
Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Shedding the Winter Coat

When you go swimming in natural waters for the first time in the year, we Finns say that you shed your winter coat. And that's just what I did last weekend at my family's summer cottage! My other half and I arrived with plans of just eating dinner with my parents, quickly bathe in the electric sauna, and head home afterwards. But since my uncle, aunt and their kids were at their cottage next to my parents', we went to say hi after eating and bathing. Turned out they had heated the wood fuelled sauna by the lake shore and invited us to join. I love the heat of the wood sauna, so I couldn't resist going to the sauna again when there was an opportunity. And since it's right next to the lake, I dove in for a few minutes despite the cold water.

It was an exceptionally sunny and warm day, and since my other half had gotten enough of saunas for one day, he snapped some pretty pictures! The lake is so shallow that I'm kneeling in the picture, boy were my knees cold afterwards ;D

Sun is setting on the lake.


  1. Huih, sie oot ensimmäinen tälle vuodelle, jonka oon kuullut heittäneen talviturkin jo! ;) Nuorempana tuli itselläkin käytyä ekan kerran uimassa talven jälkeen juuri huhtikuussa, mutta kaupungissa asuessa alkoi jäädä väliin ja uintireissut sijottuivat kesään enemmän. Nyt voisi olla aika korjata tilanne, kun täältä maalta löytyy uimarantoja ja olisi kiva käydä pulikoimassa pitkästä aikaa. Jostain syystä miun tatuointiajat sijottuu yleensä myös kesälle, niin jää uimiset pitkälti väliin senkin takia.:) Hienot kuvat tässä(kin) postauksessa!

    1. Onneks saunaan oli vaan muutama metri matkaa! Tatuoinnit kyllä rajottaa, mun viimeisimmästä käynnistä tuli onneksi juuri se muutama viikko täyteen että pääsi pulikoimaan!

  2. Such lovely pictures!

    x Dawn

    1. Thank you! My other half is quite a talented photographer, if I do say so myself :)

  3. A gorgeous sunset

    ... :) ...

  4. Wow that looks beautiful and tranquil... I'm jealous!

    1. Thanks! I really love the summer cottage, since it's fairly private, only one neighbour next to it and they have had their cottage for longer than I've lived, but still there's only a ten minute walk to the super market ;D

  5. The lake looks beautiful, and your hair goes well with it! It is so strange to think it is getting warmer over there just as it is getting colder over here!

    1. I'm just like a mermaid but with tons of hair spray ;D Maybe at this point the temperatures here and there match? There must be a time when they do!
