
Friday 16 August 2013

Isadora Sugar Crush Nails Review

My nail polish box is now officially full! I've wanted to keep the collection curbed to only one box, so I guess I have to go through everything and see if I can let something go if I find something new I want, it's tough ;D I got this one on the same trip when I bought the Maybelline Polka Dot polish. I saw an ad for Isadora's new "Sugar Crush" nails and the colour looked really nice, plus I didn't have any of the trendy sand effect polishes yet. This one is called Ocean Crush, it's a medium blue with a gold/turquoise sheen that gives it a luxurious turquoise look.

Sugar Crush polishes are basically matte glitter polishes, so after drying the surface is rough and only the glitter shine light, not the top coat like in regular glitter polishes. I think this causes the polish to dry really fast, which is a quality I like. The polish is opaque in two layers and doesn't chip easily. The glitter does wear off with time, but on my nails the highest part of the index finger nails started to wear down before there were any chips. I didn't even use a base coat, so it's all thanks to the polish. I believe you could wear matte top coat if you didn't like the rough surface, but I myself loved the texture. The glitter is so fine it won't snag, it just feels like a surface of fine sand on your nails :)

If you add a shiny topcoat, the polish looks just like regular glitter polish (I actually have a glow in the dark topcoat on right now, but it's not in the pictures). But there's one thing that makes this polish different from regular glitter polishes: it's easy to remove. Since the glitter is very small, it won't block the polish remover like in polishes with bigger particles. Since the remover can seep through, the glitter comes off easy. That's what makes this polish very versatile!

+ opaque after two layers
+ dries very fast
+ easy to remove
+ can be made to look like a classic glitter polish by applying shiny topcoat
+ doesn't chip and lasts long

- not very large selection of colours (the collection has nine shades, four of which are pastels that don't really do it for me)
- rough surface is not to everyone's liking

This polish is a great find and I think I'll be wearing this a lot! I've now had it on my nails over six days and I've only had to re-do one nail, I like low maintenance manicures and this polish definitely gives you one.


  1. Hei, mua kiinnostais onko tätä vaikea poistaa? :) Itse ärsyynnyn välillä glitterlakkoihin yms. kun niitä on niin hankala saada irti kynsistä.

    1. Tää on ihan yllättävän helppo poistaa, glitter on hienojakoisempaa kuin useimmissa joten tää lähtee helpommin :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! I'm still wearing it, I'm really fond of it :)

  3. This color is just yummy! I can't handle matte glitter polishes myself (I don't like bumpy. gritty nails), but you make this look fantastic!
