
Wednesday 16 September 2015

800 Readers Giveaway!

I'm a bit late with this giveaway, but I wanted to get an amazing prize because you are the best readers ever! When I started the blog in 2012, people warned me that blogging means getting nasty comments and that it would be hard to get in touch with readers. My experience has been the opposite. I can almost count the rude comments with my fingers and people comment often, which is great!

I love getting to hear from you guys and I'm grateful for each an every comment. You say the most amazing things and it makes writing a blog very rewarding. So to everyone reading this, thank you!

And now on to the giveaway! Bought this Urban Decay travel pencil set from a Sephora in Seattle. I got one for myself too and I really like it. The set has a basic black liner, Zero, an awesome purple, Voodoo, and a shimmery medium brown, Corrupt. Voodoo is exclusive to this set and can't be bought separately.

This lovely set (it's naturally unopened, the pencils next to the box in the pictures are my own) can be yours if you just comment on this post. I'm thinking of doing a new cosplay costume, so share ideas with me :)

To enter giveaway, comment on this post and tell me what characters you would think would suit me well, or just which characters have cool looks!

Winner will be chosen randomly. The giveaway is open internationally, I will cover the shipping fees. Giveaway is open until 30.9.

Pencil swatches. Zero, Corrupt and Voodoo.

The pencils are travel size, cute and small!


  1. I thing Lydia from Beetlejuice is awesome! :)

  2. For some reason, it would be so cool to see you as a Disney Princess! Your looks are sort of hard so it'd be really fun to see a change to a complete softie. :)

  3. I'm from Brazil, can I participate too? (:
    If yes, the best character I liked most was this

    1. Yes you can! The giveaway is open internationally :)

  4. Hi !

    I think you would make a lovely steampunk-y-goth Alice in Wonderland or Snow White, or maybe a nice Pris Stratton from Blade Runner !

    Have a nice evening ;)

  5. Rakastan "vanhoja" jumalia, kuten Anubis, Ra, Hel, Athena tms. Joku sen tyylinen olisi mahtava nähdä! :)

  6. I'm so happy that you decided to to a giveaway! :D I also love this set, really want it though...

    Anyways- I'd like to see a cosplay of you in Disney's Snow White, of course in an "evil" or dark version. I think it would suit you very well Karoliina :D


  7. Well, this is a very difficult one! You already did demon hunter ;)
    Maybe Ginger from Ginger Snaps? The part where she's almost transformed completely. That's such a cool look!

  8. Onnea hirmuisesta lukijamäärästä :). Mun on pakko osallistua tähän kilpailuun, vaikken yleensä enää osallistu mihinkään, koska en ole ikinä eläissäni mitään voittanut (okei paradoksi, miten voi voittaa jos ei osallistu!). Mutta näiden takia olen valmis uhmaamaan karmaa! Mun ehdotus cosplayhin olisi Shin Megami Tensei NINE:n Maria. Mustana ja/tai valkoisena.

  9. What a nice set! I was getting ready to take part in a doll makeover contest and I chose the doll to work with, Venus McFlytrap from Monster High. I thought of you today because her hair looks quite a lot like yours :)

  10. I think you would make a pretty poison ivy :D

  11. I was thinking one of the characters from Monster High? I know it's a kids cartoon but I love the dolls... they're totally cool. How about Draculaura or Frankie Stein? I think you'd pull that off! ;)
    Suzy x

  12. Some Monster High -character would suit you very well! For example Spectra Vondergeist or Gigi Grant. :)


  13. I think you would look great with a dark/punk version of Elsa from Frozen!

  14. You would make an awesome cat woman

  15. Uhmm... I think that Edea, from Final Fantasy VIII, could be a nice cosplay. Did you cosplay her yet?

  16. Uuuggh valintojen maailma... Mutta sanotaan nyt että Mrs. Addams (Addams Familysta), Selene (Underworlds-saagasta), Maleficent (Disney-piirretty tai Angelina Jolie-versio), Jean Grey (X-Men) ja ennen kaikkea paras ois varmastikin Sally (Nightmare before christmas)!!

