
Wednesday 1 May 2013

Happy May Day!

Yesterday we celebrated May Day, or Vappu in Finnish, or Beltane. Me and my other half were clever and combined the festivities with a house warming party. Lots of friends came and everyone seemed to be having a good time, I know I sure did! I did forget to put some of the cookies and candy up for grabs, so there's a lot left over, but I'm pretty sure I can manage with that ;P

Here's a few pictures.

My party outfit! My roots are horrible, but I've decided to wait until my hairdresser's
appointment that's just before Wave Gotik Treffen to get it done.

Dress - H&M
Corset - Lip Service
Pantyhose - Backstreet

Annina's lovely hair.

Tomato-feta-basil pie. This was so delicious, I think I have to bake on just
for me ;P

To get the party mood going I had gotten some colourful straws from Ikea
and tiny umbrellas from Tiger.

The bunting is from Tiger also, it's very cute with tiny flags!

Me & the bunting.
The onto the day after:

Almost everything has been devoured ;D

The kitties are tired after receiving so much attention.

And this little umbrella gave its all ;P
Happy May Day to everyone!


  1. You look amazing. Happy May Day :)

  2. Mäkin haluan tota piirasta! Näyttää niin hyvältä. :)

    1. Tekasin tänään juuri toisen kun jäi niin himottamaan ;P Siihen on vaan kaupan valmiista taikinasta pohja, sitten tomaatteja, fetaa murusteltuna, tuoretta basilikaa leikattuna silpuksi, täytteiden päälle 2 dl ruokakermaa ja 2 muna sekoiteltuna mustapippurin ja lorauksen soijaa kanssa, ja koko komeuden päälle juustoraastetta reilulla kädellä.

    2. Hihiih, kiitoksia ohjeesta! <3 Mä oon jo jonkin aikaa miettinyt, että voisin tehdä suolaisen piiraan, kun pidän niistä tosi paljon, enkä yleensä pysty syömään samaa ruokaa useana päivänä. Piirakka varmaan kuitenkin maistuisi monena päivänä! :))) Siinä säästäisi, kun ei tarvitsisi pariin päivään ostaa uutta.

  3. Sounds like a blast. I used to have that Lip Service corset! :) I didn't wear it very often as I seem to get heartburn easier when I wear tighter things. You look great as usual.

    1. We sure did have fun! I like this corset because it has only a few bones and is stretchy, which makes it very comfortable to wear.

  4. Nice photos :) Looks like it was fun :) I love that red chair you have. ANd the tights are super cute :)

  5. beautiful *_* and well, you could just say you wanted your hair this way! <3 maybe see you at wgt!
