
Monday 20 January 2014

600 Readers Giveaway!

It took me some time but here's the 600 readers giveaway, finally! Also to celebrate my blog's second b-day, yay! I wanted to pick the prizes so that they are great products that I have used and loved. All items are bought by me personally (well, except for the necklace, which I made).

The prize

In the end I settled on these things:

1. Topshop Velvet Lip matte liquid lipstick in Raven, pitch black. This stuff stays and stays! You can see me wearing it here. Incidentally I'm also wearing two of the three eyeshadows in the same picture.

2. Three eyeshadows by Femme Fatale, The Nightmare, Faerie Fire and Nethermancer. I just love The Nightmare and Faerie Fire, both have a strong green sheen. Faerie Fire is lavender and The Nightmare a dark purple, they go great together! Nethermancer I haven't tried myself, but it looked like it would work with both shades. It's a medium purple with a blue shift. Here you can see The Nightmare and Faerie Fire in action.

3. A skull with bat wings necklace made by me! It's band new and never worn. The skull has cool little rhinestone eyes to give it some sparkle.

To participate in the giveaway you need to do the following:

1. Follow my blog. Write on your comment how you follow it.

2. Leave a comment on this post telling me what is your favourite post on the blog so far.

3. Leave your email address in the comment also, so I can contact you easily if you are fortune's favourite!

The giveaway is open until 5.2.2014 and it's open internationally. Good luck!


  1. Olen lukenut blogiasi jonkun aikaa googlen kautta :) itse pidän eniten meikkikuvista jotka ovat tosi persoonallisia :)

  2. I'm following from GFC!
    Wow, there's so many... but i like a lot of your looks that you wore on Lumous. I like your outfits because they aren't fancy, so i can get some inspiration to myself!
    My e-mail is:

  3. I follow your blog via I really loved your nail art tutorials, that's something I'm missing during the last months. My favourite post is probabaly the one about ombre nails (!

    My email is lene[at]herr-der-mails[dot]de

  4. Hi, can we participate if we don't have a blog? I follow you from the start, but don't have my own blog :)

    1. Sure you can! The settings are so that anyone can comment, even without a Blogger or G+ account. All participants are welcome :)

    2. Thanks very much! I also follow you on Facebook.
      As for the questions - I found your blog via the "nails' tag and so far my favorite post would be, because it assured me to try those nail polishes, which are now my favorite ones :)

  5. Hi! I follow your blog via facebook and gfc. I found it when I was searching for some swatches, but my favourite posts are outfits of the day and home decor. And the Pumpkin king look :)
    My email is: mojca(.)zorko(@)gmail(.)com

  6. following your blog via gfc
    my favorite post till now is

  7. I love your hair so posts that contain something about your delicious locks are my favorites! I also enjoy reading posts about festivals. I follow you via bloglovin'. miirae @

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I follow you through blogger and my favorite (or the most inspiring i'd say) post is probably about how you made the ruff that you wore to Lumous festival.

  10. seuraan googlen kautta :) tykkään kovasti kaikista postauksista, mutta tukkapostaukset ovat tälle kampaajalle mielenkiintoisimpia!

    piiperoinen00 at luukku piste com

  11. I read your blog via Feedly, but I am also a follower via Google Friend thingy.
    At the moment I love this post the most, as I adore this necklace!

  12. Bloglovinin kautta seurailen, niin ja Bloggerin kautta myös. :D

    Kissaihmisenä nostatan kaikki postaukset joissa kissat - etenkin Möttönen vilahtaa suosikeikseni. Olen Möttösen HC-fani.. Terkkuja vaan kisulille. :)

    Talvisin terveisin,
    leben / meikki_monsteri@luukku. com

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hello beautiful!I follow you and your blog via facebook, and my favourite post is "How To Use Bumpits With A Back-Combed Goth Do". I loooove your style!

  15. Hi! I follow your blog via blogger & my Google account. I found you from another blogger - you are definitely a one of a kind Gem to follow ;) Its hard to choose my favorite post however I will go with your pole dancing post. I love how artful, graceful and natural you are in this post!

