
Tuesday, 5 November 2013

A Few Samhain Pics

Jukka took lots of great pictures at the party and already sent them to me, so here's a few! There actually was a few of me and my other half :)

The pumpkin in front of the DJ equipment. It worked great even though I carved it at the last minute and almost lost
my nerves since the goo inside was so hard to scrape off.

The Grim Reaper is apparently giving a lesson to me, the ticket sales persons and Chastel from Wandering the Borderlands. (It was great to meet you, by the way!)
My other half and I. He seems to be really in character here ;P

This one shows how the sticky blood glued the pearls to my neck, and you can see the awesome toilet-paper-and-white-glue-stuff that is my first try at creating wounds with make-up. And how silly we look ;D

Impressions from the dance floor. Notice the little ghost hanging above the crowd!


  1. The pumpkin looks great! Loving the costumes!

  2. Replies
    1. It was so much fun! Although a bit crowded at times, but rather that than an empty venue :)

  3. Nice to meet you too! Hope you don't mind me saving the first two and the last picture for my own use, a few memories of the evening since I didn't take a camera with me. :)

    1. That's fine, I carried a camera but in the end didn't have the time to take pictures after the doors were opened! :)
