
Tuesday 5 February 2013

Outfit of the Day

Well, not actually a full day's outfit, but one I wore to a friend's birthday party a week before the last! It had a Japanese theme and there was super delicious sushi and other Japanese delicacies. I love sushi, so there was no way I'd skip the party, even when it was at the same time as the Global Game Jam. I just left the programmers to work their magic overnight and updated a few excel sheets after I got home from the party ;P

I wore very light make-up (and could hardly recognize myself in the mirror ;P) and even took the time to put my hair in piggy tails and curled it! I think this dress is the most expensive item in my wardrobe and I almost never use it. I've tried to sell it, but haven't found a buyer, so I guess I'll just keep wearing it to Kerttu's b-day party every year ;D Last year the theme was Wonderland and I wore the same dress!

Dress - Angelic Pretty
Shoes - eBay


  1. hihi totally cute and pretty ... it takes some getting used to see you looking like a super-kawaii Alice in Wonderland ;) <3

    1. Thanks! It took me too, especially when the dress is so fluffy! I didn't know how close to objects I can go without knocking them over ;P

  2. I love your shoes :D
    Is that print Fruit's Parlour? I think my friend used to have that in red, never would have realised it was possible to do anything other than OTT sweet with it!

    1. Thanks! I think it's Fruits Parlour, it has little fruit, milkshakes and tons of glitter in it. I've combined the dress with black tights and a blouse, and it goes really well with the shade!

  3. Onpa supersöpö mekko! Jos oot edelleen myymässä, niin mie voisin olla kiinnostunut ostamaan. :> (Jos rahatilanne antaa myöten.)

    1. Kiitos! Tiputa vaikka mailia jos olet vielä kiinnostunut ( niin katellaan!

  4. What a cute dress :). I love theme parties it would be a perfect theme for a party so thanks for that tip ;)

    1. Japanese theme was great! They have so many dishes that are eaten nowhere else, and then you can naturally have sake and some fancy green tea. And people can dress up as J-rock stars ;P

  5. Hei jos etsit ostajaa mekolle, foorumi voisi olla hyvä väylä sille.

    1. Kiitos vinkistä! Siellä oli ainakin pari vuotta sitten vielä tosi tiukat säännöt miten päästä kaupankäyntipalstalle (mikä on ihan luonnollista, ei sinne tietysti haluta kaikenmaailman tuntemattomia tyyppejä!) ja tuntui dorkalta että pitäisi vaan kommentoida jotain yhdentekevää ympäriinsä että saa minimiviestimäärän täyteen.

    2. Säännöt ovat nykyisellään vähän höllentyneet. :3

  6. I love this print from ap so much <3
