
Friday 11 January 2013

Commercial Break! / Mainostauko!

On the second of February the place you should be is Telakka, where club Bella Morte is held this time! Last year they started off in the same venue and the place was sold out, but the party was just great. This year I was supposed to be DJ'ing, but sadly a business trip took over and I'm not even in the country at the time. So now it's your turn to have fun! ;P

Helmikuun toisena päivänä Bella Morte palaa Telakalle! Viime vuonna klubi aloitti toimintansa samassa paikassa ja heti ensimmäinen tapahtuma oli myyty loppuun. Pippalot olivat upeat, kuten varmasti ovat tänäkin vuonna! Allekirjoittaneen piti olla soittamassa levyjä, mutta työmatka tuli tiellä enkä ole edes maassa bileiden aikaan, mikä on sääli. Siirränkin hauskanpitovastuun teille kaikille muille! ;P

Made by me!

The Wicked Winter party boasts no less than five DJ's, so there's bound to be music for every taste! Here's a link to the Facebook event, where all the most recent information is.

Wicked Winter tarjoilee viisi DJ'tä, joten musiikkia löytyy jokaiseen makuun! Facebook-tapahtumasta saa viimeisimmät tiedot mikäli muutoksia tulee, sinne siis!


  1. Oh, I am so jealous! You are lucky this kind of events take place where You live. In Warsaw we had 3 Goth/Alternative clubs, but one of them (the best one!) closed a few months ago ;/ so now there are only 2 left - one of them is not that interesting, ant the other one organises events quite rarely ;(

    1. My answer to the problem is the participate in organizing clubs! :) It's still really different from being a just club visitor, you have to take care of things and it can be pretty tiring. But I think that I've enjoyed so many clubs organized by other's that it's time I did something for the scene. It's still very sad when nice old clubs close!

  2. Mulla on sulle blogipalkinto mun blogissa <3