  17. I'm going with Kate Bishop from Young Avengers because bows and purple clothing are fun :)

  18. Irvikissa! Mielestäni sulla on jotenkin semmonen ihana pilke silmissä joissain kuvissa, niin kuin tietäisit jotakin mitä muut ei. Kujeilija! ;)

  19. Don't know if you've done her yet, but Bayonetta is right up your cosplay alley!

  20. Angel from Borderlands would be cool n_n

  21. I'd love to see you as Frankie Stein or Lily Munster! <3

  22. Big sister from Bioshock 2 would be awesome to see :) And gz for the reader amount! ^^

  23. I could totally picture you with a Storm Costume (Xmen) :)

  24. An alternative version of Team Rocket's Jessie (Pokémon) - pink haired and sexy! ;-D

  25. Ahh awesome pencils! I want! I think there should be a character based on you, you look so awesome with your bright hair and cool makeup looks! If we have to mention real characters some of My favourites are Rogue, Elsa, Sir Integra Hellsing , Asuka, and one of the tall vampires from Vampire Knight. I think you would look awrsome as any of them ( you already did Snow Queen though).

  26. Maleficent! :)
    sari piste susanna at hotmail piste com

  27. It would be awesome if you cosplay as Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII

  28. Hi, its Roxanne from Facebook, just trying to comment again. My suggestions were Maelificent or Witcher xxx ♥♥♥

  29. Scarlet Witch! Näemmä se sanottukin jo, mutta tuli välittömästi mieleen. Pidän siitä hahmosta itse kovasti. :P

  30. You'd be amazing as Raven from Teen Titans, or Steampunk Jasper from Steven Universe

  31. The first and only character that comes to my mind is Merida from Brave, because I myself want to cosplay her. But wouldn't it be cool if you tried? :D Supercurly, long red hair and a green dress + a bow. I'd say it's a deal!

  32. All the characters that come to mind right now are witches, I was absolutely in love with the aesthetic of the witches in Hansel & Gretel (I do love me some shitty films) and by association I'm also thinking of Meryl Streep's character in Into the Woods (her 'true' look but I'm sure you'd do the cursed look fantastically as well) with some amazing green hair.

    Congratulations on the 800 readers, you deserve so many more <3

  33. Queen of Hearts from Alice: Madness Returns (:

  34. I was thinking to Maleficent too !

  35. I was thinking to Maleficent too !

  36. Paljon onnea huimasta lukija määrästä! Pakko kyllä yhtyä muiden kommentteihin ja sanoa, että Maleficent sopis siulle varmasti tosi hyvin :) Jostain syystä myös Gamora Guardians of the Galaxystä tuli mieleen :)

  37. I really love alice in wonderland and the different colors that all of the different colors that are used throughout the story.

    mijulin at cox dot net

  38. I think the Evil Villain, Maleficent, has a cool look and those three pencil colors would be ideal for her. Thank you for the chance :)
    jslbrown2009 at aol dot com

  39. Oh my goodness, what about Nebula from Marvel? or Mystique, or Ruby Gloom!

  40. Oh my goodness, what about Nebula from Marvel? or Mystique, or Ruby Gloom!

  41. Olipas hirvittävän vaikea kysymys! Pohdiskelin, että jokin velho-, keiju-, demoni- tai enkelihahmo olisi upea ja tarpeeksi erilainen muutamaan viimeiseen hahmoosi nähden. En kuitenkaan saanut päähäni mitään yksittäistä sopivaa "henkilöä". Maleficent taitaa olla tällä hetkellä melko suosittu cosplay-hahmo, mutta kuten muut ovat todenneet, se sopisi sinulle kyllä loistavasti. msesmsesmses (a)

  42. Onpas vaikea kysymys! Itse en tiedä cosplaysta mitään joten en myöskään tiedä mikä niissä piireissä on ns. muotia mutta merenneito Ariel voisi olla hauska asu!

  43. ok I kind of stole this but I saw a comment about disney princesses and I couldn't help but think of how awesome alternative princesses looks would be on you!

  44. Myrkkymuratti Bättiksestä!


    riina_87_ at

  45. I'm thinking alice in wonderland

    showstopper474 at gmail dot com

  46. Myös mun ääni menee pahattarelle! :)

  47. I love the marvel characters like cat woman!

    julimi at aol dot com
