
Friday 30 August 2013

Outfit of the Day

This is what I wore to go out to eat with my other half! Autumn is clearly coming since I'm already planning a costume for Samhain and picked up a new hobby. I booked a few pole dancing lessons since I was so excited about it at the bachelorette party and it felt like an intense workout. I did gymnastics when I was a child and it all came back, I (mostly) remembered to extent my ankles and keep legs and arms straight when doing the moves, and remembered what I liked about that sort of exercise :) As an added bonus the dance studio is right my office, so even if I'm tired it's not a long way to go. I know from experience that I'm rubbish when it comes to getting off my ass and dragging myself somewhere far to exercise! I'm not very sporty, but I'd like to stay in shape, so here's hoping pole dancing will keep me interested!

Dress - H&M
Boots - New Rock

You might notice I also cut my bangs. The slanted cut was hard to keep looking nice since I'm a cheapskate when it comes to going to the hairdressers. I like a cut that I can keep looking nice by doing the maintenance myself. Maybe I'll go for the slanted bangs again next summer, but right now the straight bang feels like me :)


  1. I don't think I'm graceful enough for pole dancing. I would probably hurt myself. Actually, I'm probably lucky I don't fall down on the treadmill most days.

    1. I'm not sure how I look when dancing (generally my sense of rhythm is on level with that of a deaf opossum) but it was fun! And I'm quite flexible still, I think it helps :)

  2. I really like your hair like this :)!

    1. Thanks! It was a lucky coincidence, I just brushed it while it was wet and let it dry naturally :)

  3. you look very pretty with the new hair:) and I love the fishnet-y detail on your dress! :)

  4. Hienon harrastuksen olet löytänyt. :) Juuri tänään mietin, onko normaalia saati tervettä lähteä harrastuksistaan niin, että pyörryttää, oksettaa ja sattuukin vielä moneen paikkaan, mutta oli tai ei, kummasti oon aina vaan mennyt uudestaan. Voit siis toivottaa tervetulleiksi mustelmat ja hiertymät! On se silti vaan jollain kierolla tavalla kivaa.
    (Jos oksettaminen kuulosti liian hurjalta, niin se johtuu vaan siitä, etten ole oikein kaveria hurjaa vauhtia pyörivän tangon kanssa.)

    1. Odotan innolla! Mä oon pitänyt lihakset kipeinä käymällä kykkimässä Megazonessa viime viikkoina, mutta kun jooga oli ehkä vähän liian hidastempoista ja olis hyvä tehdä jotain muutakin kuin istuskella ihan säännöllisesti, niin toivon että tanssi vie mukanaan :) Mitä siinä sitten pari mustelmaa sinne tänne haittais ;D

  5. Such a pretty lady ^.^. Can't wait to see that costume!

    1. Thanks! I'll be sure to take pictures of it!

  6. Nice outfit ^_^ You're right, it's important to maintain a shape even if you look good. I'm goth and doing workouts 5 days a week (and proud lol) :D

    1. Thank you! I work in an office and I'm not very sporty, my main exercises are walking to the office and back and if I'm feeling energetic, taking the stairs to the fifth floor ;P I think exercise will do me good!

  7. Love the new fringe - I also tried the slanted fringe once and it was too much trouble to maintain. You look great!!

    1. Thanks! You'd think a slanted one is just as easy to keep looking good as a straight one, but it's not! :D

  8. Tolppailu on ainakin minut vienyt kokonaan mennessään :)

    1. Olis kiva jos kävis samoin, oon tosi harvoin innoissani mistään liikunnasta! :)

  9. Oh I love this outfit is sexy and dark. The hair looks gorgeous! Pole dancing does sound like a huge workout, yet fun! Can't wait to hear how it goes. :)

    1. Thank you! In the bachelorette party we had a one hour lesson, and I was still sore all over days later ;D So it seems to hit the right spots!

  10. Nice outfit post, I'm going to try to post more of these on my blog and make them more quality and detailed for more interest I suppose. Hmm.

    1. Taking photos outside in natural light helps a lot! I'm already dreading the winter, since then I'm at work during the hours when it's light and have to fiddle with the flash at home.

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks! It feels so new and fresh again, I'm very happy with it :)
