
Tuesday 16 October 2012

My Piercings

I currently have 6 earrings and three piercings. I've had five piercings at most, and I think the hole below my lower lip is still open, so that might qualify for half a piercing ;P

From top to bottom: Bridge, Medusa and the hole for a Labret.

I took my first piercing when I was nineteen (that's eight years ago!), if I remember correctly. Nineteen or eighteen. I had a nipple pierced and everything went fine, I just should have known better than to look ;) I don't like needles, but piercings haven't been any trouble, since it's over in a heartbeat.

The next one was the bridge a year or two later. I had it done on a hot summer day and it bled everywhere, and continued to do so for a few days at awkward times. Like making pancakes on a frying pan.

Then I took the labret, and was a bit pissed that the person doing it paid no heed when I said I bled a lot last time and asked him to give me some paper and be gentle. The labret didn't bleed, but I didn't go to the same place again because I felt the piercer should have listened to me better.

The Medusa was taken on a whim almost two years ago, I wanted something new and had already dyed my hair turquoise ;D Got the idea when leaving from the office and stopped by the nice piercing place to get something done. I went back and forth between a medusa and a septum, but finally went with a medusa. It swelled up horribly, but was better in a few days. I changed the ball to a small one my self, I think it looks really nice.

As for earrings, I wear titanium piercing jewelry on my helix and three other holes on the same lobe, and leave the lowest holes for regular earrings. I took the labret out about a year ago, since my other half and I had to take turns who wears what jewelry. He has a labret too and wore a ring on it, and since I liked to have a horseshoe ring on mine, we could get stuck kissing. Fun and romantic on maybe the first time, but a bit cumbersome most of the time ;P I tried to put in a small stud, but it didn't feel good against my gums so I just took it out. The hole is still there, so I might put something in it sometime.

I've also had one piercing in the "nether regions", it was a gift and I liked it, but sometimes it was in the way so I took it out (there's nothing quite like riding your bike and noticing something's gotten tangled with your underwear!). I was planning on getting the other nipple pierced, but the one that has a piercing isn't as sensitive as the other one, so I opted on having one nipple with feeling ;)

None on the piercing hurt much, it's such a short time to put the needle through, but the crunch I could hear when the bridge needle was pushed through still gives me the shivers. I heal well and haven't really had any problems with any piercing so far. I've had all mine done in respectable piercing parlours with hygienic tools. Putka in Tampere is my favourite place.


  1. You have my two favourite piercings- the bridge, and the one above your top lip- can't remember what you called it. The one below your bottom lip was another I wanted when I was younger. The first piercing I got was nose, it swelled up really bad and grew out, I didn't get it done again as I was worried about getting a huge lump there, as I did have one for quite a while. I only have 3 ear piercings now. I still love the idea of getting a new one done, but I think my immune system might reject it. I am happy to just spend all my money on my addiction to Victorian style clothes instead!

    1. I've heard of nose piercings being very sensitive before, I guess that'a an area that can gets lots of touching (like when you put a sweater on, and then there's makeup). It's always very personal, what works for one person might not work for the next one. Sorry to hear your body doesn't like piercings so much, but the ones on ears can also look gorgeous!

  2. Yay for medusa! My first and so far only piercing, got it last July :) The tiny ball looks great on you, I only use bigger ones (4-5 mm).

    1. Medusas are so pretty! I though the larger ball looked too big on my face, since my mouth is so narrow, so the smaller one works well :)

  3. ooooh I like you bridge so much - but I cannot wear that in office - my boss would run wild... I wear my labret only in my freetime cause its not compatible to my job (I hate that fact sometimes, no one says something about my violet hair, but piercings (except ear+my little nose-stud) and tattoos are a no-go there) T___T'
    I have (with my lobes) 14 piercings and its hard to find some piercings I can hide at my job :D but I am planning some more for my ears - the last one was a tragus and one of my best friends who is trainee in a piercing-studio did it and it went great! The most terrible one was my left nipple - I fainted and it hurts bad... and it took a lot of time for healing well... If I ever have to take out my nipplepiercing, I would consider it very carefully if I ever do that again :D

    1. Boo for workplaces that dictate your looks! I'm very happy to work in an office that accepts everything, as long as I'm not naked when I come to work, everything is fine ;P

      Ears are a great place when you need something that's acceptable, it's really hard for any place to ban earrings since so many people have them!

      I was pretty worried about getting my nipple pierced and expected it to be a lot like your experience, but for some reason it wasn't bad at all. We are all so unique!

  4. I am so jealous about the long lasting bridge. Mine has grown out three times and looks like it too. Same with all of my eyebrows. Now I'm just trying to collect straight-through piercings rather than surface-typed ones.

