
Wednesday 11 September 2013

Jewellery and Accessories for Sale at Tracon!

You can find my little hats, glitter bat hair accessories and jewellery at the Kuroi Neko Clothing table in Tracon on Saturday and Sunday! So if your life needs a new little hattie or some sparkly goodies, head to Tampere Hall on the weekend :)

Hattujani, kimaltavia lepakkohiuskoristetani ja korujani on myynnissä viikonloppuna Tracon-tapahtumassa Kuroi Neko Clothingin pöydässä! Jos kaipaat elämääsi pikkuista hattua tai muuta kimaltavaa ihanuutta, suuntaa Tampere-taloon lauantaina tai sunnuntaina :)

These two and one extra will be available at the market place: / Nämä kaksi ja yksi kuvaamaton tulevat olemaan tarjolla myyntipöydässä:
Satine, named after the character in Moulin Rouge. Super glittery!
Black Hole. Black, feathery, and with chenille dot veiling and black sequins. I'm totally keeping this on if no one buys it on the weekend ;P


  1. Lovely items! :) I would definitely visit your table if I was in Tampere this weekend. Sparkly goodies and cute little hatties ftw! :D

  2. I wish I was going just so I could buy some of your hatties!!!

  3. Whoa, they look so cool *o* I really like the second one!
