
Friday 26 October 2012

Fake Plugs and the Indian Ocean

I ordered new fake plugs through Etsy some time ago from here, and they arrived on Monday. Since I'm a scatter brain when I'm a bit stressed, I didn't remember to pick them up until Wednesday ;P But I love them!

They are made of wood and cost me around 13 dollars including shipping. They feel nicely warm to the touch and are just light enough to be worn comfortably.

Here with ModelsOwn nail polish called Indian Ocean!

And here's a small pic of the nail polish I showed you a few posts back, Indian Ocean by ModelsOwn. I was very unsure if I'd like it (can't remember what drew me to order it!), but I got many comments telling it's a awesome colour. And guess what, you guys were totally right ;D The polish is a light, sheer turquoise-blue, and has a distinct red shift (it's more peach in natural light, but very red under yellowish bulbs). I'm wearing only two coats, and you can see how the white part of my nails shows through a bit. I think a third layer would have hidden it, but since the colour is so light it doesn't show much.

In other news, me and my other half finally got an apartment! We are signing the papers on Halloween, so it's our very own Halloween Home :) I'll take pictures when we get the keys so I can show how awesome the place is!


  1. Crongrats on you new home! Boo to having to pack and move. That wing ear plug is beautiful

    1. Thanks! I don't mind packing that much, this is my eight move in nine years so I'm pretty used to it ;P Plus I get to go through all my stuff and throw away or sell everything I don't need, it's a good thing :)

  2. Nice earrings and congratulations on the new appartment.

  3. Congrats!!!
    I love these earrings. I have a similar pair but not nearly as intricate.

    1. Thank you! The earrings are really nice, they feel so high quality thanks to the wood!

  4. Those earrings are gorgeous. I have some similar that are swans, but they don't sit so nicely as yours do.

    1. Thanks! I think I saw swan versions in the store too, but felt they were a bit too much for me. These ones do sit very nicely, like you said! I should take a picture from the front with them, so you could see how nicely they they follow the curve of my neck :)
