
Thursday 6 December 2012

Pre-Christmas Party

The apartment is still unfinished, but yesterday I went out our office's pre-Christmas party. We ate a superb three course meal and went to have a few beers afterwards. Delicious and fun!

I wore a sequin dress I got last week from H&M, I spent a long time pondering if I should buy it, but eventually did. My excuse was that even thought I have lots of nice party dresses, I didn't have a turquoise one! And it was super cheap, only 15 euros.

Sorry about the background, I was in a hurry and the place is a mess ;P

Dress - H&M
Stockings - A gift from my Mom, she brought them from France
Handbag - H&M
Hairband - Seppälä

I have Essie Mint Candy Apple on my nails, I'm so happy I found Elumen hair colours so I can wear lighter colours on my nails. The Directions I used to use faded fast and stained nailpolish when I washed my hair. On my eyelids is Babylon by Moi Cosmetics. I've still not unpacked my makeup, it was the first dark colour I found. I think it works very well with my hair and eyes!

Here's the study currently, I've piled my printer and orchids on the window sill
and there's clothes everywhere! It's also missing a ceiling light ;P


  1. Wow! The dress looks kind of mermaid-y! And it looks great with your gorgeous purple hair!

    1. Thank you! It really is mermaid-like, such a pretty blend of turquoise sequins :)

  2. That dress is absolutely beautiful! Soooo sparkly and shiny! ~♥~

    1. Thank you so much! I hope I can find many times to wear it, but I think I can get away with super sparkly stuff quite easy. Goes with the purple hair, I think ;P

  3. Tuo mekko sopii siulle uskomattoman hyvin! :O ♥ Kaunis kuin mikä, vaikka ite rehellisesti sanottuna vasta muutama päivä sitten mietin, että voiko kokonaan paljettinen mekko muka kellekkään sopia, mut toi on ihan upeen näkönen siun päällä. :)

    1. Kiitos paljon! Mä olen kaupoissa kuolannut paljettikamaa, mutta vastaan ei ollut aiemmin tullut mitään kauhean käyttökelpoista, vaikka paljetit ovatkin tosi nättejä. Tää oli löytö!

  4. I love that dress! You always manage to look so fancy. For some reason whenever I think of your blog, I always think of peacock feathers. Probably because everything is so shiny and pretty :)

    1. Thank you, what a lovely comment :) Peacock feather are so nice! I might want to add some when I redo the header, a great idea!

  5. I love how the dress is the same colour as the lily in your tattoo!! :D

    1. I'm a sucker for this certain shade of turquoise! :)

  6. That dress is fantastic! It makes you look like a mermaid!

  7. I see I'm not the only one that thought "Om my god, mermaid dress!!" and I agree on the other comments too, you always look amazing.

    1. Thank you! The dress looked a bit boring on the rack, but in dim light the sequins really get to shine!

  8. Very nice blog!

  9. this dress is absolutely gorgeous! So sparkling and mermaidy - you look so stunning in it! <3

  10. Tuo mekko ja panta yhdessä ovat jotenkin Atlantis-henkiset ainakin minun silmään, hyvällä tavalla siis!^^ Sopiiko kysyä mistä oot tuota Elumenia tilannut, itsellä kanssa tuota ongelmaa kynsilakkojen kanssa ja muutenkin oon halunnut kokeilla jos pysyisi paremmin kuin Special Effects?

    1. Merellistä ja piikkejä, joo, kyllä mä näen missä siellä on Atlantis! Mä tilasin Elumenia Saksasta, tällaisesta kaupasta Postikulut ovat vähän kovat, muistaakseni n. 15e, mutta valikoima on hyvä ja toimitus nopea. Maksutavaksi käy PayPal. Englanninkielistä versiota sivuista ei ole, mutta eipä siellä kovin monimutkaista saksaa kuitenkaan löydy :)

    2. Kiitoksia!^^ Tuolla sivulla kävinkin jo katselemssa kun googlailin mutta hyvä kuulla että joku sieltä on onnistuneesti tilannut niin ehkä uskaltaa itsekin.

  11. Amazing dress! You look like a mermaid in it. H&M is perfect when you want to buy lot's of clothes with cheap prices.

    1. Thank you! I like H&M, I'm hoping they will open a H&M Home store in my home city some time, because I just love their selection. And most of all the fact that the rotation is fast, there's always something new :)

  12. Beautiful outfit! Love the hairband

    Please do check out my makeup/style blog as well Thank you! :)

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you so much! I'm very happy with it, I hope to get to use it often :)
