
Friday 20 September 2013

Challenge: How I Edit My Pictures

I got this challenge from Sonia at Tyttö ilman helmikorvakorua, thanks for sending it to me!

Here are the rules of the challenge:
1. Thank the person who gave you the challenge!
2. Have an unedited and an edited version of the same photo in the post.
3. Write about what you usually do when editing photos. What software do you use?
4. Give the challenge to five bloggers!

I went a bit overboard and included many pictures from the Make-up Store Look post I did earlier.


Edited. Cropped, auto contrast, auto color and the horrible stubble is touched up a bit.
For editing I use Picasa by Google. It's a light program that lets you organize and edit pictures. It has only basic tools, but they are very well selected and programmed. I also have Photoshop, but I find Picasa is so well optimized for photo editing I hardly ever open Photoshop just to fix photos.

I have a Nikon D80 with a macro lens I use to take pictures. I usually take my make-up close-ups inside, standing next to a window to catch as much natural light as possible. The pictures still sometimes come out a bit dark.


Edited. Cropped, auto contrast, auto color, touch-ups on the stubble on brows.
Normally when I open a photo for editing, I first crop it, then use auto contrast, then try auto colour (sometimes I like the original colours better and stick to them). I finish with cleaning the picture up by using the Retouch tool if there's something like fallen eyeshadow on cheeks, pieces of mascara, stray cat hair or I happen to be having a bad skin day and have a zit or two ;P Picasa's retouch tool is very intelligent and cleverly matches the background so it's easy to fix small areas.


Edited. Cropped, auto contrast.


Edited. Auto contrast, some small retouches on the redness on my nose bridge left by glasses,
a pimple next to my nose and another one on my temple. Dark undereyes are faded a bit.
This editing takes about five minutes with Picasa.
I can definitely recommend Picasa to anyone editing photos! Photoshop is great for doing larger tasks and graphic design, but I feel the limited tool selection of Picasa also helps to not go overboard with editing. Picasa also automatically saves the original picture (for some reason as a hidden file, so if you are looking for the originals, turn on showing hidden files on your computer) so if you make a mistake, you can't have accidentally saved over the original.

Then on to challenging other people to do this!

1. Sandy at Arsenic and Old Lace
2. Duvessa at One of Beauty's Daughters
3. MothMouth at Through the Looking Glass
4. Lynoire at Milking the Rolling Cow
5. Chastel at Wandering the Borderlands

Good luck!


  1. Cool post! Picasa is like a god to me, I do all my editing there, all my photography and other artistic stuff. I seriously don't need more even for photos I consider to be art.

  2. I use too Picasa, the tools are very goods, and the most of my pics is save there XD I liked the challenger >.<

  3. maybe I'll give it a try. You always look so pretty in your photos!

  4. I use Photoshop Elements, it has less features than normal Photoshop and since mine is really old I can't do much with it anyway. But challenge accepted, trying to get it out next week :D

  5. Thanks for the challenge, I think I could piece together some thoughts on the matter!
