
Thursday 7 February 2013

400 Readers Giveaway!

I know I'm a bit late, but January was super busy for me! I've also taken the time to get wonderful prices to thank you, my lovely readers, for your interest in my blog :) So, here they are!

The grand prize consists of the following:

A Real Techniques stippling brush (my favourite for putting on BB-cream)

Halloween earrings from Bijou Brigitte (these are only available on Halloween, I've held on to them for a while ;P)

Glittery earrings from Ice in a Bucket, Iceland (got myself a similar pair but in a different colour, they are very light and confortable)

Nine full sized loose eyeshadows from Detrivore Cosmetics (hand picked by me! Most are very usable browns, but there's also Livor Mortis, a gorgeous blackened burgundy, and Bog Body which is a pretty unique light turquoise)

To participate, simply follow my blog (if you follow via some other media than Google Friend Connect, just mention it in the comment) and comment on this post. I would love to make another post answering reader questions, so ask me anything!

The giveaway will be open until 18.2.2013 and it's open internationally!

Bat earrings from Bijou Brigitte

Glittery earrings from Ice in a bucket, Iceland.

Real Techniques stippling brush (made of Taklon, cruelty free!)

Detrivore eyeshadows, they didn't photo well due to the shrink plastic seal,
but the shades are gorgeous!


  1. Osallistun! Mahtiarvonta ja onnea lukijamäärästä ^^

  2. Onko Kalma sun oikea sukunimesi? Ihan mahtava sukunimi! : >

    Joo siis osallistun!

  3. Congrats on the milestone. :) Hmm, a question; which beauty brands or products are your favourite ones from those available in local stores?

  4. Oh, god, I love those BB earrings so much that I just have to take part!

  5. Oh my goodness those bat earrings are so cute! :D Congrats on 400!

  6. I thought I was already 'following' you, as I come here quite often through bookmarks, but apparently not! So, I am now following!

    Congrats on all of the followers and thanks for the giveaway. Your makeup posts are always so inspiring.

  7. I do not know if I can also try to win, because I come from Germany, but I would love to try! Great giveaway and the pigments look amazing :)

    1. Everyone can enter, no problem, the giveaway is open internationally :)

  8. Congrats on the awesome number of followers !
    It's a pretty nice giveaway , the bat earrings are cool.

  9. Where did You get all these followers from? ^^ Awesome! Congrats :)

  10. congrats for reaching a milestone!
    i follow via gfc: prettymom

  11. Congratz on the followers! Such a great blog you have here! n__n

  12. Those bat earrings are amazing! xx

  13. I follow you via bloglovin' :)

    I'm excited for this give away! ♥

  14. Congrats about your followers ^^
    Good luck to everyone you do have lovely things for your give away!!!

    Aww and I have a question.
    Can you name me 10 of your fav songs or movies?? :)

  15. Mä toivoisin edelleen sitä meikkikokoelmaesittelyä. :)
    Onnea lukijamäärästä!

  16. Congratulations on your 431 followers as of this minute! That's awesome!! :D

  17. Mukana ollaan. Kiitos ihanaisesta blogista ja olisi mukava tavata joskus :) Haluaisin että esittelisit kodistasi lempipaikkojasi/lempi tavaroitasi :)

  18. lovely blog. and those eyeshadows <3

  19. Congrats on the followers! Great blog! Needs those eyeshadows!

  20. Mä osallistun mielelläni :D itse haluaisin kuulla vähän sun mielipiteitä meikkaamisesta ja suhtautumisesta siihen, ja varsinkin kovasta/"liiasta" meikkaamisesta. Onko meikkaaminen sun mielestä siis tapa korostaa kauneutta, luoda kauenutta vai mitä? Ja miksi sinä meikkaat? Ja mitä mieltä olen ns. "fantasiameikeistä" :D toivottavasi ymmärrät pointtini :')

  21. Osallistun! Tykkään sun blogista! :>

  22. Hallo from Portugal :)
    I've following your blog for a while and I actually have two questins:

    1 - Do you have any problems with ordering makeup from USA (Detrivore, Morgana Cryptoria, etc.)? I want to try some new brands but I'm a bit affraid of the taxes and all that, I just don't want it to be super expensive :)

    2 - Could you tell me your favourite shops in Helsinki, this if you have some? I'll be in Helsinki this summer and I'd like to have some opinions from a finnish girl :)

    Awesome giveaway! Küss

  23. Hi, I didn`t even know that it was possible to follow people on here.. Oh well, now I know, and I made one and followed you on it. At least I think I did it correctly.. I`d really like to try out that real techniques brush. It looks so soft.. I`m sure you get fashion questions all the time, but would you mind telling us some more about where you get inspiration from? I`m in the process of switching out most of the clothes in my closet, and I could use some inspiration myself :)

  24. Congrats on your 400 followers! the 18th is 2 days before my 19th birthday, wooop! ;)


  25. Oops, thought I was following, now I am.

    Question: How did you get interested in video game design?

