
Sunday 19 May 2013

Outfit of the Day with Glitter Boots!

Now I finally have pics of the purple glitter boots worn! My other half took so many good pictures that I had trouble choosing which to post, so you get a ton. Sorry ;P

Necklace - Art with Latex
Top - Burleska
Skirt - Queen of Darkness
Handbag - Addicted (second hand)
Boots - Pennangalan (second hand)

I bought the skirt on Friday. I tried it on in the Queen of Darkness booth at Agra, but deemed it too expensive and decided to think on it. Well, when we came back to listen to the bands, I just had to go and buy it, because I couldn't get it from my mind! I don't wear long skirts often, but this short in the front model is nice because it isn't so hot and shows off my legs.

I also found a killer combo for my hair: a pair of Bumpits (little plastic hair inserts supposed to give volume) and the tangle teezer hair brush. Super easy and fast, and since I don't have to backcomb my hair so much, it's easy to de-tangle.

And the photographer himself! He got the shirt yesterday,
I think it looks gorgeous on him :)


  1. Vau! Aivan upea asukokonaisuus :) Näytät kauniilta!

  2. Ihana look! Tuo kaulakoru on aivan upea! :D

    1. Kiitos! Mä aina jotenkin unohdan käyttää sitä, mutta onneksi kolusin kaikki korulaatikot läpi ennen lähtöä ;)

  3. you guys are such a gorgeous couple<3
    I really love both of your outfits and looks

  4. Wau! Olet todella upea! Pitkään aikaan en oo nähnyt noin yksinkertaisen tyylikästä ja upeaa goottikokonaisuutta.

    1. Kiitos paljon! Tämä vuonna mä onnistuin optimoimaan vaatepakkauksen hyvin, käytin jokaista riepua minkä mukaan pakkasin :)

  5. WOOOOOU, sä oot upea!! toi ihan ensimmäinen kuva sopis vaikka lehden kanteen!!

    1. Kiitos! Mä huolella valitsin keltaisen julisteen taustaksi, kun ajattelin että se korostaa kivasti tukkaa, ja se näyttää toimivan!

  6. You look like a dark goddess! <3!

  7. Yo do look pretty! The hairdo is amazing, I have to ask for a tutorial!

    1. Thank you! I think I could do a tutorial, the bumpits are actually we handy for alternative styles :)

  8. You look so sexy with this corset and skirt! I am also not a big fan of long skirts because I love showing off my legs, so this kind of skirt is a good solution ;)

    1. Thanks! I also love how the skirt moves when I dance :)

  9. Gorgeous! Love your necklace too - it's been a while since I bought any Artwith Designs, maybe I should splurge!

    1. You totally should! :D The all-black designs are so easy to pair with almost anything!

  10. Siis mä vaan tuijotin tota ekaa kuvaa ja kyllä muitakin ihan lumoutuneena.. PANISIN! ;) <3 Olet häikäisevän kaunis.

  11. You look so unbelievably amazing! I'm super jealous of your style.

  12. Stunning outfit! I have a couple Art With Latex necklaces - they all look so amazing, it's hard to pick out what you want to purchase. You were right to go back and snag that skirt. It looks perfect paired with the boots and corset. You two make one great looking couple.

    1. Thanks! I have been thinking of ordering another piece from Art with Latex, since this one has served me so well :)

  13. both of you look amazing. I've seen bumpits in the check out line at a big box electrics store.

    1. Thanks! I got mine from a Claire's since they were half-price I thought I could try them out. There are also very cheap versions on eBay, I think.

  14. You're stunningly gorgeous!
    I'm absolutely jealous of all the things going on in your outfit ;)

  15. Beutiful :)
    Whats that thing to the hair? You have to take a picture. Its sounds great if the hair get big without backcomb.

    1. I'll post pictures of the hair-thingies! The tangle teaser is great, it's just a brush designed to de-tangle long hair gently, but it's a total killer for backcombing!

  16. Oh, wonderful look!!!
    I heard about those things to lift the hair. You can use shoulder patches from jackets to have the same effect, just need to sew the Velcro tape on both sides for them to stay in your hair better.

    1. The shoulder pad tip sounds great! I've used socks for buns before but seems like there's a whole art of hiding things in hair that I have yet to master ;P

  17. Ooooooh you are so beautiful. The skirt was a great choice - it looks awesome. Need to take a look at Queen of Darkness soon... ^^
    This hairdo is also great - YAY for a tutorial :) I hate backcombing my hair and this lifting-thingies sound great! <3

    1. Thank you so much! Queen of Darkness had a lot of great stuff, the only thing that's holding me back is that the prices seem just a bit too high for their quality. But I've liked every piece I've ever bought for them, so maybe I'm just worrying too much :)

  18. Dude, you always look like a superstar! And your other half looks great too - stylish couple!

  19. Ai siekin oot ollu WGT:ssä nyt viikonlopun! :) Minä myös, kuvaajan hommissa. En suhun törmännytkään, pari kertaa tosin kuulin suomea siellä täällä. Oli vähän hämmentävää, täällä Saksassa kun asun niin harvemmin suomea kuulee ympäristössä muuten kuin perheen kanssa skypetellessä. :D

    Toivottavasti oli onnistuneet festarit sullakin!

    1. Mä onnistuin jotenkin löytämään valtavat läjät suomalaisia, jopa meidän naapurit parin korttelin päästä Tampereelta oli sattumalta samassa hotellissa ja vielä samassa kerroksessa asumassa!

      Toivottavasti postaat kuvia blogiisi, on aina ihana katella WGT-kuvia ja muistella upeeta tunnelmaa :) Festarit oli mahtavat, toivon mukaan siellä myös!

    2. Oho ei paha! Tota voi sanoa ihan kunnon sattumaks, luulis vielä, että ton kokosessa kaupungissa on pilvin pimein hotelleja ja hostelleja, niin päädyitte kuitenkin just samaan. :D

      Kuvia on kyllä tulossa, niitä on vain lähemmäs 3000, ja raportti pitäisi kirjoittaa lehteen, johon kuvatkin tulee, niin tulee vähän kestämään, mutta toivon mukaan ensi viikkoon mennessä saisin kaikki valmiiks! :) Oli huippu viikonloppu, oon kerran ollut Leipzigissa WGT:n aikaan jolloin kävin myös tuolla keskiaikamarkkinoilla, mut parina edellisvuonna on aina ollu jotain kommervenkkiä, etten oo sinne päässyt, mut nyt onnistui ja ens vuonna meen kyllä varmasti uusiks!


  20. That skirt was made to show off those boots. Surely I can imagine the skirt worn for many years to come.
    You look absolutely gorgeous! Like a dreamy mermaid!

    1. What a lovely comment, thank you so much! I'm currently looking at waist corsets that might go well with the skirt, I'm very happy with it :)

  21. Vautsi, on kyllä mielettömän upea asukokonaisuus! :)

  22. Great photographs! You look amazing! I really like that necklace, I have a few things from Art With Latex and their pieces are very stunning!

    1. Thanks, my other half was so nice to take the pictures for me! Art with Latex is great, I love how easy to use (and care) the necklace is :)

  23. I LOVE that skirt! My wedding dress had a skirt in a similar style : ) I think it was totally a wise purchase - you look awesome in it!! Your hair looks perfect too!
