
Sunday 18 August 2013

Chili Fest!

Last night my other half's band had a gig, and it was super packed and the place was hot and sweaty, what a tiring night! Today we finally headed out the the Chili Fest that already started on Friday, but we've both been so busy that visiting the fest was left for Sunday. I'm not a big fan of spicy food, but my other half loves it, so naturally I have got to taste a lot of hot stuff.

Tampere is so pretty.

Just look at those colours!

My other half got lots of different sauces, and I picked one that was mildly hot and had plum in it. I'm cooking pork with it, it's in the oven right now and I'm hoping it will come out nice! I also couldn't resist the cute little chili bushes, I bought one (that I first checked was a kind that my other half likes, since I'm not eating the chilies he better be ;P) to just sit on the window sill with my other plants. Currently all of my orchids are in bloom, so I'm feeling super confident about houseplants!


  1. I do love a good bowl of chili! Fresh chili peppers taste amazing

    1. I might have to try one from my new bush! Some are ripe and they shouldn't be super hot, so I could survive ;)

  2. Ooh, mäkin haluaisin kasvattaa chilejä. Ehkä vois uuteen kämppään jossain vaiheessa hommatakin, kun siellä on se lasiparveke. :)

    Ps. Himoitsen sun hiuksia! Ne on niin jumalaisen violetit<3

    1. Ainakin hoito-ohjeiden mukaan puskan pitäis olla helpommasta päästä, eikä chiliä ole vaikea siemenestäkään kasvattaa. Meillä pöhisee jääkaapin päällä ZenGrow missä oli aiemmin chilipuskia jotka pääsivät venähtämään ihan tolkuttomaan mittaan kun unohtui leikata ;D Ja kiitos kehuista, värjäsin just juuret omin hennoin kätösin!

  3. Oh, I would love to attend that :D

    1. It was a nice event! There were booths selling everything from fresh chili peppers to high-end chili sauces, and lots of different spicy foods were available :)

  4. Can you please just adopt me? It's so beautiful there.

  5. Very beautiful and colorful pictures, I'd love to visit a Chili fest!

    1. I'm hoping it will happen again next year, I think it has been bigger every year so far :)

  6. Oh yum! Delicious looking chili peppers-- how envious I am of your new plant companion!
