
Wednesday, 5 March 2014


We have a new family member. He still doesn't have a name and is feeling very shy. He's a six month old bengal kitten that came to us from an animal shelter. He likes to hang out behind the clothes dryer and on top of closets, but that's okay, it was clearly quite a shock to come to a new home.

I'm expecting earning the kitty's trust will be an interesting experience, I've asked for tips from a friend who works with rescued cats so I'm prepared! At the foster home he already played with humans, but wouldn't let anyone pet him. Here at our place he has sniffed my hand and my other half's hand, so we are clearly becoming friends slowly but surely :)

I was so worried when the kitten wouldn't eat the dry food we gave him, but the problem was that he wanted some real meat. Once that was in the cup, he ate it all!

The kitten came from Kissojen Suojelu, they have an excellent blog telling of the everyday lives of their foster homes, have a look! It's only in Finnish. Update! Kisu also has blog posts in English, you can find them via this link!


  1. He is gorgeous! I would love a Bengal! I would love any kitty really, I need to own my own place so I can get one, it is hard to find a rental that allows cats!

    1. I hope you find a place that allows kitties! They are such nice personalities :)

  2. Aw what a cutie, hope he settles in ok :)

    1. Thanks! Today he already dared to come out and play, so the progress is fast :)

  3. He is such a cutie, and soon you'll be best friends :3

  4. Awww, cutie! We have 3 rescue cats - our last one had been in the (no-kill) shelter for 12 months, so it took a while for her to get used to living in a home - you'll get there!!

    1. I'm pretty impatient, but luckily the kitty seems to make fast progress! And if he ends up to be a shy cat, that's okay too, there's room in our cat pack for any kind of a personality :)

  5. Kun meille muutti aikuinen kissa (toisesta kodista), niin sain ensimmäiset 6kk lättyyni ja matkustaminen kissan kanssa onnistui niin, että se piti kääräistä tyynyliinaan ja laittaa kantoboksiin... Kun oli puolisen vuotta mennyt, niin siitä tuli rinnuksissa roikkuva, pukkaileva, päätä suuhun työntelevä ja huriseva rakkauseläin! Jaksa vaan odotella, niin kyllä se siitä :)

  6. Meillä on muuten osa postauksista myös englanniksi ;)

  7. Kisulille oikein mukavaa kotiutumista! Luottamus syntyy pikkuhiljaa, kohta se on jo se svengaava bengali svengali. :) On se kaunis <3
