
Sunday 23 June 2013

400 Readers' Questions

When I had the last giveaway, I asked people to ask me things if they wanted to. This is a list of all the questions and my answers, sorry for being so slow to get this done! :)

Onko Kalma sun oikea sukunimesi?
Translation: Is Kalma your real surname? (Kalma means deathly in Finnish)
Valitettavasti ei ole! Mutta näemmä voisi olla, se on ihan oikea sukunimi. Nyt vaan etsimään sopivaa sulhoa... ;P
It's not! But it could be, it's an existing surname. Now just to find the right fiancé... ;P

Which beauty brands or products are your favourite ones from those available in local stores?
I think if I'd count, the brand I own most stuff by would be Lumene. I also like Isadora and H&M's cheapo stuff, their eyeshadows have surprisingly good pigmentation and they offer bright colours.

Can you name me 10 of your fav songs or movies?
Sure I can! I'm listing movies later on in this post, so I'll do songs here. Right now my list would look like this in no particular order: Angels of Liberty - The Black Madonna, Merciful Nuns - Ancient Astronauts, The Sisters of Mercy - Temple of Love, Skeletal Family - Promised Land, Sweet Ermengarde - Kisses, Musta Paraati - Peilitalo, Suruaika - Syysmorsian, The Upper Classes - The Disbeliever, The Merry Thoughts - Pale Empress, Murnau's Playhouse - Showreel, and Warsaw - They Walked in Line (sorry, I needed 11 spots on my list!). Bubbling under is a yet unreleased song from Murnau's Playhouse that doesn't even have vocals yet, but I love it :)

Haluaisin että esittelisit kodistasi lempipaikkojasi/lempi tavaroitasi.
Translation: I'd like you to show us your favourite places/items at home.
Laitan muistiin, kiva idea!
Translation: I'll add this idea to my drafts, it sounds like fun :)

Haluaisin kuulla vähän sun mielipiteitä meikkaamisesta ja suhtautumisesta siihen, ja varsinkin kovasta/"liiasta" meikkaamisesta. Onko meikkaaminen sun mielestä siis tapa korostaa kauneutta, luoda kauneutta vai mitä? Ja miksi sinä meikkaat? Ja mitä mieltä olen ns. "fantasiameikeistä"?
Translation: I'd like to hear your opinions and stand on doing make-up and especially bright/"over-the-top" make-up. Do you think make-up is a way of accentuating natural beauty, to create beauty, or something else? Why do you apply make-up? What do you think about "fantasy make-up"?
Mielestäni meikkaamisen pitää olla ennen kaikkea hauskaa. Mun mielessäni se rinnastuu piirtämiseen ja maalaamiseen, ja siinä saa ja pitää käyttää luovuutta. Hienoimpia lookkeja ovat sellaiset, missä kaikki osaset sopivat yhteen aina hiuksia ja asua myöten, eikä sellaista voi osata tehdä harjoittelematta. Luonnollinen meikki on ihan oma alueensa, enkä itse ole siitä niin kiinnostunut tai kovin hyvä siinä, mutta kaikki kunnia niille jotka ovat!
Translation: I think make-up should be first of all fun. I think of it as self expression, likes drawing or painting, and when you use creativity you get the best results. The greatest looks are the ones where everything fits together, even the hair and outfit, and that's something you only learn to do with lots of practice. Natural make-up is it's own specific skill, and one that I'm not so interested in or good at, but when it's done well it looks great and needs a lot of skill.

Do you have any problems with ordering makeup from USA (Detrivore, Morgana Cryptoria, etc.)? I want to try some new brands but I'm a bit affraid of the taxes and all that, I just don't want it to be super expensive.
Personally I've never had problems. The packages are small and they have never been inspected by the customs and companies usually mark the prices down. Shipping can be anything between 7-15 dollars (usually) but at least with Finland being so expensive, I think most times I would end up paying more for a lipstick in the department store next block than by ordering it from Morgana.

