute dress! I actually almost ended up wearing the one that had a plaid skirt to my high school graduation in 2003 (my mother wouldn't let me wear it!)

    1. Boo for your mother, it would have looked awesome! ;D
