
Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Needs Moar Glitter!

That's what I said while making this hat! I had a last minute panic about what to wear to WGT, so I decided to just make a hat with the craft stuff I already had rather than buy something new.

It has a felt base covered in black PVC (which used to be a butt-ugly dress in previous life), rimmed with pleated trim and a ribbon to hide the seam, then there's a piece of veiling with sequins, a black lace rosette (which used to be a doll's skirt for years), some black feathers and a wooden ship painted with black acrylic paint and lacquered with glitter. All of this is glued on to a headband. I usually use clips, but wanted to try how a headband would work since this fascinator is a bit heavier than my usual ones.

I think the ship looks like a ghost ship now!
This was a really fun project! I luckily have two more ships waiting to be turned into fabulous little hats. One is for a friend for a steampunk themed outfit, but the other one is still waiting for inspiration to come. I ordered the ships from China through eBay, they cost around five euros a piece, which was a really decent price.

And a close-up. I might add some glitter to the lace rosette still, because everything is better with more glitter ;D


  1. That's incredible, you're so talented

  2. Pretty awesome!

    I love ship hats-- I wanted to make some myself, but I can never find the ships. Would you mind divulging which ebay seller you got 'em from? I want to start making my own soon, hehe.

    1. P.S. I am head over heels for your new hair color. It's like you were born with pink/purple hair. It suits you incredibly well, that it looks natural lol.

    2. Here's a link to the ships!

      I was especially happy that they had dark sails, painting white ones black would have been a pain. They are also quite lightweight and the base isn't glued on, you can just pull it off. Thanks for the lovely comment!

  3. glitter, glitter and more glitter. That hat is awesome

    1. Thanks! Glitter is the key to making awesome things ;D

  4. Replies
    1. Kiitos! Meitsillä alkaa olla niin paljon övereitä hattuja että tarvisin ennemmin useamman pään, mutta kyllä nyt aina yks lisää mahtuu kokoelmaan. Erityisesti jos siinä on glitteriä ja paljon ;D

  5. IIiiiihana iiihana iihana IHANA!! ♡ ♡

    Näyttää aivan mahtavalta etenkin tuon niin karkkimaisen kesätukan kanssa! ^___^

    ~ Frillycakes ~

    1. Kiitos! Mä oon kyllä tosi ihastunut tähän kesätukkaan, se tuntuu heti tosi kotoisalta :)

  6. Wow! It looks awesome! Love the blue glitter! I hope you have a lovely time!

  7. OMG, it looks incredible! A true ghost/nightmare ship! And it would suit my new dress sooo perfectly :p

  8. That is so cute! And so much glitter, it only makes it more awesome!

    x Dawn

  9. Pretty and creative :) but i wish i could see also the wall behind you with all these frames.. seems interesting!
