
Thursday, 22 January 2015

Watercolour Look

Inpired by the Snow Queen look I did earlier, I dug up my Sparkle Baby palette by Sugarpill. It has gorgeous pastel shades, but I've been having a phase of using only dark colours and taupes lately, so the beautiful palette has been sadly neglected.

This look uses all of the shadows in the palette: CandyCrush blue in the inner corners, Frostine lavender on the lid, Kitten Parade peach blended into Frostine and outer edges of the shadow, and Hotsy Totsy hot pink in the crease. I just added black liner and mascara to bring out my eyes a bit more, and the look was done. Light and easy!


  1. Aaaa. Sugarpill aiheuttaa tällä hetkellä ihan kamalia himotuksia!! :D

    1. No sanopa muuta! Niiltä on vissiin tän kuun lopussa tulossa uusia irtoluomivärejä, se on sit heippa vaan rahat kun ne on tilattavissa ;D

  2. Wow, very water coloury indeed! I love it!