  26. Oh my, I am in LOVE with those batty Halloween earrings! All of the prizes you've picked out are amazing, I've been wanting to try Detrivore cosmetics for an absolute age! I don't know if you've been asked this before but if you could only use one eyeshadow for the rest of your life, what would it be? Maybe that's too hard a question! ;) ♥

  27. Congrats!
    I follow via GFC and Google Reader :)

  28. I follow via bloglovin! :) <3

  29. Congrats ^^ Very nice blog you have))) I'm following via GFC

  30. The earrings are very cool!

    I'd like to know if you can really wear your many high heels during the finnish winter. I can walk in such shoes on flat ground, but you ought to have snow and ice right noch, am I right?!

  31. Oh, I've been wanting to try Detrivore Cosmetics for awhile, just haven't had the money! As for questions....How you stay fashionable AND warm? I live in Michigan and while it's cold here, I know it's generally colder in Finland. Congrats on 400 followers!

  32. Osallistun! Kysynpä jotain peleihin liittyvää: oletko pelannut Saints Row'ta? Entä Dragon Age: Originsia? Jos, tykkäsitkö? Jos et, pelaisitko? :D

  33. Congrats! Do you have an RSS feed?

    1. Oh wait! I figured it out! XD I'm following via RSS feed now instead of through the google thing.

  34. Nice giveaway! I follow you via bloglovin.

    Question: Do you like perfumes? What kind of perfumes?

  35. Amazing earrings and awesome makeup!

  36. Congrats on the 400 followers!:)
    My question: could you show us some of your drawings? (Your studying game design right?)

  37. Pakkohan se on osallistua ;)
    Kiitos monipuolisesta blogista!

  38. Congrats! Awesome blog :D I love those earrings :)

  39. Congrats and thank you! I follow as Ana on gfc. I was wondering how you got into bright makeup and indie companies?

  40. What a great giveaway! Congrats on your followers as well! What are your holy grail beauty products, Indie and otherwise?

  41. Congratulations! A loyal follower here. I love your posts, especially indie brand reviews and the looks you create with them.

  42. hello lovely!
    I really really enjoy your blog, you've got such a lovely style of writing that you just wanna read on and on :))

    And I was wondering, how you manage to wear your hair in such lovely up-does?
    You got very thick hair and me too. But on me nothing will stay up :(

    have a nice weekend ^-^

  43. Congratulations, it's so good to see so many people enjoying your blog! I know I definitely do.

    I think my question would be, how often to do you craft? And if you'd ever consider showcasing some in your blog, if you do?

  44. I love your blog - I dont often comment, but I really enjoy seeing someone with bright hair do eyeshadow looks that are simply stunning!!

    I also love your cat photos <3

  45. Following :) great giveaway!

  46. Oooh, everything looks lovely! You must be very dedicated to your blog. :3

  47. I'm excited about this give away! Those bat earrings are cute

  48. Congrats on 400 readers! I follow via Blog Lovin'

  49. Congratz on making it to 400 followers!! I follow you through Bloglovin and love your blog posts =D

  50. Ahhhhh I was waiting a new give away!!! <3

  51. Congratulations on 400 followers (^o^) Love the bat earrings!

    You have a lot of awesome high heeled shoes. Do you use anything (like gel inserts) to make them more comfortable to wear?

  52. Congrats on the 400! Lovely giveaway :)

  53. Woooow - 400 readers? You deserve it :) Congratulations! <3 I know, I won your last giveaway ;) but I try again, you made a great choice <3

  54. Congrats &thanks for doing this giveaway!

    I am in loooove with those Halloween earrings from Bijou Brigitte! :O Super cute!

  55. Onpas kertynyt paljon lukijoita! :) Osallistun arvostaan, jälleen kerran :D

  56. Congratulations on hitting 400 readers.. now 444! Those batty earrings are just too adorable, I'd love to have them flapping their wings around my ears! Also, I've been thinking about picking up a few of Detrivore's plummy, red shades! Their eye shadows have THE coolest names don't they?! My question for you is what is your skin care products, your skin always looks so nice!

    ~ ♥ ~

  57. Happy 400! Congrats! Those bat earrings to toooo cute! Amazing giveaway ^-^!

  58. Uaah, noi lepakkokorvikset! ♥ Bongasin ne oisko ollut toissavuonna jonkun blogista, ja olen yrittänyt metsästää niitä siitä lähtien, menestyksettä, joten pakko osallistua! :)
    Lempparituoksusi? Pidätkö enemmän tuoksuöljyistä, perinteisistä hajuvesistä, kevyemmistä edt:sta, vai oletko testaillut jopa kiinteitä purkkituoksuja?

