
Saturday 5 January 2013

My year 2012

Many people are doing review posts of the year gone by, and I thought I'd try my hand at that too!

In January...

I started a blog, this one!
Bought a sofa and two chairs that are just gorgeous and still going strong.

In February...

Modeled a fabulous dress at a wedding fair.
I got into crocheting and made a rug and a few baskets.
I took lots of cat pictures ;P
Re-upholstered a stool.

In March...

Got the final picture from a photoshoot.
Went to see the movie Iron Sky.

In April...

I got a picture frame from Ikea.
Did a small photoshoot on the sofa.

In May...

Celebrated May Day.
I got a tattoo, my second one.
Was Wave Gotik Treffen in Leipzig, probably the best festival ever!

In June...

We traveled to St. Petersburg.
Did a photoshoot with the waterpipe I got as a present for my other half.
Celebrated Midsummer unusually by staying at home in the city.
I made a little hat.

In July...

Did a post of our apartment.
Had an anniversary with my other half.
I did a huge lipstain review.

In August...

Decorated two mugs.
Went on a business trip in Cologne.
I labeled everything ;P

In September...

DJ'd at a fetish event.
Opened my jewellery shop on Etsy.
I picked tons of mushrooms and celebrated Oktoberfest with friends!

In October...

Went to see an art exhibition in Helsinki.
Painted with watercolours.
Did Halloween crafts with friends!
We bought an apartment.

In November...

There was the great Samhain party with beautiful, nice people and good music.
I did a really nice glitter look.
We moved into the new apartment and everything was boxes an piles of stuff ;P

In December...

I wore a pretty new dress to the company Christmas party.
I had my birthday!

All in all it's been a great year! Looking at the lovely summer pictures full of light make me long for that time of the year again. I hope the snow and ice will soon be gone and I'll have plenty of light so I can take nicer pictures and just enjoy it.


  1. Your sofa! How magnificent! I am dying for it!

    I love your photo in the ad! I also love that crown of clock hands! Do you know where I could get something like that?

    1. Thank you! I totally love the sofa, it's comfy for lounging and light so it's to move when needed, and it looks super good ;P

      I've seen clock hand tiaras on Etsy, but I just took the cheap route and got some clock hands from a craft store and fixed them on a metal band from an old hair band, then painted it all black. Works well!

  2. Tuo sohva on kyllä niin upea, että! ♥ Tahtoo joskus tuollaisen, tosi kauniin mallisia ovat nuo.^^ Kiva muuten tää vuosikooste, aika paljonhan tuota on tapahtunut siullakin. :)

    1. Kiitos paljon, olen tosi iloinen edelleen sohvasta! Oli niin hyvä säkä että löytyi täydellinen yksilö ja vielä tosi läheltä.

      Koostetta oli kyllä kiva tehdäkin, jotenkin sai paremman käsityksen siitä mitä kaikkea ehtiikään vuodessa puuhata :)

  3. A sofa after my heart, hehe!
    I'd totally get that reupholstered in a deep violet and restain the wood black patent... if I had it. It's gorgeous and you're very lucky to have found the set.

    Hope the 2013 yields the same awesomeness as 2012

    1. Deep violet sofa would be so gorgeous! It's a shame the fabric is still in good condition, otherwise I'd instantly re-do it in some darker colour!

  4. Oh I love your sofa! I have been drooling over vintage ones like yours on swedish internet sites. My boyfriend are a bit worried that a sofa like this wont be comfy as this f-ing ugly dirty steel blue plushy thing we have now. I hate it to bits and pieces! I will show him this photo of yours and hope he will resign, he he....
    Anyway I think your year seemes great and I hope you will have an even better one next :)

    1. We used to have my other half's old sofa that sounds exactly like yours! Blue-grey, HUGE and ugly. Also scratched to death by cats ;P My boyfriend had the exact same worry, that a pretty sofa wouldn't be comfy, but he's been lounging on this one for almost a year and there have been no complaints. So tell that to your boyfriend, there's evidence that a nice looking sofa can be totally comfy!

  5. Loved to read your blog trough out the year, can't wait for 2013! ♥

    1. Thank you so much! I'm very exited still about blogging, so I hope to write lots of nice texts and take many pictures to share in the coming year!
