
Sunday 7 July 2013

Lumous Saturday Outfit

This is what I wore last night! My other half did my hair, there's two sets of extra long clip-in extensions in it, bumpits and a ton of hairspray ;D

It was a long and eventful night at the club, the main performer had cancelled last minute, so there was another band playing as the first one and the rest were moved later. It was fine, I only wanted to see the middle one, the Darkside Cowboys, so them performing last was okay! I also had a little skirt crisis, the cheap latex skirt ripped at the hem. What are the odds that at the same time in the ladies room there's a person with a roll of black electric tape in their purse? Elina is so resourceful, my skirt was fixed in no time and lasted in one piece for the rest of the night ;P

After the bands had played we danced the night away, there was even a conga line going on in the dancefloor at one point ;) Some people might think goth festivals are gloomy things where people sulk, but I can assure you, it's far from that!

Hairband - Seppälä
Mesh top - Second hand
Bra - H&M
Corset - Second hand (DeadlyGirlz)
Skirt - Some sex shop or another, it's been lying in my closet for years
Shoes - Second hand (Pennangalan)

I actually added the Lip Service sleeve (as seen in this post) to the outfit later, I just couldn't find it for the pictures. Probably someone sat on it at the time, because I left it lying on the couch during the pre-party we had ;D

Now I'm off to the Gothnic, a gothic picnic!


  1. Wow! What epic hair! <3

    How lucky someone had electrical tape! I hate when things like that happen! I am considering taking a mini sewing kit places with me when I have made more of my own clothes, it seems like a good precaution.

    I love those shiny purple boots soooo much! If only they made them in flat boots for clumsy people like me who trip over their own feet even when wearing flats.

    1. Thanks! The tape was really a blessing, and a mini sewing kit is an excellent idea also :)

  2. Holy hell mikä hiuspehko! :D Näytät näissä kuvissa kyllä ihan supermahtavalta päästä varpaisiin.

    1. Kiitos paljon, ihanasti sanottu! Tukka oli kyllä vähän kuuma, mutta mitäpä sitä ei kauneuden eteen kärsisi ;P

  3. Seppälän piikikkäät hiuspannat on aina toimiva asia! Ja aivan mahtava merenneitotukka, tekisi melkein mieleni itsekin muuttaa tukka violetiksi ihan näiden kuvien takia. Tosi kaunis.

    1. Seppälän pannat FTW! Mun yksilössä oli hintalappu niin tiukalla että siitä jäi painaumat, mikä harmittaa, muttei kyllä menoa haittaa. Kiitos kehuista! :)

  4. Good fortune with that electrical tape! You look GORGEOUS! And those shimmery purple boots are beautiful. Pennangalan do amazing boots <3

    1. Thank you! Pennangalan's shoes are always awesome!

  5. Wow. YOu look amazing. The hair and the boots is perfect together with the black clothes.

  6. Jos multa kysyttäis, minkälaiset hiukset haluaisin jos saisin päättää, niin just tollaset ku sulla. Mutta sehän ei ole mahdollista, koska mulla oli niin kauan huonot elintavat.. En usko, että saan enää koskaan yhtä paksua tukkaa kuin vielä teininä. No, ehkä ne pikkuhiljaa vahvistuu tästä.

    Olet upea tapaus. Näytin sun kuvia mun äidillekin, että: "kato nyt, miten ihanat hiukset!" <3

    1. Ihmiskeho on kyllä tosi hyvä toipumaan, ja hiuksissa muutos näkyy tosi hitaasti, joten se voi olla että hiuksistosi siitä vielä innostuu kasvamaan! :) Kiitos paljon kauniista kommentista!

  7. Wow, I wish my significant other knew how to do hair so well!
    You look very fierce =D

    1. Thanks! I'm blessed with a man that knows how to handle hair exceptionally well. And he cooks. I must have been a saint in my previous life to have it so good ;P

  8. hiukset <3 ja koko asu. nainen, sä oot upee!

  9. The hair, outfit and boots look absolutely amazing! :D

  10. Black electrical tape is pretty much a goth-fashion staple. Saving nights for over three decades. :D

    Your significant other sculpted AMAZING hair!!!

    1. I think I need to have a roll in my purse also, just in case of an emergency! Thank you!

  11. This... hair... *gasp* soooo amazing and wonderful... your other half did a great job on it! <3 Wow! <3

    1. Thank you so much! He did so good, even with my vague explanation of what I wanted :)

  12. I love your outfit! So lovely! You look fabulous!:)

  13. That is one thing I like about clubbing in the goth scene....we all take care of one another! There is always someone around in the ladies' room to help a person if they have a "wardrobe malfunction".
