
Friday, 15 November 2013

Pics from the Photoshoot Meet

I already got the first batch of pictures, yay! Many came out really nice, just like I hoped. These are taken by Jukka and edited by me, but they are mostly original, I've only done very minimal things like fiddling with the contrast on Picasa. With good lights pictures come out very nice straight out of the camera.

First with a black background! I packed colourful tops but it was so busy
I didn't change clothes at all, I wore these to work too ;P

I think this one showed my make-up nicely, even though it's a bit blurry. I'm wearing Femme
Fatale The Nightmare and Faerie Fire, and I glossy lip stain in Vintage Wine by IsaDora.

The light setup with the red canvas wasn't as nice, and I don't think the colour goes well with my hair.

White background had a totally different set of lights which weren't as bright as the other ones.


  1. stunning! can you tell me which hair color did you use?

    1. Thank you! It's Directions Turquoise on top of bleached hair.

  2. Lovely photos! I especially like those from the side were you can see your thick curls

    1. Thanks! I've been wanting to take pics with the new hair colour curled, but just haven't had the time before!

  3. Wow you look so beautiful and that new hair rocks! ;)

  4. Gorgeous hair, your t shirt is lovely, can I ask where you got it?

    1. Thanks! I was actually meaning to write where the shirt is from on the post, but forgot! It's by A for Arsenic, they have gorgeous prints. It's actually a size L, I got it hoping my other half would like it but it didn't sit right on him, so I've been wearing it. But in the right size it would not be as loose as mine, I normally wear an S so it has lots of room ;D

  5. Thank you, I had forgotten about that website. The shirt looks great loose for more casual look too :)
