
Thursday 14 March 2013

Better with Cats!

Today was much better, but I didn't have the time and energy to make a decent post. So, instead I present you with cat pictures from my archives ;P

Nana sleeping in a basket I was crocheting.

Nivek and Mörkö on the sofa.

Möttönen sleeping on the aquarium.

Möttönen lounging on the kitchen sofa.

Mörkö enjoying a nap on an armchair.

Nana taking a quick was on the balcony.

Missed a spot!

What many times can be found on our bed when the humans are trying to
go to sleep ;P

Möttönen with her tongue out.

Nana kneading a sheep pelt.

Nivek is a little prince and likes to sleep on pillows.
I noticed I have much more pictures of the orientals than of the regular kitties. It's not that I like the orientals better, they just are generally more active and very interested in what humans do. All the cats come to see who comes when me or my other half comes back home from work, but other than that, the regular kitties are not that interested. Then there's Nana who likes to spend her free time lying in the bathroom sink waiting for anyone to come and then instantly demands attention upon seeing any human. It's kinda hard not to notice her! All of the orientals also like to sleep under covers and just follow us around the apartment. So I'm claiming that's the reason, they just do more stuff and demand attention!


  1. Awh I love cats. I can't wait until I have my own place and I can get one (or a few) :). Yours are gorgeous

    1. Thank you :) I'm so happy to be able to have these kitties, when I was a child, I never had a pet (well, I had a turtle for one summer, and an aquarium, but nothing you could pet!) and was very sad about it.

  2. Eee! I adore the photo with all 3 of them in a row. :) If I had a bigger place you can bet there would be more kitties.

    1. They tend to arrange in lines for some weird reason! We have a huge climbing tree for the kitties, I think going up and down it is their main for of physical activity.

  3. Love the cat pics! I wish I could have more than one, but mine demands all my attention and does not like other cats.

    1. Thanks! Nana, who is now close the nine years old, really goes bonkers if she's alone. She meows at people and wants to sit on anyone's and everyone's lap and purrs continuously. I think she just gets a bit upset without the other cats. She's never really been alone, but she gets stressed a bit and we tried to keep her separate from the others to see if that would help her. Totally did not!

  4. Goths simply love cats (I just haven't met any of them that wouldn't love those incredible animals) <3 Yours are so cute!

  5. No one can get bored of kittie photos!! Your cats are adorable all of them. I so miss a cat in my home!

    1. I hope you get to see your kitty soon! The worst part about going on a trip is that I can't call the cats and tell them I miss them. But I think they know when I'm gone, they party all night long when my other half is with them alone, he's so gentle and allows the cats to do all kinds of stuff that I forbid.

  6. Aw, they are all so cute! I love the picture of Mottonen with her tongue out!
