
Saturday 6 April 2013

Saturday Afternoon

I took some pictures of the apartment since my other half finally had the time to put my vanity table's light on the wall. We've both been so busy lately that we just come home to eat, sleep and play with the cats.

Vanity table, now with lights! The mirror was a b-day gift from Sari and Marko,
it's gorgeous!
Close-up, showing all the stuff I finally had time to put on the wall!
Without this clock I'd be late for work on most mornings.
A kitty figurine (an old housewarming gift from Niina) and my dirty brush holder.
Also a tower of blush samples and a hand-held mirror.
A made a thingie to hold my earrings, I think I even took pictures of the process.
The laces are too loose so it's not looking like I planned.
A pile of kitties enjoying the sun.
We have a tiny hallway-kitchenette, it gives to the bedroom.
The bookshelf in the living room.
Mörkö sunbathing on the sofa.
I fetched a pile of my old paintings and drawings from my old apartment's
attic. I sorted out which ones I want to keep, now I just have to pack them
somewhere away again.


  1. ooooooh it looks so awesome - love your interior.. and this vanity table ... big big biiig love! you have a good eye for interior-styling, my dear!

    1. Thank you so much! I really love this apartment, it's so spacious and right in the middle of the city.

    2. you are such a lucky girl with this apartment - so glad to know that you find the right one after searching and searching <3

  2. Aren't the cats too excited about Your earrings hanging on the wall? ^^

    1. Well, so far they only like to chew on the lids of the small wicker baskets I have on the table. Maybe when they have eaten those they'll move on to wrecking the earrings ;P

  3. I love all the little details: the decorations, frames and all the purples, turquoise and slight pinks going on. <3

  4. Lovely! And your cats are soo cute together <3

    1. Thanks! The kitties like to sleep in piles, and sunny spots are very popular!

  5. I love your vanity area, it looks so bright and clean! It's making me quite jealous, I'm counting down the day until we repaint our bedroom as the dark blue paint is sucking all the light from the room! Hahaha 'pile' of cats made me laugh ^^ I'm very envious of your beautiful old sofa and chair set! ♥

    1. Dark blue sure sounds like it makes a room feel very small! I hope you can repaint it soon, having something new in your home is always a great feeling :)

  6. So nice to have a vanity set. I love your home style and is always happy with your interior posts :)

    1. Thank you! I'm very happy myself with the vanity, it has finally enough space for everything :)

  7. You have lovely taste! The furniture is beautiful. I like the pops of color, too. And the pile of kitties, that's 100+ bonus points right there.

    1. Thanks! Kitties should always equal bonus points! ;D

  8. Awww, noi kissat :3 Ovatko minkä rotuisia?

    1. Lepakot, kuten mä noita hörökorvia kutsun, ovat itämaisia lyhytkarvoja. Samaa kamaa kuin siamilaiset, mutta toisella värityksellä! Mörkö taas on on rehti maatiaiskissa, vaikka onkin aika erikoisen värinen :)

  9. What you've done with the place looks gorgeous :) It's very reflective of the way you dress and do your make-up! I find it so hard to keep a coherent "look" for our apartment - I end up having every room a different style somehow

    1. Thank you! I really wanted to steer away from kitschy gothic stuff and rather go for colours that I like and hand-picked furniture that somehow match. But we do have the study, which is a jumble of everything that didn't fit anywhere else and piles of stuff to go to the flea market.

  10. Ihana koti, ja itse olen yksi näistä tyypillisistä Expedit-hyllyjen kuolaajista, haluaisin myös tuollaisen suuren ruudukkohyllyn mihin laittaa kaikkea ihanaa! Tosin se on varmaan pölyjenpyyhkimispäivän suurin painajainen... Sain inspiraatiota koristella omaa kauneuspöytää parin viikon päästä kun on muutto uuteen kotiin edessä :3

    1. Expeditit on kyllä näppäriä! Mulla oli entisessä yksiössäkin kaksi 1x5 -koloista yksikköä, joihin mahtui ihan tolkuttomasti tavaraa kun ostin niihin pahviset laatikot vielä lisäksi. Nykyään ne palvelevat TV-tasona ja ovat ihan käyttökelpoisia näin nelivuotiaina, vaikka ikä alkaakin näkyä :) Onnea muuttoon!

  11. I really like the vanity table, it's nice to have somewhere to sit and do one's makeup. I love that you have so many kitties!

    1. I love my vanity! I was dreaming of one back when I lived in my one room apartment, and was super happy when I got one in the next apartment. This one might use a longer table, since there's small gaps next to the walls, but it's very nice to use :) And having many kitties keeps life interesting ;P

  12. So pretty! I love the black and white contrast. And I was wondering the same thing as Salieria, aren't the kitties interested in the earrings? I have to keep Moo out of my bedroom because there's just too much for her to get into! HA!

    And those kitties are SO cute. ugh! SMOOSH!
