
Thursday 25 June 2015

The Countess

Whew, what a day! After a full day at the office I hurried home, put on some make-up and a corset, and headed out for a photoshoot with Sanni Saarenmaa. We had originally planned to do the shoot last week, but it was raining so hard we had to reschedule. Today it was raining too, but luckily it was only cloudy and windy when we were out taking pictures. It was great that we got the lovely Agony von Grim to assist, she's great at giving direction and with the strong wind messing with my hems, it was a blessing to have some one helping!

Originally the plan was to do a shoot with my black Victorian outfit, but since the brown one I have been working on was very nearly finished, yesterday I decided to just get it done. I got to bed half past one in the morning, but I'm certain it was worth it! My main problems were with the hat I was making, I had a really hard time understanding the instructions and the fabric I had chosen didn't want to behave but was always buckling every which way. In the end I just glued everything together and stuck on enough decorations to hide the ugly bits, and it worked like a charm. I'll do a more detailed post on the hat and outfit later, here's my look from the photoshoot :)

Hat done with Harlots & Angels Abigail hat pattern, corset pattern by Truly Victorian.
See how the fabric on the hat keeps making tiny wrinkles? AAARGH!

Then I had the bright idea to take pictures with the cats, apparently they didn't like it ;P

"I hate you."
"I have to go now bye."
I can't wait for the finished pictures, they outfit looked so nice and the setting was gorgeous, and Sanni is such a talented photographer that the pictures will surely turn out great!


  1. Hi! <3 D'you photograph yourself at home?
    All pictures seems like studio pics! Lovely!

    1. Thanks! I have a set of two lights meant for photography, and my fiancé takes the photos. The lights are really great for smooth, studio-like lighting, which I feel makes for very nice picture quality :)

    2. They're really great, and you're very beautiful!
      Thank you for answer! ♥

  2. Upeita kuvia ja asu! Hajosin kyllä pahasti tuolle ekalle kissalle x))

    1. Kiitos! Kissoja ei sitten kiinnostanut niin ollenkaan mitkään kuvailut ;D

  3. The cat Pictures were too funny. They deifantely didn't feel like modeling hehe. I always try to photograph my chipmunk and he covers his eyes with his hands, (I don't use flash) so it just looks sooo funny.

  4. Thise pictures are lovely. The cat pictures made me laugh

    1. Thank you! I just had to share the cat pics, they were so hilarious ;D

  5. It was a unusual experience to see you in the brown wig. You definitely fit your brightly colours best. The photos are absolutely lovely and I can't wait to see the whole outfit. Are you sewing it for a special occasion?

    1. Thanks! I was planning to wear the outfit at Lumous Gothic Festival, which is next week. But I'm fairly sure it will see lots of use at other events too, because my black bustle skirt has been worn so often :)

  6. Ihan järkyttävän hienoja kuvia! Sulle sopii kuin nenä päähän tuollainen viktoriaaninen goottityyli - jo ihan kasvonpiirteiden puolesta. Kissakin on niin aristokraattinen ilmeeltään ja olemukseltaan, että ! :3 Tyylikästä, erittäin tyylikästä.

    1. Kiitos paljon, nätisti sanottu! Kissat on selkeesti aristokraattisia just sillon kun niitä huvittaa, eikä koskaan muulloin ;D

  7. Wow, the outfit is amazing, although I like the last two pictures best because CATS! :P

    1. Haha, cats are always the best ;D Thank you!

  8. I have the same hat although mine looks much larger. Maybe I have a smaller head? It looks great on you! And I think your idea of including the cats is good, despite the unwilling models that day...

    1. The wig I'm wearing is quite fluffy, than can be one reason! Also if you have printed the pattern yourself, it could be that your printer scales it a bit larger than mine. It's a great hat! Thanks!
