
Thursday, 9 February 2012

Sugar and Arsenic

Sugar and Arsenic

Sugar and Arsenic by siegelinde

Sugarpill and A is for Arsenic are running a Valentine's competition! Go and participate, here's the link to it!

I had never used Polyvore before, so my look is a bit plain, but I still like it. I'd wear that outfit any day! I was just drooling over the A is for Arsenic shop a few days ago so I already knew which were the items I wanted to include in the look. Other stuff was just found on Polyvore, except for the eyeshadows and shoes. Shoes are by DSquared2 and super pretty, sadly also super expensive. I'm imagining this look will be complete with bold eyeshadow done in my favourite Sugarpill colors!


  1. Mä olen niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin kuolannut noita DSquared2:n kenkiä kun näin ne ekan kerran lehdissä fashion week'n jälkeen. Jos vaikka tulisi lottovoitto niin tiedän ainakin mitkä kengät hankin heti :D

    1. Ne on ihan mielettömät! Mulla on tilauksessa halpakopiot Malesiasta aitonahkaisina, mutta en uskalla riemuita ennen kuin ne oikeesti tupsahtaa postiluukusta ja näyttää siltä miltä pitääkin. Lottovoitto olisi tosiaan hyvä sijoittaa ainakin näihin popoihin ;)