  59. Ooh, exciting...thanks for the giveaway! :)

  60. Minäkin osallistun! Tosi kiva blogi! :-)

  61. Im folowing you blogg :)
    And i realy like it.

    And i love the things you Will give avay

  62. I´m very excited for this, especially the brush, i've been meaning to try it for a while!

    My question:

    What are your main style inspirations? Hope it wasn't asked before!

  63. Halujaa kisaan mukaan!

    Siulla on mielenkiintoinen tyyli, kaunis koti ja kissat (:

  64. Great prizes!

    My question: if you would have to wear only one lipstick shade for the rest of your life, what would it be?

  65. Oh this giveaway is huge!! Amazing stuff and I love all of it!
    I was sure of being a follower but apparently not. Now I have fixed that. I also have a giveaway to do as I reached 100 followers.
    Congratulations to you, you have a lovely blog and that means that you are lovely <3

  66. I'm following your blog under the name Ernestine Capucine, and while I don't know how it function, I putted monthes ago your blog on mine to click it easily !
    nice giveaway !

  67. I would like to ask - which alternative cosmetic brand would you recommend the most? :D

  68. following your blog via GFC as Gintare
    what was the worst beauty product you have ever bought?

  69. A lot of the indie brands you purchase from are US based, are there any indie brands native to your country that you're digging, anyone we need to drool over?
    Congratulations on all of your followers!
    Follow on GFC as Meghan Runyon

  70. Congrats on your milestone! :) I followed you through GFC :)I love that Real Techniques stippling brush! Hope I win :)

  71. Onnittelut huimasta lukijamäärästä! ^^ Siulla tosiaan on ihanan monipuolinen blogi, ja varsinkin siun meikkipostaukset ovat tosi inspiroivia! Joten osallistun miekin, ja kysyn, että mitkä ovat mielestäsi kauheimmat meikkausmokat mitkä tiedät? :) En tiedä oliko kysytty jo, mutta kysympähän kumminkin. ^^

  72. All that stuff is simply terrific!
    Ok, I take the chance to make a question: What specific tips could you give to mantain a so beautiful and shinny hair as yours?

  73. PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME!!! :P I love all that stuff!
    I'm entering this giveaway for sure!And lots of congratulations for reaching 400 followers! :D

    Question for you: What are your top 5 favorite films?

  74. Oh, you picked really really awesome items for this prize :D Love it!

    I would like to know (though you probably already were asked about this :D) when did you first shave your eyebrows off? :)
    I always liked drawn on brows, but would never do it myself because my face features aren't right for such brows :[

  75. What are awesome contest and congrats on hitting 400! Yay!

  76. Awesome giveaway! I'm most excited about the Real Techniques brush.

    I follow you via GFC as Black Asphodel

    My e-mail: blackasphodel(at)yahoo(dot)com

  77. oh my cat, those earrings are just the cutest! congratz on the 400-and-something readers :D

  78. A very nice giveaway! I think you should do a post about your cats! I am curious to know what breed they are.

  79. Your posts are always inspirational, congrats on the followers:)

  80. I follow via GFC: Shopping Addict.
    I always love reading your posts.

    andrea.trenary at

  81. This is such a generous giveaway! Thanks so much for holding it. And let's see...a question...
    If you could only pick two brands (indie or big name) to use for the rest of your life, which two would you pick?

  82. Just in the nick of time :)
    COngrats on gaining such a readershup.

    I thoroughly enjoy lurking around this blog.

  83. Almost missed it! Congrats with the 400 readers, your blog has grown really fast : )I'd love to try Detrivore and I actually had my eyes on those bijou brigitte earrings around Halloween, so I'd love to win this.

    I'm a follower in GFC as Pearl Squirrel.

  84. I'm such a big fan of Detrivore cosmetics! I've completely stopped buying drugstore and high end make up and have turned to indie companies, but Detrivore cosmetics is most definitely my favorite!

    I'm GFC following you under either dostoievskaia or larisa_music, I never know cause my over google account is very confusing, sometimes it says one thing, and then the other. :)

  85. Wow! Congrats on your 400 followers! Detrivore eyeshadows are simply awesome! I'm in! :D

    Following you via GFC as "Nohe"


  86. I love Detrivore and need some more colors! Also love the swatches youve been doing!

  87. I need some Detrivore in my life.

  88. Congrats! <3 Detrivore!

  89. Following thru Bloglovin & favorited on Etsy. c:

  90. I forgot to ask my question: Who is your favorite goth style icon?

  91. congrats n the followers :) i follow via gfc :)
