
Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Things You Can Buy at Lumous Dark Market

I made a few items that will be sold at Kuroi Neko's table at Lumous Dark Market. I think I might have gone a bit overboard once again, but I love making pretty things and I couldn't fit inside the apartment if I kept everything for myself ;P

So here's a sneak peek at what will be available! The prices are between ten and thirty five euros. The headbands and chokers are 10-17 euros. Fascinators take more work (I make the bases from scratch) and they are 30-35 euros.

Clock hands, velvet and skeleton lady cameo on a headband.

I found these excellent large clock hands that look great and really stand out!

A smaller cameo with clock hands and velvet.

Black glittery foam horns.

A close-up on the glitter, I think the shade is really nice. It has turquoise, blue, purple and just a hint of peach glitter.

I think I have to keep this piece if no one buys it ;P Silk roses with feather accents, decorated with glass beads and satin ribbons.

Close-up on the beads. I love these! I haven't been able to find similar roses again, these
two were the only ones I had.

Purple glittery foam horns. Very light and easy to wear!

Lavender rose headband with glittery leaves.

Just look at that glitter! I didn't find glitter foam anywhere in Finland so I ordered some from Germany. You always need glitter foam ;P

Silk rose headband with smaller lavender roses as accents.

Rose headband in pink and purple.

There are three different shades of roses on the piece: dark purple, pink and lavender. They are made of foam so they won't fray on get wet.

Rose headband with black and purple flowers. I made one in these colour for myself too!

Rose headband with glitter leaves.

One can never have too much glitter, that's my motto ;P

This one is an older fascinator that I re-vamped so it could find a home. It's called Satine.

Blueberry fascinator with some added decorative ribbon.

Strawberry fascinator to which I added a foam rose and some ribbon.

Black Hole fascinator.

Hair clip with clock hands, velvet ribbon and a skeleton cameo.

These are a new design for me! I made one for myself and dove into my ribbon box
to decorate a few more to sell. The choker is a bit too large for the styrofoam head, it
sits much nicer on an actual person. The chokers tie with ribbons so they fit most necks.
I think they also work both ways, with the opening and the ribbon it the front or back.

Mini sequins and glass beads.

Choker with black frill.

Close-up on the frill details. The frills are very soft and fall nicely.
Some of the items will appear on my Etsy shop after Dark Market, unless someone buys them all ;D


  1. Gorgeous stuff! I love the feather chokers. Where did you get your clock hands? I can only find combined hands and movements on ebay.

    1. Thank you! The clock hands are from Etsy, I bought a de-stash lot with a pile of them. There must be packs with only the hands because I found a lot once earlier too, when I was making my clock hand tiara.

  2. Those feather chokers and pieces with clockhands are wonderful!

  3. The feather chokers are gorgeous :3

    1. Thanks! I made for for myself too, I really like them :)

  4. Those horns and chockers. <3 You gave me a few nice ideas with all those beautiful, black feathers.
    That "model" of yours - creepy. ;D

    1. The model head really is creepy! It looks like it's dead or going to be sick ;D

  5. Those foam horns are amazing!

    x Dawn

    1. Thank you! I made myself a pair with glitter foam and they are to die for! There might be a leftover glitter foam pair for the market too.

  6. Todella kauniita. Pitäisiköhän mennä Lumoukseen saakka, että pääsisi pikkasen hypistelemään ja ostamaan :D

    1. Kiitos! Kannattaa samalla tulla ilmaisiin tapahtumiin sitten, niitä on paljon! ;D

  7. Those are gorgeous! You are very talented! That headpiece you want to keep is probably going to get snapped up immediately, you might want to keep it for yourself!

    1. Thank you so much! I think I have to go through all my hats to make room for new ones!

  8. Siiis wau!!! Todella kauniita!

  9. Pakko kysyä, että miten olet nuo sarvet tehnyt? :)

    1. Ne ovat ohutta vaahtomuovia (sellasta askartelukäyttöön suunniteltua) leikattuna itse väsätyillä kaavoilla ja liimattuna ensin renkaiksi ja sitten sisäkkäin. Lopuksi pintaan silaus kimalleliimaa!
