
Friday, 27 February 2015

Scale Mail Necklace

I'm planning to wear my scale mail corset tomorrow for Club Schatten, but despite my vast pile of necklaces, I felt like nothing looked good with it. It has apparently been long enough for me to remember what a pain in the but making scale mail is, because I dug up the left over scales and a pile of rings that were too big for the scales. An hour or two later, behold, my new scale mail necklace!

It's made of two rows of ring mail and three rows of small scales. I quickly found out that stainless steel leaves dark marks on skin when in direct contact, but I'm hoping what ever is causing the stains will come off after some use, or when I wash the necklace.

I'm super pleased with how it came out, I just googled a few pics for inspiration and tried to make something similar with the left overs from the corset. Maybe I'll try to make a bracelet too, it would look so nice with the corset and necklace!

My newest corset is also showing in these pics, but I'll post better pictures later. It's absolutely gorgeous and deserves its own post!


  1. Did you tried to paint it with a coat of clear nail polish? I read somewhere that it can help with staining.

    1. That might help! I just washed it with lots of soap if the residue would be just some oil on the scales and rings, but a coating of something might be needed.

  2. I use Renaissance wax when I'm sealing my jewelry, especially the stuff that I've oxidized so it is rusty and crusty.

    1. Ooh, that sounds like just what I need, thank you so much for the link!

  3. Hitsi miten hieno! Kelpais miullekkii :D Väritön kynsilakka vois tosiaan toimia siihen tahraamiseen.

  4. That necklace is amazing! And you look so pretty in all of these photos. I noticed the corset right away--it's to die for!

  5. looks perfect! so is scale mail much more difficult than the common chain mail?

    1. Thank you! I don't think it's much harder, it just takes a bit longer because scales generally use smaller rings than what look good on chain mail. The basics are the same!

  6. That necklace is awesome! Would you ever make them to sell or is it too fiddly and annoying?

    1. I did promise to make one for a friend, so maybe at the same time I could try to make a few to sell if I have the materials :)