Could you tell me your favourite shops in Helsinki, this if you have some? I'll be in Helsinki this summer and I'd like to have some opinions from a finnish girl.
There's two nice goth stores in the top floor of the Kamppi shopping center. There's also a nice cafe and it's usually pretty quiet up there, even when the lower floors are full off people. I also like to visit Lush in the Asematunneli, it's underground near the railway station, and I like the H&M Home store on Aleksanterinkatu near the Stockmann department store. Lush and H&M Home are not unique, but the don't have shops in my home town, so I visit them in Helsinki. If you are into modern art, check out the Kiasma art museum right in the center of the city. Especially if it's hot, they have heavenly air conditioning ;P

I`m sure you get fashion questions all the time, but would you mind telling us some more about where you get inspiration from?
I like to read fashion blogs and browse tumblr every now and then. I also enjoy just going to stores and browsing what they have to find new, interesting cobinations :)

How did you get interested in video game design?
I've always played games, the first I can remember is SkiFree that came out in 1991. I can't remember when I played it, but if it was -91, I've been seven years old. I guess that's really the starting point :) I've liked games for a long time, and when I figured out becoming an artist was not likely to be a good career choice, I applied to study graphic design and found my love of games again. Not many of the graphic design students were into games, but the programming students in the same school needed some graphics done for their projects and I was the go-to person. I did my internship at a mobile game company testing games, and have continued on the same track from there on, doing graphic design and finally game design.

If you could only use one eyeshadow for the rest of your life, what would it be?
A though one! I'd have to say The Pointy End by Geek Chic Cosmetics, it's just lovely and fits my eyecolour well.

I'd like to know if you can really wear your many high heels during the finnish winter. I can walk in such shoes on flat ground, but you ought to have snow and ice right noch, am I right?!
My New Rock heels work pretty well in winter, and some of the Pennangalan boots have a rigid foam sole that has a good grip. I have leather wedge shoes that I usually use, and then a pair of flat boots for very cold, very slippery days or if I know I have to walk very fast. I live in the city center, so there's snow but not these knee-deep piles like further away from the center, and streets are regularly tended and gravel is put on icy places. And my walk to work only takes 10-15 minutes, so that helps too :)

How you stay fashionable AND warm?
It's tricky! I have invested in a stylish and warm coat and a few scarves that go well with it. Thick stockings also help a lot, or wearing several pairs at the same time.

Oletko pelannut Saints Row'ta? Entä Dragon Age: Originsia? Jos, tykkäsitkö? Jos et, pelaisitko?
Translation: Have you played Saints Row? Or Dragon Age: Origins? If you have, did you like them? If you haven't, would you?
Saints Row'ta en ole kokeillut, mutta DA on koluttu läpi huolella! Pidin siitä tosi paljon, mun sydämessäni on aina paikka tietokoneroolipeleille ja erityisesti sellaisille missä saa pelata ihmissuhteitakin :) Valitsin naishahmon, ja välillä tarina näytti aika jännältä koska se oli selvästi kirjoitettu miespäähenkilölle, mutta siitä tuli lopulta ihan hauska efekti. Ostin lisäosankin, mutta se on vielä pelaamatta. Kakkososan pelasin jo läpi!
I haven't tried Saint's Row, but I have played DA through and through! I really liked it, I'm always fond of computer roleplaying games, and especially ones that let you roleplay relationships :) I played with a female character, which made the story look a bit interesting at times since you can see it's written for a male protagonist, but in the end the effect was quite nice. I even got the expansion pack, but haven't played it yet, but I've played the sequel already.

Do you like perfumes? What kind of perfumes?
I do! I like musky, earthy scents and usually try to order from small businesses around Halloween when their Halloween themed collections come out. I like oils and solid scents the best. My current favourite is "Quoth the Raven" by the Morbid the Merrier, but sadly the company has closed it's shop since.

Could you show us some of your drawings?
Sure thing! I'll take a few pictures or scan a few to show you :)

I was wondering how you got into bright makeup and indie companies?
The first company I ordered from was Lost in Makeup Land. I think I came across them while browsing blogs, but to be honest, I really can't remember! I had been using make-up for years, but I'd had only a few eyeshadows for a long time. For me, finding colourful, unique shades was part of my journey in getting to know myself and how to take care of me properly. Apparently I need colour in my life!

What are your holy grail beauty products, Indie and otherwise?
Urban Decay Primer Potion is my absolute favourite. I've been using it for somewhere around five years now. The new tube version doesn't work as well as the vial one, but it might be that my skin is just a bit different then five years back. It's still the best eyeshadow primer I've ever tried.

And I was wondering, how you manage to wear your hair in such lovely up-dos?
I think most of my up-dos are just messy piles of hair full of clips to hold it in position ;P I'd say the key is to get decent ponytail bands (the ones with no metal clip preferably) and small clips with teeth. My clips are transparent, so they will always fit my haircolour.

How often to do you craft? And if you'd ever consider showcasing some in your blog, if you do?
My crafting frequency depends a lot on how much time I have at hand. Right now I'm pretty busy with work and I'm trying to complete one course and read a book for another. And then there's the CD cover and a few other little things... I've been trying to show most of what I manage to complete and will continue doing so!

You have a lot of awesome high heeled shoes. Do you use anything (like gel inserts) to make them more comfortable to wear?
Yes, gel inserts are the best thing since sliced bread! I bought several pairs the last time I was in Germany, since they are a bit cheaper there. They are lifesavers on long nights in clubs where there aren't many seats.

What is your skin care products, your skin always looks so nice?
Thank you so much! I dutifully wipe off my make-up with some toning water and apply gel moisturiser and eye cream (Dermae Vitamin A Wrinkle Treatment Moisturising Gel and a Lumene eye cream) at evenings before going to bed. I usually use a scrub once every two weeks.

Lempparituoksusi? Pidätkö enemmän tuoksuöljyistä, perinteisistä hajuvesistä, kevyemmistä edt:sta, vai oletko testaillut jopa kiinteitä purkkituoksuja?
Translation: Your favourite perfume? Do you like perfume oils, light eau de toilets or have you even tested solid scents?
Suosikkini tällä hetkellä on Quoth the Raven The Morbid The Merrier -kaupasta. Itken verta kun se joskus loppuu, koska kauppa on lopettanut ja tuoksu oli Halloween-spesiaali, joten sitä ei varmaankaan löydy enää lisää. En ole varmaan ikinä ostanut täysihintaista hajuvettä kaupasta, mutta mulla on muutama kirppikseltä ostettu tuoksu ja Tigerin halpistuoksuja, jotka ovat mukavan kevyitä käyttää eivätkä niin imeliä kuin monet halpikset. Käytän mieluusti kiinteitä tuoksuja jotka tulevat huulirasvatuubissa, ne ovat tosi helppoja ja näppäriä kantaa mukanakin. Erityisesti pidän tummista, vähän myskisistä maa-tuoksuista, joita olen haalinut One Hand Washes The Other -puodista läjän.
Translation: My favourite so far is Quoth the Raven from The Morbid The Merrier. It was a limited edition Halloween scent so I'm using mine sparingly. It's a perfume oil and a drop or two is enough for the whole day. I also have two traditional perfumes, and two really light scents (from Tiger, their cheap-o perfumes smell really nice). Then there's a pile of solid scents from One Hand Washes The Other, most are musky, earthy scents that I really love. I'd say solids and perfume oils are my favourites!

What are your main style inspirations?
I like to browse Tumblr and goth clothing catalogues for inspiration, and Etsy is a great place too. I like making stuff, so I'm looking for things that I could make with a twist.

If you would have to wear only one lipstick shade for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I have to say a plummy purple, those look good with my skin tone and I just love them!

Which alternative cosmetic brand would you recommend the most?
I'm not sure by alternative you mean indie, but I'll say Fyrinnae. They do amazing eyeshadows, really nice liquid lipstick and their blushes are also good. They also have pressed shadows these days, but I haven't tried them yet.

