
Wednesday 2 September 2015

Outfit of the Day

It was a really hot day, so I finally got to use my hotpants that have been waiting for their time for ages in the depths of my closet. The outfit is really simple, but looks quite nice photographed with my home studio setup. I put on nice make-up to take a few "official" pictures, as I needed a profile photo that I could use for work if someone needed a photo of me. Those I took with a game t-shirt, but changed into something a bit more me to go out for tea with a friend.

Top - Seppälä
Bra - H&M
Hotpants - Bik Bok

Magnus the cat was very helpful. He loves to hide behind the backdrop for some reason!


  1. Toi kissakuva on aika mainio <3! Mä en tajua miten saat sun hiukset pidettyä näin voimakkaan pinkkinä (ja tasaisen värisenä koko matkalta). Ne on niin kauniit!

    1. Kiitos! Elumen on ihan loistava hiusväri, se jotenkin tuntuu tasoittuvan itsestään. Sekin lopulta haalistuu latvoista, mutta juurikasvu alkaa olla ongelma ennen haalistumista, ja Elumen ei haalemtuessaan juurikaan taitu oranssiin, kuten monet pinkit, joten väri pysyy haaleanakin nättinä.

  2. That is a really cute top! Magnus is adorable!

  3. THIS look is the best! all the colors look great on you. Great pics!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I have a few sheer items that I've been debating just wearing with a cute bra because I don't like how they look layer with another top. This gives me reassurance to just do it!