  16. Bloggerin kauta tulee seurattua. Ehkä lempparipostauksia ovat olleet kaikki kissoihin ja noihin ns. mallikuviin liittyen :)

  17. :)
    My favourite post is this one because I never think of this and it's really simple :)

  18. Hi! I'm BallerinaDark from GothicDivineMagazine blog :) remember me?
    I follow your blog daily by clicking on the link that's on my blog. Anytime I see you post something new I click :)
    I remember this post of yours in which you show how to craft a fascinator (this one --> which was really useful and I keep it among my "Favourites", so I guess I can consider that one my favourite. Though I love your outfit and make-up posts too.

    My e-mail is:

    Have a nice day :)

    1. oops! sorry I wrote my email address wrong! the right one is ;)

  19. Seuraan GFCn kautta. Mun lempparipostaus oli sun ihana meikkipöytä (& -kokoelma) joskus kauan sitten, tee päivitetty versio siitä? :)

    sari piste susanna at hotmail piste com

  20. Luen bloggerin kautta nimellä Tike, facebookista tieni tänne löytänyt.
    Mä tykkäilen tuosta craft-tagin alta löytyvistä postauksista. Erityisesti nuo hiusjuttupostaukset on mieleeni sillä väkertelen käsillä itsekin. :)

  21. Hi, I've kindof just started following blogs and your was one of the very first.

    I follow your blog via bloglovin´.
    My favorit so far is your Yule post:
    I was in a big Christmas spirit when I find it and thought it was a great idéa to put up Yule so we see some diversety in the holidays. And the decorations were really nice :)


  22. I follow via GFC as Shopping Addict, also have liked on facebook.

    I think the "Wedding Look" was gorgeous.

    andrea.trenary at

  23. i follow via blogger.
    i really enjoy your outfit and make-up posts, so it's hard to choose.
    lately, my favorite one has been I'll Move That For You Look. this deep blue eyeshadow is perfect! (
    your blog is very inspiring <3

  24. Bloggerin kautta seuraan blogiasi.

    Olen nauttinut suuresti oikeastaan kaikista postauksistasi. Olemme tyylillisesti kuin eri planeetoilta, mutta se ei tarkoita sitä, ettenkö voisi ihailla sinun tyyliäsi sinun ylläsi ja olla siitä kiinnostunut. Meikkikuvat ovat laadukkaita ja meikit taitavasti tehtyjä, niitä on ilo katsella. Erityisesti pidän myös käsityöaiheisista postauksista, itsekin kun käsityöihminen olen.

    pakolliset ät

  25. Hello :) I follow with GFC and Bloglovin. It´s hard to choose one post, I love your craft posts, you are really talented. And outfit posts along with photoshoots. I love your style :)

    1. I forgot the mail :D

  26. I follow you on facebook and blogger. It's hard to pick a favorite post, most recently I love the one showing the little hats you made for the bridle shower.

  27. Seurailen blogiasi Facebookin välityksellä (ellen ole muuten muistanut lukea blogipostauksiasi suoraan bloggerin kautta). Mielenkiintoisimpia postauksia ovat erityisesti DIY-postaukset, jotka ovat todella inspiroivia. Lisäksi tykkäilen myös päivän asu, ostos- ja matkapostauksista. Kiitoksia aivan mahtavasta blogista, jota on aina ilo lukea (oli aihe mikä tahansa)! :)

    Heli-Maria (

  28. I follow via bloglovin []. I really love your OOTD posts, you always make me jealous with how effortlessly stylish you look and your beautiful clothes :). And the makeup of course. Massive congrats on the 600 followers, you deserve each and every one.
    my email is :)

  29. I follow via my google account and use feedly to read your blog. It's a bit hard for me to choose one post, but I enjoyed your Black Magic review from OHWTO. I bought a pot of this because you enjoyed using it!
    My email is

  30. Well, I follow via blogger and the dashboard. I'm a sentimental mess so my favourite post is the one that made me discover you, and that's the how you edit your pictures post. I'm ridiculous :p Oh and my email is

