
Tuesday 5 January 2016

A Different Start for the Year

My other half and I had big things planned for the beginning of the year. In December, we decided we would get married at the registry office during the Christmas vacation and have the wedding party later in 2016. Well, except that was not what happened.

We had the appointment at the office on Monday at three o'clock, but on Sunday my other half went to play airsoft, tripped and broke his leg. It's nothing too serious, but of course a bit of a disappointment when things don't go as planned. The leg was operated yesterday and it's much better today.

I've been to the hospital to keep him company and make sure he has something nicer to eat than the hospital food. He should be home tomorrow and free of the cast in six weeks. I absolutely hate hospitals so I'll be glad when I can take care of him at home!

Look how good of an almost-wife I'm, bringing him food and a book!


  1. Oh no, how horrid! I hope he gets better soon! I find hospitals pretty scary too!

  2. Speedy recovery to him! It's not important when and how you get married, your love and care for each other is what matters :)

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that! :-( I wish all the best for both of you now, I hope your other half gets well soon!

  4. Sorry to hear the bad new wish for a speedy recovery

  5. Sorry to hear the bad new wish for a speedy recovery

  6. I feel for him. I broke my femur in 2014. Will he be able to walk soon? Best wishes~~

  7. Sorry to hear about the broken leg and your broken plans! I hope he gets better soon!

  8. Oh noo :-(. Very sorry that your big plans were interrupted by such a bad thing. I hope that his leg will heal well and quickly. Take care of both of yourself.

  9. Oh no, so sorry to hear that. I hope he recovers soon.

  10. Hey Karoliina,
    hope he is well very soon!!
    Although it's way too late for you and your man, I just wanted to share what I've just come across at Dirge magazine (maybe some readers can get use out of this!): ways to propose to your beloved weird person! Here's the link:
