
Thursday 9 January 2014

Wavy Hair?

My antique crimper (made in the early nineties perhaps?) claimed to have exchangeable plates that make waves. Well they don't. They just make a slightly bigger crimpy pattern, but I tried it still. I combined the weird hair with heavy eyeliner since it sort of reminded me of Egyptian reliefs.

The pictures didn't want to come out how I wanted, so I added a moustache and some kitties.

The perfect style ;D

Möttönen is coming to join me, if she only dares to jump.
After the effort of actually jumping after a lot of meowing.

I rewarded her with some sweet talk.

Then she pulled a super mean pose ;P
I'm washing the crimps out tomorrow, but wanted to document them since the effect was so funny!


  1. Your hair looks lovely with those waves!

  2. Oh, I love those "waves"! I always did that with my hair when I was younger, but with tiny waves, so that I looked like a troll. :D
    I like the make-up ...and your brows! I'm trying to grow mine out a bit, they are super thin.
    Give a kiss to Möttönen from me ;D <3

    1. Thank you so much! I have to admit that the brows are still quite a hassle, they like to grow wonky, but with patience and a good pair of tweezers they can be tamed. I'll be sure to give Möttönen your regards!

  3. Mulla on vielä julkaisematta marraskuussa taiteillut KREPPIhiukset! :D Siis krepattiin tyttöporukalla kaikkien tukat ja voi herranjestas. Odotan kauhulla koska siitä tulee jälleen trendi :D

    1. Ooh! Mä tykkäsin teininä krepata tukkaa, vaikkei se ollut edes muodissa, mutta letti pysyi pidempään puhtaana ja näytti tosi tuuhealta! Ja sama vanha uskollinen kreppausrauta odottaa uutta tulemista ;P Käytän sitä kyllä välillä kohottamaan tyveä näkymättömissä, että saa sen sentään vähän rakkautta jo ennen muodin muuttumista.

  4. Yes, I see some resemblance it egiptian hair but it looks cool, it remainds me of old goth looks.
    Ah, you are lovely when you're smiling,

    A Strangeness in me Blog.

  5. i really love this eyeliner on you!! so pretty!!

    1. Thanks! I'm a bit hesitant to wear heavy eyeliner since my eyes are quite small, but I'm glad it works fine!

  6. I don't care if crimped hair is stuck in the 90's, I still like the look of it on some people and it looks especially awesome on your teal hair! I like the look of it used in messy updos, where only a handful of the hanging pieces of hair are crimped!

    1. Thanks, I should try an updo with some texture! I suck at putting my hair up, but luckily my other half can usually be coerced to help ;P My only updos tend to be messy buns with hair sticking everywhere, but they work in keeping the hair away from my eyes.

  7. I love your hair! It's amazing! Crimped looks amazing on you! Very nice :). It's not that 90's. I see it a lot lately!

    x Dawn
    Join my give away!

  8. I´ve bought a second hand crimper lot long ago, and unfortunately am too lazy to work on my hair with it. I just don´t have the patience XD
    Your hair looks beautiful!

    1. Thank you! I find that listening to music helps when doing boring stuff with hair. Crimping and curling don't make any noise so it's the perfect opportunity to concentrate on music while getting things done :)

  9. I also have an "antique" crimper with exchangable plates, one flat, one zig zag and one wavy. I used the wavy one a lot.
    The waves looks very nice in your hair.

    1. Thanks! I think I still like curls more, crimping takes for ever with long hair! But the look was quite nice :)

  10. What cute kitty photos! I think the effect of the crimp was quite nice. I've seen a few people busting out the crimper lately - now I'm craving crimped hair!

    1. Thank you! I'm sure crimped hair would look great on you!

  11. I'm looking for the ''zig-zag'' crimper for years but can't find it anywhere. This hairstyle looks great on you!

    1. They must be a bit out of style, second hand ones could be easier to find. Thank you!

  12. Mun mielestä tuo tukka on kyllä ihan aukuisten oikeasti aika ihanan näköinen noin "krepattunakin" :)

  13. I love the crimps! I think it looks great.