    1. I know I'm lucky! I've seen so many bridges grow out, but mine just keeps on going :) I've never liked my brows so I skipped the brow piercings totally ;P

  5. Forty years ago, I had four piercings done up my earlobe on each side, but that was Back in the Day when NOBODY had more than one earring hole.

    Yours look beautiful and really suit your face. I'm not sure I would ever have been brave enough for a facial piercing, let alone one on any of the "delicate bits"! :D

    1. Things change so fast! I think it's so nice that many people have piercings, makes people in general more used to different looking persons. But then again, I live in a big city with a huge student population, it's a freak show on the streets all year round. And I like it!

  6. You're very brave getting a nipple and your nether regions pierced! Now those are two piercings I would never dream of getting done, just the thought of it makes me cringe hahaha!

    I had my first facial piercing at 14 which was my nose, I wanted it done for my birthday and after a lot of begging, my mum finally consented. It went well to begin with but after about 8-9 months it got infected and my body rejected it. After that I was quite wary of getting more piercings but when I turned 16 I got my eyebrow pierced which I took out about a year and a half later as I just didn't like the look of it any more. My third facial piercing was and still is my side lip piercing, me and my best friend decided on a whim to get piercings before college one morning, it was quite funny arriving to class holding tissue to our lips (she got a labret)

    Other than that I've had my ears pierced 12 times. I currently have 3 holes in each lobe and a tragus. I've had my 3rd holes pierced 3 times over, the first time my teacher made me take them out after they had been freshly pierced and they literally closed by the end of the school day, the second time I got them done at Claire's (total mistake) they never healed, the 3rd time I got them done along with my tragus and I've never had a problem with them, so 3rd time lucky in my case! I also got a Helix with a few friends when I was 13 (that was when you could get it pierced at a regular jewellers with a gun, nowadays it's mostly done with a hollow needle) I had that until I was about 15 after I knocked it and it became swollen so I had to take it out.

    I think the Medusa and bridge look gorgeous on you, even a septum would really suit your face. I wouldn't mind getting a septum myself but my other half hates them! I think my next body modification will be another tattoo, I only have one but I'm itching to get another, I just need to think long and hard about what I want that to be, I have had a few ideas floating around in my head for a long time! ~♥~

    1. Sorry to hear of your troubles, but lucky that the lip piercing lasts so well :) Tragus is such a pretty piercing too, I might get one some day!

  7. Haha, the part about riding your bike made me giggle :D

    I think the medusa was a very good choice, after already having the bridge. I think because it is right between your lip and nose it is really well balanced, and the symmetry suits you. A medusa is also considered more ladylike by a lot of people, while I got a lot of bad responses about my septum piercing.

    I got it pierced almost 8 years ago, but I am glad I can take it out and not wear it for a while without the hole closing. I always wanted to have my nipples pierced, but chickened out a few times cause I was afraid of losing feeling in them, and I would hate to have to take them out if I have kids and want to breastfeed. So I am postponing it for now :)

    Sweet that you shared your experiences!

    1. The bike story makes me laugh afterwards, but I was totally terrified when it first happened ;D I also think the medusa was a better choice in the end, although I would probably live happily with septum too. But my style is quite feminine, so the medusa fits it better.

  8. I love your bridge piercing, it suits you so well. Unfortunately I can't get it done on account of my glasses, ha ha.

    I've always wanted a Medusa. Definitely thinking of getting one as I work in a store that does body piercings AND sells the jewellery.
    I get my piercings done for 70% off the regular price (so it's pretty tempting to get more!) :)

    I want my nipples done soon!

    1. That a great discount! I use glasses (usually contacts, but my eyes need some rest too) and the bridge is set so up that the glasses don't touch it at all.

  9. I love, love, love piercings!!! You carry yours gorgeously! Especially the Medusa...I have a soft spot for the Medusa. I desperately want one, but my current line of work forbids it. Fussy accountants!

    I currently have 8 "normal" piercings, 2 8g lobe piercings, tragus, helix, and a rook. My rook was the only one that gave me any trouble. It swelled badly, bled often and copiously, and is bothered by where my glasses ride on the back of my ear. I also had two in my tongue, but the lowest gave me trouble with my gums, so I just said "sod it" and removed them both.

    I knew one guy with a Jacob's Ladder and, while I never heard any funny stories about it getting tangled, I did see it quite often. He was so proud of it, he would randomly drop his pants to show it off no matter the time or place. I wonder if it was because it was healed and he was proud or if it was the heady freedom of college life.

    So nice to find your blog!

