
Monday 12 August 2013


The weekend was somehow busier than I expected! On Friday, my other half and I went to have a look at a lovely kitten. He turned out to be maybe a bit too shy for our cat pack, the other cats would run him over, but he was super sweet. I took a ton of pictures, because who could resist kittens? There were six in the foster home, if I counted right. Surkis, the kitten we went to meet, is about seven weeks old and an orphan.

This is Surkis, he's still looking for a loving home.

So fluffy, and his paws are huge!

I love red cats, the larger kitten on the left was gorgeous! On the right is Surkis' sister, she's even smaller than Surkis.

Surkis' favourite hobbies seemed to be staring at toys and eating ;P
This is the season when abandoned cats and kittens are found by the bucketful. Some are wild, like Surkis' and his sister's mom, who had to be put down. The kittens were real fighters, they were lively and growing well, and had lots of company from the other kittens. Surkis wasn't the kitty for us, but if he seems like a match for you, pop to the Kissojensuojeluyhdistys page and find out more! They also have many adult cats waiting for homes, and there are soon more kittens coming, or so I heard.


  1. Ooo look at that heart-shaped nose <3 Hope he finds a home soon, it's so sad that kittens are left homeless every fall :(

    1. He's so cute! I'm sure he will steal someones heart, he even purred after I petted him for a while, such sweetheart :) I would have loved to take him home, but the other cats are so active and noisy that we need a kittens who's very outgoing and can take his own space and won't be run over!

  2. Kattoin kans et ihan sydämmen muotoinen nenä! (:

    Ja kissanpennut on kyllä valloittavia! Itse olin vastikaan kaverin luona käymässä ja hällä oli kans pieni pentu siellä! <3 se oli kovin sympaattinen töpöhäntä! Sen hännälle kun oli käynyt hassusti ja puolet tippunut pois.. mutta kovin elämän iloinen veijari ja kiusasi vain isompia kissoja :D

    1. Sydännenä, en mä edes huomannut! :) Me käytiin aiemmin kattomassa samassa paikassa ihan pikkusia orpopentuja, sellaisia jotka mahtui kämmenelle, ja ne oli kyllä mielettömän suloisia. Mä en ollut koskaan edes tavannut niin pikkusia, omat kissat on tulleet vähintään 12-viikkoisina ja kasvattajien luonakin oon katellut vaan terhakoita isoja pentuja, mutta niillä kyllä riittää energiaa!

  3. I hate people who let their cats breed and breed, it is so irresponsible and cruel as most of those kittens are left homeless and unloved. I wish I could take them all in but my other half would frown upon that idea, he says one cat is enough! XD Those little fur babies are precious, the little pink noses are to die for! I hope they find forever homes soon. ♥

    1. Leaving cats out is so cruel! They can't even survive in the Finnish winter, so most will die alone, cold and hungry. My other half didn't warm up to a siamese kitten I really wanted, bu he has a special place in his heart for orphaned kittens. So if we come across one that fits our pack, our doors are open for one more. I always think that after two cats it's all the same, and especially with five cats, who would even notice one more ;D

  4. Oih, tuo punainen muistuttaa paljon pikku veijariani Hassea! <3 Kissanpennut ovat kyllä jotain sellaista, mitä kauniimpaa ei maan päältä sitten löydäkään. En ymmärrä, miten jotkut eivät näe sitä.. Toivottavasti joku antaa Surkikselle rakastavan ja hyvän kodin, minkä se ansaitsee. Hasse muuten toipuu parhaillaan kastraatiosta lämpöisten peittojen sisällä. :')

    1. Nopeaa toipumista Hasselle! Sijaiskodista tuli tieto että uusia pentuja on saapunut ja siellä olisi yksi punainen joka vaikuttaa aika reippaalta, eiköhän me sitä mennä katsomaan jahka tenavat ovat kunnolla kotiutuneet! Punaiset kissat on upean kauniita :)

  5. It drives me mad when people abandon cats like this :(
    When I lived with my kids father and lived in another house by the forest a kitten showed up and begged for food. We took him to a cat rescuer. Just a few days later his sisters were found a long way in the forest by a road.

  6. This is rather ironic! I just rescued a small kitten this weekend, he has a dislocated arm :( but he's very sweet! I tried to save the whole litter, and would've saved the mother, but this awful woman at the party went around telling everyone that taking the kittens away from their mother would be "cruel" and that my boyfriend and I were horrible people. She released them behind my back, which caused me to flat out blue streak her in front of everyone. I just wanted them off the streets, spayed and neutered and in a good, loving home. I'm happy I did manage to catch the little one that needed medical attention. I just wish there were greater enforcements for spaying and neutering here. There are some provinces that won't even allow cats to be outside, I'd appreciate something like that, especially with feline-leukemia being an issue. Sending your cat outside is basically a death warrant. :(

    I hope you find the perfect little fit for your family!

  7. Those photos are precious - I always encourage people to go to the shelter and adopt animals in need of loving homes. I hope those little ones find a family soon. Unfortunately like Sandy, my home has to be a one-cat home.

  8. Omg how wonderful cats..
    When I have my own apartement I will also adopt from a shelter, they are adorable.

    Bella B.
