
Wednesday 27 February 2013

Winner of the 400 Readers Giveaway!

I'm sorry it took me so long to announce the winner! To make up for it, I have a little surprise for you :)

I counted all the comments (and took away one that was my own explaining that the giveaway is open internationally and a few others that were additional information to the original comment) and used to see who will win...

And the lucky winner is...

Violette B.

I was very happy that so many people participated and also many new readers found their way to my blog! To show my happiness (and make up for my slowness) I decided to give out three pieces of jewellery made by me, so there will be three extra winners :)

Extra winners' stuff!

Those lucky persons are...
thorne garnet
(who will receive the turquoise glitter earrings)

(who will receive the black metallic earrings)

(who will receive the black glittery resin necklace)

Thanks to everyone for participating, it was so nice to see many people interested and all the lovely questions you came up with! For the winners, congratulations, and please send me an email at with your address so I can send the goodies to you!


  1. wow, I won! Thanks. I sent an e-mail with my address.

  2. Hi Karoliina,
    I wondered if you recieved my email?
    Anyway thank you so much for the giveaway!

    1. Hello Lisa, I did receive it! A package should reach you very soon :)