  31. Löysin blogisi noin pari viikkoa sitten, kun guuglailin geelikynsienlaitto-ohjeita. Näin ollen myös lempipostaukseni blogissasi on juurikin nuo samat ohjeistuksen geelikynsien laitosta, kiitos niistä! Huomasin, että blogissasi on myös muita minua kiinnostavia juttuja joten päätin alkaa seurata sitä muutenkin. :) Ja tosiaan, osoitteesi löytyy nykyään selaimeni kirjanmerkeistä ja sitä kautta myös helposti pääsen tänne. ruskafin (at)

  32. Uuuh, I love that! :) I am following via blogger. And I know what to answer from the beginning: The last Samhain-Post with you as a superhot dead bride! I really loved it! :)
    My email:

  33. Hi! I follow you through Blogger and enjoy your blog so much. For the moment my favourite entry is ''Some Home Pictures''. I think we have similar decor tastes and really like watching this kind of things. Of course I also enjoy your style/makeup ones :)
    My email is and I'm Martina from Spain =^.^=

  34. I follow through GFC :) - Aims
    I love the post with your Cyber Party outfit! So much fun!

  35. Hello! I've been reading your blog but went ahead and joined the Facebook page for it too. I just haven't ever gotten the hang of how to use the blog-following things like blogger and whatnot. :) I loved your Hello Kitty look, and well, it's not makeup-related but another one I remember being awesome was when you made the gothy black and purple chair. It was gorgeous!

    Email is

  36. Hellooooo. I don't have any one favorite blog post. I enjoy your look posts and I really like your craft posts and when you show us photos of things in your home. =D

    I follow you on google friends, facebook and bloglovin. =]

    my email is

  37. Following on GFC - Julie Simpson. My favorite blog post(s), Your cat posts! I Love Cats. I'm known as the Crazy Crocheting Cat Lady. E-mails -

  38. Luen blogiasi bloggerin kautta. Suosikkipostauksia on nuo kaikki "How to" ja "Crafts" labeleilla olevat. Muutenkin tykkään kyllä oikeastaan kaikista blogisi kuvista, kun valaistus yms. ovat useimmiten kohdillaan :)

    addams piste elisabet at gmail piste com

  39. I love your blog!, I follow it since you had like 100 memebers haha. Your blog is in my quick-link tool bar! so just imagine. = ) I like your blog cause it has a bit of everything.

    I follow you through here (just joined my google account to blogspot so I added it) and through Facebook as well. Tho this last times I haven't got any news update, guess is time to check the "interests list" button?.

    I think that what I enjoyed a lot were the posts about how you more or less were decorating your new apartment and the Gotik Treffen pics you shared.
    I love your style, you always look classy even when informal.

    My e-mail:

    <3 xoxo

  40. I follow you through Facebook.
    My favorite posts are usually makeup-related, since I´m really lazy when it comes to finding and buying makeup products. When I get a feeling I want something new I can just check here for tips, and have recently purchased a lipstick based on your review. I adore your eyeshadows as well. :)

  41. gfc blublu

    I <3 the post with ur Cyber Party outfit!

  42. Yaaay! Congrats on the blog b-day and on the 600 readers!! :DD

    My favorite post so far was the one where you showed us that old fashioned bride dress saying that you would get married using it.. and it was just a halloween costume project :( You took me on an emotional rollercoaster that day! jajajaja

    GFC: Nohe


  43. I follow you through my Google account as well as Facebook. I REALLY love your post on how to press loose eyeshadows and blushes! Such a neat little trick! ;)

    My email is

    Cheers! xo

  44. Seurailen sekä Bloggerin että Facebookin kautta. Lempparipostauksia ovat olleet hiusjutut ja kissapostaukset, mitään yksittäistä en osaa eritellä. :) Niin ja askartelujutut!

  45. I follow via GFC as MrsKittyKaBoom
    I love all your posts. But especially the ones about hair, makeup and your outfits. I've always adored your style. <3 Congrats on your followers. and good luck to everyone!

    email: MrsKittyKaBoom AT gmail DOT com

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. My favourite was the swatches of Shiro Cosmetics because that made me decide to try out the brand!
