
Friday, 22 May 2015

WGT 2015 Part 1

I'm in Leipzig again! Due to the train strike, my other half and I had more time to spend in Berlin than we had anticipated, so we decided to go on a WW2 bunker tour by the Berliner Unterwelten. I've been to the tour years ago, but it was great also this time!

In Leipzig I only did a little shopping before dinner and going to bed, but today the festival starts, yay!

Ready to head out at Leipzig!

I like the U-Bahns, they are so easy to use and the stations are beautiful. This one is
from the U8 platform at Alexanderplatz.

The local DM store at Leipzig is prepared for goth visitors!

I did some shopping. A few goodies from DM and Douglas, and a book from the Berliner Unterwelten shop.


  1. You look great, love the lipstick and spiked piercing!

    The sight of that table filled with Goth coloured cosmetics warms my heart!

    1. Thanks! I got the lipstick from New York, it's one of my current favourites. The shops in Leipzig sure know how to please a goth, black and white and red cosmetics for decent prices!

  2. Love the Berliner Unterwelten! The WW2 bunker tour is amazing. Have you done other tours as well? I did the Cold War one too, that was also a great experience. I always recommend the BU tours to people who go to Berlin!

    Have fun at WGT!

    1. I've seem the Cold War bunker too, and all the other tours look super interesting too! I think the next time I'm in Berlin I'll try the Flakturm tour.

  3. Is it lipstick from Golden Rose? :> Looks the same. If yes: love it!

  4. Oooh, I was so hoping to bump into you at WGT, but apparently it didn't happen. I met Adora BatBrat at the LAM concert, and Ronnie Moorings chose to stand right behind me (sitting on the ground a little outside the crowd) there too. I also met Das Ich's Bruno Kramm at the Moritzbastei, but I never talked to all of them, because I wanted to respect their privacy and not bother them. After all, I'm not an autograph hunter at all - but I would have loved to meet you and chat a little about the lovely family meet (that's how I always call WGT) our superbly beautiful outfits ;)

    Lots of love from Austria,
