
Thursday 1 November 2012

The New Apartment!

We signed the papers for our new home yesterday, on Halloween. It's right in the centre of the city, close to everything (well, the place we live in now is pretty central also, but still!), has a nice open layout, renovated bathroom and lovely high ceilings.

Here's a few pictures! I forgot to pack my camera so I have only phone pics, but they seem nice enough :)

The foyer floor.

View from the living room window and the lovely wide window sill.

The living room and the study, they are connected by
large folding double doors.

The bedroom wall has a tiny build in closet that closes
with a key.

I'm so in love with the apartment! I've been dreaming of high ceilings and large, open rooms, and this is just what we need. It's also close to the post office and our favourite grocery store (Lidl, for Finnish readers ;P), and it's only a few hundred meters from our current home. Also, I'm not going to miss the tiny bathroom with yellow floor tiles, it's horrible! The new place has an old kitchen, but it will do, and it's still better than our current one ;) We are planning to just go with it and renovate it later if we feel like it.

We've been contemplating on painting the floor white, it's birch and a bit yellow, but in good condition. I also have a pile of wallpaper samples, we might put some on one wall, but the current neat, white walls also look okay.

Now there's just the huge task of packing everything and selling the furniture we don't need, but I'm sure it will go just fine :)


  1. Love the b&w floor. Looks like really tile not the vinyl stuff I have. Whatever you do, I'm sure it will be wonderful.

    1. That was the first thing I saw in the apartment and totally fell in love! It's real tile, and it continues into the kitchen :)

  2. Congrats on the new apartment. :) Looking forward to seeing photos of it furnished. Being close to a post office and Lidl sounds familiar, little joys of everyday life...

    1. Thanks! I want to document the process of furnishing the place, so far we have made lots of plans and even started packing a bit :)

  3. Congrats on new flat! I wish we could buy a house but probably not before next summer, also prices for 2-3 bedroom flats aren't too cheap in the area and 200k+ loan is quite scary.

    1. Thank you! I think the prices seemed pretty high right now, since the interest rate is very low and lots of people are buying. I thought this is a good time to buy, because it's very unlikely that the interests would go high fast. And we calculated that even if they did, we would manage. I felt better thinking that we only pay the interests and management charges for living, and the loan payments are actually savings for the future :)

  4. Oo vaikuttaa hienolta kämpältä, vaadimme lisää kuvia!

  5. Ääää! Olen kateellinen tuosta laattalattiasta! Just tässä päivä pari sitten mietin kuinka tuollainen olisi vain niiiin upea! ja pakko saada omaan kämppään kans joskus..

    1. Mä olin jo asuntoja katsellessa suunnitellut että haluan sitten eteiseen laatat, kun edellisissä kämpissä on ollut laminaattia ja talvella saa jatkuvasti varoa kun kengissä tulee lunta sisään. Tää olikin jo valmiiksi mahtava :)

  6. I love that key and the checkered floor. New places are so fun!

    1. Thanks! There are so many possibilities, we are now picking a wallpaper to add to one wall in the living room :)

  7. oooooh such nice pics - I love that checkerboard-floor so much! Hope you will have a great and happy time in your new home! <3

  8. The black and white floor is so neat!

  9. I love the floor, too. Congrats!
