
Friday 9 August 2013

Autumn at H&M Home

While in Helsinki I visited the H&M Home store, and they had a huge banner on the window about new stuff. It had a picture of a gorgeous pillow with a raven on it, but sadly they didn't have it in the shop yet. I found it online a few days later and just had to get it. Since the raven didn't really match the other pillows we have in the bedroom, I decided to change them all. My other half loved the raven too, so we just chose a few other pillows to match it.

The raven pillow is printed canvas. The print has warm brown shades in it, but not too much, it still goes well with black.

All of the new pillows. There's one with black PVC on one side and white canvas on the other, and a black satin pillow.

And one of the old pillows I in the end kept, it's also from H&M Home but I've had it for years. I might get a few more of the black satin pillows, since they are so pretty and don't seem to attract much cat hair!


  1. Tuo tyyny on i-h-a-n-a. En ole uskaltanut vain tilata, kun tilaukseen pitäisi laittaa kaikkea muutakin ja ja ja...

    1. Mä olin tällä kertaa kovana ja tilasin ihan vaan ne mitä tarvitsi, yleensä tilaukseen livahtaa vähän kaikenlaista ylimääräistä ;)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, me too! The raven does seem to like cat hair, but luckily it comes off easily too.

  3. Replies
    1. Kiitos, mä oon kyllä tosi tyytyväinen! Aateltiin ensin että ottais kaksi korppia, mutta se olis ehkä ollut liikaa, se toimii parhaiten yksinään.

  4. Oh my! I recently got two cushion covers for the bedroom featuring an owl on one of them and a deer on the other.. I think this beauty has to join the menagerie! Thanks for sharing it! :D ♥

    1. I think the raven will feel at home with other forest animals, and the print is of a nice quality!

  5. Olen katsonut samoja useaan kertaan, siellä on pari muutakin ihanaa printtiä :) Pitäisikin laittaa tilaukseen!

    1. Kannattaa! Korppi on tosi kiva ja kompakti tyyny, just sopiva vielä niskan alle kun löhöää sängyllä lukemassa :)
