
Tuesday 6 October 2015

Progress with Magnus the Kitty

Magnus the kitty came to live with us in March 2014. He was very shy and not that used to being around people, as he had been donated to an animal shelter at 6 months old and had possibly not been handled much before that.

That's why it was a great moment for me when Magnus finally voluntarily lay on my lap! He's taken a liking to my other half and jumps on his lap, but he's been much more careful with me. That's most likely due to the fact that my other half works from home so he spends a lot more time with Magnus, whereas I go to the office five days a week and have been traveling a lot this year. It's so rewarding to see how Magnus has opened up and to finally have him purring on my lap :)

We did coach him to come lay on my legs by having my other half sit next to me, have Magnus on his lap, then he put Magnus on my lap and slowly inched away ;D But it still counts as Magnus stayed on my lap for minutes and seemed to be enjoying it!


  1. cats have their own time plan. They choose the time and place. I had a cat that would lay next to me but not on my lap.

    1. They sure do! And it's okay if Magnus never becomes a cat who likes to sit on people's laps, he's a wonderful person and still very young. We just yesterday took in another cat from a friend, and he's loves to be cuddled and sit on any available lap!

  2. Aww congrats! He may get friendlier as winter approaches.

    1. Thanks! That's true, at least the other cats clearly want to sit on warm people when it gets colder. And Magnus is still so young, it might take him a few years to learn how to enjoy sitting on people ;D