What was the worst beauty product you have ever bought?
I'd have to say the Evil Shades mixing medium, because I still haven't come up with any uses for it. It's a medium to mix with loose shadows to make them into liner. The thing is, the mixing medium never dries, it just stays moist and my liner transfers like a mofo! Otherwise I do like Evil Shades, this was a rare miss :)

A lot of the indie brands you purchase from are US based, are there any indie brands native to your country that you're digging, anyone we need to drool over?
I haven't found anything in Finland yet. I think our laws for cosmetics might be so strict that it's impossible to have a small company. It's even illegal to sell handmade soap, I tell you! Well, not illegal, but in order to do it legally the soap would have to be tested so that it's safe to use, and the tests are very expensive, so it's not economically possible to make small batches of soap and sell them. Finland is very weird sometimes. It's also illegal for a night club to have guests wearing outside clothing, and when buying a drink from a bar, it's illegal to sell more than one drink to a person at a time. I'm pretty sure the government will soon pass a law that everyone must wear helmets outside or something about as crazy ;D

Mitkä ovat mielestäsi kauheimmat meikkausmokat mitkä tiedät?
Translation: What are the worst make-up goofs you know?
Liian tumma meikkivoide, ehdottomasti! Erityisesti yhdistettynä hyvin vaaleaan huulipunaan. Mun silmään ei vaan sovi että huulet on vaaleammat kuin iho, enkä keksi missä lookissa sellainen ikinä voisi toimia.
Tranlation: Too dark foundation! Espacially when combined with a very light lipstick. I can't come up with any looks where lighter lips than skin would look nice.

What specific tips could you give to mantain a so beautiful and shinny hair as yours?
Well, I don't do anything special with it, but I do always use a heat protecting product before blowdrying or curling. I think it helps a lot!

What are your top 5 favorite films?
Princess Mononoke by Miyazaki, Mulholland Drive by David Lynch, Melancholia by Lars von Trier, Anti-Christ by Lars von Trier and Prometheus by Ridley Scott. I generally like movies that give you room to imagine and make your own conclusions.

When did you first shave your eyebrows off?
I used to have only the innermost parts for a few years and drew the outer wing every day, but I shaved them fully off two years ago. I'm still happy with the decision, I think drawn brows make my face look a lot more bright and open-eyed, my natural brows grow quite low and don't have an arch.

I think you should do a post about your cats! I am curious to know what breed they are.
I totally should! We have five cats, two are good old housecats, and three are oriental shorthairs. The orientals were mine and the housecats my other half's but when we moved together the kitties have slowly become accustomed to each other. They have some communication problems at times, since they seem to speak a different dialect of cat, but usually things go easy. The oldest one, Nivek, is now nine, and the youngest ones are five. That would be the housecats, who are from the same litter, and Möttönen. Nana is soon nine too, she's only a bit younger than Nivek since orientals are so active that they need to have another cat companion, so I got Nana shortly after Nivek.

If you could only pick two brands (indie or big name) to use for the rest of your life, which two would you pick?
Fyrinnae and Femme Fatale. Fyrinnae is just great, and Femme Fatale is a new find of mine, they do killer duo-chrome shadows!

Who is your favorite goth style icon?
I'll go with with Carl McCoy of the Fields of the Nephilim. He has impeccable style throughout the years! Peter Murphy of Bauhaus is the runner-up, I'll never get over the red rose petals he had stuffed inside his shirt at Mera Luna festival, it takes a genius to have such a surprise in store for taking off you shirt ;D

Here's a picture of a cat just to give this post a nice thumbnail ;P

Nivek likes sunny spots!


  1. What about choosing surname in Finland. Is it possible to take whatever name you'll like or do you need to have some kind of connection to it? In sweden we can take surnames that aren't occupied or aristocratic. We thinking of taking the name from a place we love.

    1. The Finnish name laws just changed, I think now it's so that you have to have a connection to the name to take it, or come up with a totally new one. If I get married one day, having an all-new name would be wonderful :) Your idea is also lovely, what would be nicer than have a name after a place you love!
